surfing wavesIf you're a Netflix user or have ever purchased something from Amazon, you've experienced the awesome effects of a personalized experience. No need to browse page after page of movie titles; Netflix has a list of suggestions based on your movie preferences and viewing history. Recently watched and enjoyedThe Breakfast Club? Then maybe you'd also enjoy圣埃尔莫之火, another Brat Pack classic. And if you've ever purchased a book from Amazon, you were likely greeted with afollow-up emailoffering other book suggestions based on the subject matter of your recent purchase. And did you return for more? Likely, you did.BRILLIANT!

So why did you click on the links within your Amazon email, and why do you continue to value Netflix's movie suggestions? Because they're personalized to suit your specific interests, wants, and needs, and in addition, it's easy. There's a good reason1/3 of marketers believe personalized marketing campaigns are effective(EPiServer)。是因为他们是。下一波inbound marketing geniusis personalization, and it's not just applicable to B2C-centric companies like Amazon and Netflix. A more personalized experience for your prospects and customers that caters to their individual problems, interests, needs, and wants is a sure-fire way to keep people coming back for more. And what does this translate to? More visits = more leads, and more leads = more (happier) customers.

Feeling the urge to get personal? Implement the following 10 marketing personalization tactics in your marketing strategy now to ride the personalization wave of more effective marketing.

10 Brilliant Marketing Personalization Tactics to Implement Immediately

1. Send email messages from a human, not a company.

This is probably the easiest way to start creating a more personal experience for your email recipients. Instead of having the sender/from name be Company X, make it the name of a living, breathing member of your marketing team. In addition, consider adding their photo and email signature to the body of the email to show that an actual human took the time and effort to craft the message and will field any responses. (Check out our free tool to建立新的电子邮件签名。)

2. Use recipients' real names in email messages.

"Dear friend," "To [FirstName]," and "Hi Customer" are all unacceptable greetings for youremail communications。A prospect or lead's name is one of the easiest pieces of lead intelligence to gather. If they filled out a form, at the very least, you got their name and email address, right? Otherwise, you probably shouldn't be emailing them. Most email service providers will enable you to customize your email messages with the recipient's first name, so take advantage of it!

3. Segment your email database and personalize messaging.

According to EPiServer's data,14% of marketers indicated that personalized campaigns generate a betterresponse rate than mass-market campaigns。Want to generate a better response rate for your email campaigns? Segment your email list. You can go about this in a number of ways using the information you've collected from prospects and leads. In the simplest way, you should at least segment bymarketing persona。如果您确定了三个独立的营销角色,它们构成了理想的客户,请将您的列表分为三个不同的块。然后,使用特定角色使用和响应的语言,在单独的电子邮件中个性化消息传递将发送给每个块。

4. Target content to speak to the specific needs of various marketing personas.

Similarly, create new content or modify existing content to address the specific needs, problems, and language of your various marketing personas. Consider the fact that one persona might have problems the other persona doesn't. If you were prepping for a non-personalized campaign, that would mean you'd have to create one-size-fits-all content that avoids addressing that particular problem. But with a personalized approach that's targeted at a specific group of prospects, you can address that problem andcreate a more personalized and valuable content experience对于那些潜在客户。

5. Create targeted landing pages geared toward different marketing personas.If you don't have the bandwidth to create content targeted at each of your business' customer personas, you should at leastcreate targeted landing pagesfor your various offers. Customize the language and messaging on your landing pages to address the specific needs of that particular segment, and do this for each segment.

6. Use marketing automation tools to trigger lead nurturing campaigns based on content interest.While you may address different industry issues and topics within your content, that doesn't mean that all prospects are interested in all topics. If a lead downloads an ebook focused on Topic X, for example, usemarketing automationtools to automatically enter them into a lead nurturing campaign that delivers content relevant to that initial topic and personalizes email messages based on knowledge of that original content download.

7. Create targeted LinkedIn Company Product Page variations.LinkedIn Company Pages offer an awesome targeting tool that enables you to个性化产品/服务LinkedIn页面访问者在LinkedIn上访问您的公司产品页面时会看到bob全站app。You can target based on demographic information such as industry, job function, and geographic location. You can use this not only to target different products at different users, but you can also add some of your content and other offers as 'products' and target different content offers accordingly.

8. Experiment with Google+ topic Circles to target content.Another way you can use social networks to provide more personalized content distribution is通过Google+。Using Circles, you can create a few different topic Circles depending on the various interests of your target audience. Then poll your page followers, ask which Circles they'd like to be added to, and distribute relevant content targeted at just those Circles. This creates an element of exclusivity and personalization.(注意:用户首先必须遵循你的谷歌+Page in order for you to add them to a Circle.)

9. Respond to prospects and customers in social media.Consumers are increasingly taking to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ to conduct research to inform their purchasing decisions. Don't over-automate your marketing messages or neglect tomonitor social media activityon a daily basis. Be sure a real human is tracking and responding to questions and comment in social media and are at the ready to provide the best and most appropriate content to addresses fans and followers' specific needs.

10. Use lead intelligence to personalize sales follow up.Lead intelligence, or data you gather about your leads--demographic information, behavior on your site, etc.--can be extremely helpful as you define segments of your business' customer personas, but it can also serve as a powerful lever to help your sales team personalize their sales pitches. What industry does the lead work in? Which lead nurturing campaign was he a part of? Which channel led him to his first conversion? Which types of content did he download and read along the way? Thisintelligence can provide vital information that your sales team can useto personalize their pitch and understand the needs of that particular lead before they even pick up the phone. And a better prepared sales person can lead to a much quicker close.

68%的营销人员计划在其营销中使用更多个性化communications. Are you one of them?

Image Credit:Daniel Flower

download your free marketing personalization ebook

Originally published Dec 22, 2011 11:30:00 AM, updated February 01 2017

