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You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

While metrics are important in every aspect of any business, they’re especially critical in sales. Sales leaders can’t use their intuition to guide their decisions — not only are they dealing with a huge amount of information, but the risk of failure is high.

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That’s why successful companies obsessively measure everything about their go-to-market model,销售策略, and salespeople.

To help you find the numbers you need to be paying attention to, we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to sales metrics.


Now, you might be wondering what types of sales metrics there are and which ones you should be tracking.

Below, we’ll review some of the most important metrics your business needs to keep track of. We’ve categorized the list into the following sections:

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Let’s get started.

Sales Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

These sales metrics are important for measuring company-wide performance.

    • Total revenue:总收入是指所有产品和服务中所有运营和销售活动产生的收入总额。
    • Revenue by product or service:这是指每产品或服务产生的收入。
    • Market penetration: Market penetration refers to your number of customers compared to the total number of potential customers in the market.
    • Percentage of revenue from new business: This metric shows you how much income you’re generating from new customers every month or quarter.
    • 现有客户的收入百分比: This refers to the income generated fromcross-selling and upsellingcurrent customers, as well from repeat orders and expanded contracts.
    • Year-over-year growth: This metric compares the revenue generated from year to year.
    • Averagecustomer lifetime value (LTV):LTV是指企业在公司的整个生命周期中对一家用户或客户期望的收入量。bob全站app
    • Net Promoter Score (NPS): This score reflects whether a customer or user would recommend your business to another person.
    • Number of deals lost to competition: Gathered during a获胜评论or a customer survey, this metric shows you how much business you’re losing to the competition.
    • Revenue by territory:这是指在某个地区销售产生的收入量。
  • Revenue by market:This refers to the amount of income generated from sales in a particular vertical.
  • Cost of selling: Cost of selling, also referred to asselling expenses, refers to the amount of money you and your sales reps invest to sell the product. This metric is most useful when measured as a percentage of the revenue generated.

Activity Sales Metrics

These sales metrics show what salespeople are doing on a daily basis. Activity metrics are “manageable,” meaningsales managerscan directly influence them.

Imagine one of your reps isn’t hitting their quota. Digging into their activity metrics, you discover they aren’t sending enough emails to generate the number of calls they need. You can’t control how much this salesperson sells — but you can tell them to increase their daily email output.

Activity metrics include the number of:

  • 打电话
  • 电子邮件sent
  • Conversations
  • Social media interactions
  • Scheduled meetings
  • Demos or sales presentations
  • Referral requests
  • 提案发送

Activity sales metrics are leading indicators. In other words, they predict your ultimate results.

Pipeline Sales Metrics

Gauge the health of your sales pipeline with these metrics. They help you understand what’s working and what’s not regarding your holistic sales process.

To better understand the data, you must measure the following metrics by a specific time frame, such as a month or quarter. You’ll also want to look at the metrics by team and by individual.

  • Average length ofsales cycle: This refers to the amount of time it takes for leads to go through the sales pipeline until becoming a closed-won deal.
  • Total open opportunities:这是指团队或个人的公开交易数量。
  • Total closed opportunities: This refers to the number of closed-won deals.
  • Weighted value of pipeline: This metric shows the estimated value of deals as they move through the pipeline.
  • Total value of sales: This refers to the income generated directly and exclusively from sales activities.
  • Annual contract value (ACV): ACV refers to the amount of revenue a contract generates per year.
  • 赢率: This refers to the number of deals won divided by the total number of deals. It can be measured by team and by individual.
  • Conversion rate by sales funnel stage: This refers to the number of converting leads at every stage of the sales funnel. It can be measured by team and by individual.

Lead Generation Sales Metrics

How well are your salespeople prospecting? Use these metrics to find out.

  • Frequency/volume of new opportunities added to the pipeline
  • Average lead response time
  • Percentage of leads followed up with
  • Percentage of leads followed up within target time range (for example, 8 hours)
  • Percentage of leads dropped
  • Percentage of qualified leads
  • 客户获取成本(CAC)

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Outreach Sales Metrics

Some metrics in this category probably won’t be important to your company. It comes back to your individual sales process, methodology, and strategy: If your reps exclusively target prospects they’ve met at trade shows, the average initial-contact-to-meeting rate would be a better reflection of their performance than average email open rate.

Email Sales Metrics
  • Open rate
  • Response rate
  • Engagement rate (link clicks, webinar attendance, video plays, etc.)
  • Percentage of recipients who move to the next step
  • Call-backs
  • Percentage of prospects who agree to a conversation
  • Percentage of prospects who move to the next step
Social Media Social Metrics
  • Percentage of LinkedIn connection requests accepted
  • InMail response rate
  • Percentage of prospects engaged with on social media who move to next step
  • Conferences, trade shows, events
  • Number of meetings set
  • Number of qualified opportunities generated



  • Percentage of opportunities closed/won
  • 丢失的机会百分比(没有决定)
  • Percentage of opportunities lost to competitor
  • Percentage of opportunities won by lead source
  • Average number of conversations for won opportunities
  • Average number of conversations for lost opportunities

Channel Sales Metrics

These metrics will help you optimize yourchannel sales strategy

  • Total revenue from partner deals
  • Revenue by partner
  • Margin by partner
  • Average deal size by partner
  • Number of partners achieving revenue targets
  • Number of new opportunities added by partners
  • 合作伙伴增加的合格机会数量bob综合博彩下载
  • Number of opportunities in partner pipeline
  • Average deal velocity (number of days, weeks, or months until a deal is marked closed/won or closed/lost)
  • Retention rate of partner customers
  • 合作伙伴客户的平均交叉销售和销售率
  • Averagecustomer satisfaction scoreof partner customers
  • Total number of partners
  • Number of new partners added in past month/quarter/year
  • Number of partners lost in past month/quarter/year
  • Average time to find, onboard, and train new partners

Sales Productivity Metrics

Sales productivity is defined at the rate at which your salespeople hit their revenue targets. The less time it takes a salesperson to meet their quota, the higher their sales productivity.

To see how productive your reps are, use these metrics:

  • 销售活动的时间百分比
  • Percentage of time spent on manual data entry
  • Percentage of time spent creating content
  • Percentage of marketing collateral used by salespeople
  • 每天使用的销售工具的平均数量
  • Percentage of high-quality leads followed up with

Sales Hiring Metrics

没有一个坚实的销售招聘strategy, hitting your targets becomes far harder. Nothing makes team quota slip further out of reach than unexpectedly losing a high (or even average) performer.


You should track:

  • Percentage of sales management time spent recruiting
  • Average time-to-hire
  • Percentage of hires from various sources
  • Percentage of offers accepted
  • Average tenure with your company
  • Average turnover rate
  • Average cost to replace a salesperson by role

It's important to also measure onboarding metrics.


Sales ramp-up time represents the average amount of time it takes a new salesperson to become fully productive. Use it to make hiring and firing decisions, set expectations with new reps, and develop more accuratesales forecasts


Although this method is fairly simple, it ignores the fact new sales reps often take over existing accounts or prospects — which gives them a head start. In addition, a salesperson who hits 98% of their quota is likely fully ramped, but this formula wouldn’t count them as such until they hit 100%.

Alternatively,Ideal CEO Somen Mondal has developed a formulathat factors in training, the length of your sales cycle, and prior experience.

Ramp-up = amount of time spent in training + average sales cycle length + X

X是基于salesperson’s experience: The more they have, the smaller this number is.

Here’s an example for a well-seasoned rep, assuming training lasts 20 days and your average sales cycle is six weeks.

Ramp = 20 days + 42 days + 16 days

This salesperson would receive 78 days to reach full productivity.

Sales Process, Tool, and Training Adoption Metrics

Most companies invest heavily in sales enablement and training. To ensure your money is being spent wisely, track the following metrics.

  • Percentage of reps following thesales process
  • Percentage of reps using sales and marketing collateral
  • 使用指定脚本,消息传递和/或email templates
  • Average cost of training by salesperson
  • Average time spent in training every month, quarter, and/or year by salesperson
  • Percentage of reps applying sales training six months out
  • Average level of satisfaction with sales training
  • Percentage of reps using the CRM
  • Percentage of reps using a specific tool, such as LinkedIn Navigator, Datanyze, orSales Hub

It’s relatively simple to gauge CRM and technology adoption: Simply look at your usage data.

However, knowing how many reps are following your sales process is more challenging.

Consider holding an anonymous survey with questions like, “Do you follow the outlined sales process with the majority of your prospects?”, “Do you use the prescribed needs assessment framework?”, and so on.

You should also use blind surveys to learn how satisfied reps are with the quality, frequency, delivery method, and focus of your sales training program.

Next, let’s take a look at how to make sense of the raw data using leading and lagging indicators.



Leading Indicators

A leading indicator predicts your results. In other words, it tells you which direction you're trending while there's still time to change the final outcome. While leading indicators can be more difficult to measure than lagging indicators, they're also far easier to influence.

Lagging Indicators

A lagging indicator reflects your ultimate results.

They're reactive, not proactive. For instance, a lagging indicator might be your team's quota attainment at the end of the month. After seeing the lagging indicators, it’s time to come up with a销售计划to improve the results.

Leading and lagging indicators are also used in SaaS sales metrics. But these metrics are different from the standard KPIs we covered above.

SaaS Sales Metrics

Software as a service (SaaS)是一种软件bob电竞官方下载发行模型,可为客户提供对Internet上应用程序的访问,而不是需要物理媒体和自定义安装。

SaaS and subscription businesses require different metrics. AsDavid Skok, general partner at Matrix Partners, explains:

“SaaS和其他经常性收入企业different because the revenue for the service comes over an extended period of time (the customer lifetime). If a customer is happy with the service, they will stick around for a long time, and the profit that can be made from that customer will increase considerably. On the other hand, if a customer is unhappy, they will churn quickly, and the business will likely lose money on the investment that they made to acquire that customer."

Rather than solely focusing on acquiring the customer (the "first sale"), Skok explains you must also focus on keeping them (the "second sale").


Let’s go over these below.

Customer Acquisition Cost

客户获取成本(CAC)is the average amount of sales and marketing expenses required to acquire one new customer.

Here are some potential components of your CAC:

  • Inbound marketing (blogging, SEO, social media)
  • Sales and business development
  • 付费广告
  • Events and trade shows
How to Calculate CAC


For example, if you spent $1,000 in one month and acquired 50 customers, your CAC would be 20.

This formula is easy to follow. But as HubSpot's former VP of Growth Brian Balfour explains, it can be inaccurate unless your prospects become customers extremely quickly or your marketing and sales expenses are static (which is unlikely).

If you measure CAC by month, but it takes your typical prospect two months to buy after the first marketing touchpoint, your results will be misleading. Perhaps you start a new marketing campaign in January — its impact on CAC won't be visible until February.

To correct for these mistakes, Balfour recommends using the following formula:

CAC = (Marketing Expenses (n-60) + 1/2 Sales (n-30) + ½ Sales (n)) / New Customers (n), where n= Current Month


Balfour还指出人们通常将“ CAC”与“ CPA”混为一谈,但两者是不同的,这个错误可能很昂贵。

CPA stands for每次收购成本。It represents how much money you need to spend to acquire a non-customer, like a lead, a free trial, a registration, or a user.


For example, if you offer a freemium version of your software product, your CPA would measure the cost of acquiring a free user. Your CAC would measure the cost of acquiring a paid user.


SaaS companies must know how many months it takes to recover CAC, the amount they invested in getting a new customer.

Not only does this metric help you manage cash flow, it also tells you how long you need to retain a customer to break even.

Let's say your CAC is $200, and yourAverage Revenue Per User or Account (ARPU/ARPA)is $400. Your gross margin is 95%.

Months to recover CAC = CAC divided by (ARPA x GM)

In this example, you'd break even in approximately two weeks.

Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer lifetime value (LTV)是您公司从买家那里赚取的平均金额,无论他们多久就会留住客户(即X月或几年bob全站app)。

LTV tells you whether you're spending too much or too little on acquiring customers. The optimal LTV:CAC ratio is 3:1. In other words, if it takes a dollar to get a prospect to buy your product, they'll spend $3 over their time as a customer.

Segment your customers, then look at average LTV. The findings will tell you where to focus your energy and/or change your strategy. For example, if Tier X of accounts has a 1.5:1 LTV:CAC ratio, while Tier Y has a 4:1 ratio, you'd probably want to:

  • Decrease your marketing and sales expenses for Tier X and increase them for Tier Y
  • 弄清楚为什么X客户的盈利能力降低了 - 他们在较早搅动,购买更少和/或购买附加组件更少?

Average Revenue Per User or Account

Average Revenue Per User or Account(ARPU/ARPA) is the mean amount of revenue from a single user or customer. Companies typically calculate it per month or year, depending on their business model.

If you offer monthly contracts, calculate it on a per-month basis; if the majority of your contracts are annual, calculate it per year.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)跟踪您公司希望每月获得的总可预测收入。bob全站app它是SaaS业务最重要的销售指标之一,因为它反映了增长并帮助您预测未来的收入。



  • 将您从每个客户带来的每月收入加起来,以获取MRR的总收入。
  • 将ARPA乘以您的付费客户数量。

The first method takes longer but is also more accurate. If Customer X is paying $200 per month, and Customer Y is paying $400 per month, your MRR would be $600.

The second method is easier. If you have four customers, and ARPA is $150, your MRR would be $600.

Make sure you're not including one-time payments in your MRR, like implementation and/or limited support fees.

Be careful about quarterly, semi-annual, and annual plans as well. Let's say a new customer signs a $1,200 year-long contract in December. If you tally up your MRR on a customer-by-customer basis that month, you might incorrectly add $1,200. But you're not generating $1,200 from this account each month — you're generating $100.

To include these subscription values in your MRR, simply divide them by four, six, or twelve if they're quarterly, semi-annual, or yearly, respectively.

有不同类型的每月的反复出现的牧师enues you can calculate: new MRR, expansion MRR, and churn MRR.


New MRR refers to revenue from new customers. Suppose you acquired one customer paying $50 per month and a second customer paying $45 per month. Your new MRR would equal $95 per month.

Expansion MRR

Expansion MRR is revenue generated from existing customers, including cross-sells (buying complementary products or services), upgrades/upsells (a more expensive plan), and greater volume (buying more seats, usage data, transactions, etc.)


Churn MRR

Churn MRR is the revenue you've lost from customers who have downgraded their plans or canceled altogether. It's a leading indicator of next month's MRR. For example, if two customers each paying $400 canceled in June, your MRR would be $800 lower in July.

Annual Recurring Revenue

Annual recurring revenue is your MRR multiplied by 12, or the amount of recurring revenue you'll generate in a calendar year.

It has a big advantage over MRR. Because salespeople typically sell more during longer months (like March, August, and December), and sell less during shorter months (like February, June, and April), your predicted MRR might be off from month to month.

Since ARR applies to the entire year, monthly variance has no impact.

Should You Focus on MRR or ARR?

The short answer is that you should focus on both. While MRR tells you how your business is doing on a monthly basis, ARR gives you a yearly picture.

Your priority should depend on your company's maturity and business model. If you're generatingmore than $10 million every year,用ARR思考。如果您的生成少于此,则较短的镜头更有帮助。

Churn Rate in SaaS

Your churn rate is the percentage of customers who cancel their recurring subscriptions. You can calculate per month, quarter, or year, depending on the most common type of contract you use.

The formula for churn rate is:

(# of customers lost in given time period) / # total customers at beginning of given time period

Imagine the majority of your customers are on semi-annual plans. In January, you have 400 customers. In June, you have 500 customers.

Your churn rate equals: -100 / 500, or -20%. You're gaining more customers than you're losing.



From a business standpoint, it's probably preferable to lose three customers each paying $40 per month than one customer paying $300 per month.

Negative Churn

Negative Churn is aterm popularized by Skokthat means your expansion MRR exceeds your churn MRR. If you can achieve negative churn, your business will grow exponentially.

Sales KPIs by Team Type

You can also look at sales KPIs by the type of team you have. Inside sales, field sales, and sales development have different metrics to measure.


Inside sales teams rely on these KPIs (from most frequently used to least):

  • 交易数量已关闭
  • Opportunities by stage
  • Calls
  • Meetings
  • Significant interactions or events (for example, ROI meetings or conversations lasting four-plus minutes)
  • Opportunities created
  • Demos
  • Quotes/proposals
  • 电子邮件
  • 会议预定


Outside sales teams use many of the same metrics as inside sales teams but prioritize meetings more heavily.

  • Meetings
  • 交易数量已关闭
  • Opportunities created
  • Opportunities by stage
  • Quotes/proposals
  • Significant interactions or events
  • Calls
  • Demos
  • 电子邮件

Sales Development Metrics


  • Meetings
  • Calls
  • Opportunities created
  • Significant interactions or events
  • Opportunities by stage
  • 交易数量已关闭(by their partner Account Executive)
  • Demos
  • 电子邮件
  • 会议预定

We’ve covered a lot of metrics so far — but luckily, you don’t have to keep track of them manually. You can use a sales metrics dashboard that compiles these insights in an easy-to-scan and presentation-ready format.

Here’s an example of a dashboard:

Sales metrics dashboard example in Sales Hub

Image Source

CRMs, likeHubSpot, come with the ability to create these dashboards within the system. Some let you choose from pre-set dashboards, while others (such as HubSpot when the CRM is paired with theReporting Add-On) let you build custom reports to track your most important sales metrics.

Learn how to create custom reports with HubSpot's Reporting Dashboard through a free demo.

Let’s go into some of the metrics you’d track on a dashboard.

1. Sales Performance by Rep

Create friendly competition by publicly tracking how each salesperson is performing. Pick your sales metrics based on the behavior you want to promote; for example, if you’re trying to increase your team’s prospecting efforts, you might display the number of total opportunities created in the last month.

To ensure your reps didn’t chase unqualified leads simply to fill their pipelines, you might also display total sales by rep.



3. Sales Management

It’s critical for sales managers to know how the team is trending. Track the value of new opportunities compared to the previous month or quarter, the weighted value of your pipeline, total sales versus your target, and/or close rate by salesperson.


You’ll want to know how many contacts have been created, how many have been assigned, and how many are moving through the sales funnel. It’s important to understand the numbers so that you can make better decisions for the team and establish new goals. It can also help you identify and diagnose points of friction in the sales funnel.

If you’re not ready to invest in a CRM that offers a sales metrics dashboard, you can use a sales KPI template that can be compiled in a spreadsheet.

Sales KPI Template

Sales KPI dashboard template in Google Sheets

Asales metrics calculatorgives you an easy way to track your sales metrics in a single place.

ThisKPI calculatoris customizable to your business goals. It includes tabs for different KPIs that you can then track on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. In addition, the spreadsheet has pre-built formulas to help you tie your KPIs to key results areas (KRAs).

You’ll be able to track the following KPIs:

  • 平均交易规模: Your company’s total revenue divided by the number of deals closed in a month, quarter, or year.
  • 赢率: The number of deals won versus the number of deals lost.
  • Demo-to-Close Ratio: The number of demos that were carried out divided by the number of deals that were won.
  • Quota Setting Calculator。目标收益(OTE)乘以5。
  • Commission Calculator:总额你会支付你t in commissions to your sales reps.
  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The amount spent on sales and marketing efforts, divided by the number of customers acquired.
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Average annual revenue per customer divided by the average lifetime of a customer.
  • Revenue by Product: Amount of income generated per product.
  • Customer Retention Rate: The percentage of customers who stay with your business.
  • 收入流失: The amount of revenue that’s lost in a month, quarter, or year.
  • Employee Turnover Rate: The percentage of sales reps who leave your team.


It’s critical to track sales metrics to ensure that your team is heading in the right direction. Carefully picking which ones to prioritize and then course-correcting (or even completely pivoting) will put you ahead of the game. You'll be able to analyze your progress, achieve your sales goals, and positively impact your bottom line.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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