

Having a well-defined persona can help you build更好的营销计划从长远来看,并帮助您针对正确的潜在消费者群体的营销活动和报价。归根结底,角色向您的客户展示了一个面孔,并帮助您确定他们的需求和需求。

随着时间的推移,您开发营销活动和产品时,了解角色特征对您的公司来说是无价的。bob全站app如果您以对公司有价值的方式与客户联系,您可能会考虑进行一些研究,并且bob全站appbuildingsome personas. Here are six core benefits to why establishing well-defined personas is a good idea for you and your customers.

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1.了解客户需求/兴趣:When you're trying to buy the perfect gift for your mother, spouse, or friend, you can easily visualize them in your head as you shop. You can imagine their needs and wants, the things they'd love, the things they'd be interested in, and all the things they hate. Customer personas work in the same way. They allow you to better understand the needs and wants of your customer base.

如何利用它:通过知道客户面临的问题,您可以cater your content to your audiencein a way that they'll find valuable. Use these insights into your customers' needs and wants to identify the topics your prospects want to learn more about, and create content around those topics.

2. Knowledge of Where Customers Spend Time:Once you know the background of each of your personas, this insight will help you gain a better understanding of where your customers spend their time online, where they go to get their information, and which social networks they typically use to connect with family, friends, and co-workers.

如何利用它:了解此信息将使您能够更好地定位您的内容,并在您的潜在客户最有可能看到它的地方进行宣传。如果您的角色之一倾向于花更多的时间Facebookcompared to another, who prefers email, you'll know which type of content needs to be in each place. The prospects you want to reach are more likely to react to the content that interests them if it's found in the channels they already populate.

3.更好的质量线索:So far, your personas have helped you to identify what interests them, which content topics they prefer, and where to find them. What does that all mean exactly? It means you are going to be able to better cater your marketing to the right people in the right places, all which gives you the powerful opportunity to generate better quality leads.

如何利用它:Use the information you collect about your prospects to help you make a personal connection through email marketing and be better able to direct your messages in a more personalized way. This will also enable you to建立更好的铅培养计划targeted at different personas and improve lead quality for you company, which in turn means better customers!


如何利用它:这个信息是非常有用的为您的萨尔es team. If a lead is designated as one persona over another, Sales can be better able to tailor their sales pitch before even connecting with the lead for the first time. They'll already have an idea of what is important to that lead and their company, they'll be better prepared for the particular questions the lead might ask, and they'll have a clearer understanding of what it will take to close the sale.

5. Richer Closed-Loop Analytics:Once you know which persona will lead to your most ideal customer, you'll also know which leads your marketing and sales team should be spending the most time on attracting and working. This creates more efficiency within your company overall because there is less wasted time dealing with leads that will never purchase or acquiring customers that don’t stick around for long term.


6.更好的产品开发:Not only do personas allow you to generate better quality leads and customers, but they also help you work with your customers and build future products/product features to suit their needs. With well-developed personas, you can create products and services that are more closely aligned to what your customers want, allowing you to better cater to their needs. You'll be more likely to keep customers for the long haul if your products and services grow and change with your customers.

如何利用它:Use the information you gather about your different marketing personas to inform and make recommendations to your product development team so you can create killer products that appeal to your customers.


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Originally published Dec 13, 2011 7:30:00 PM, updated August 26 2017

