“谁,我?更多的landing pages, you say? But I've already got some of those floating around my website." Sure ... BUT WHERE ALL THE LEADS AT?!

几个月前,我写了一篇关于为什么着陆页是营销必不可少的一部分. And for all you marketers out there who have been going inbound for a while, you probably 'get' why they're important. But are you creatingenoughof them to really scale your lead generation efforts?For many of you, probably not.Let's find out why -- at least in the case of landing pages -- more is better.

Why You Need More Landing Pages

First, I'm going to throw some brand spankin' new data at you, straight from ourMarketing Benchmarks From 7,000 Businesses报告,您可以download in full herefor free. Just have a look-see at the graph below:

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While most companies don't see anincrease in leads将其登陆页面总数从1-5增加到6-10时,companiesdosee a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15. And look how that leads index number spikes even more when a company has 40 or more landing pages on their website. And here's how it breaks down for B2B and B2C businesses:

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As you can see, it's hard to deny there's a pretty strong correlation between the number of landing pages you have on your website and lead generation. But why is this so? Here are four good explanations why the more landing pages, the better your leads number.


Quite simply, the morelanding pagesyou have on your website, the more opportunities you have to convert site visitors into leads. There's also a hugeSEO benefit拥有更多的着陆页,这些页面甚至可能在访问者登陆您的网站之前会产生影响。想一想:您拥有的登陆页面越多,搜索索引的登陆页面就越多。而且,如果搜索者偶然发现将它们直接引导到您的一个着陆页之一的搜索结果,那么您将基本上削减访问者的额外步骤,并需要单击呼叫行动以进入同一着陆页。换句话说,从发现到转换的途径的摩擦要小得多。你知道吗what happens when there's less friction?你生成more leads.

2) More Landing Pages Means More Variety

你们都听说过说:“多样性是生活的香料”,对吗?是的 - 它也适用于营销。从访客的角度考虑它。假设您正在访问业务网站,然后冲浪到其“资源”部分(您知道,企业可能会在哪里组织其所有报价及其各自的登陆页面)。bob体育苹果系统下载安装现在,我们还要说,“资源”页面仅具有5个(甚至10bob体育苹果系统下载安装个),根据上述研究的提议,因为这些是唯一的特定业务提供的报价。也许这些提供的东西都没有真正吸引您,因为好吧……种类不足。因此,您可以使用网络浏览方式,放弃网站而无需转换任何内容。嘿,如果该业务仅在整个网站上提供一些优惠或通过其其他营销渠道进行促进,则会发生同样的事情。如果他们都没有让您作为访客的幻想挠痒痒,那么您可能不会转换。

In a nutshell, don't let this happen to you. Creating more landing pages means you'll have a wider variety of offers for your visitors to convert on and for you to promote, which leads us to reason number three ...


The more landing pages you have, the more offers you'll have to fuel the rest of your inbound marketing efforts. Remember, content is the heart and soul of any successful inbound marketing strategy. Without it, you'd have nothing to email your contacts, nothing to share with your social media fans and followers, nothing to promote through your websitecalls-to-action,在搜索中没有找到并为您的关键字进行排名。您拥有的报价越多 - 登陆页面可以容纳这些优惠,您可以做的更多(且越有效)的入站营销。而且,由于第二个原因(品种)也是其中的一个重要因素,因此您拥有的登陆页面越多,您就可以捕捉到业务的潜在客户的潜在客户越多。

4) More Landing Pages Means More Targeting Opportunities

细分很重要-- and not just when it comes to email marketing. But when youidentify various different buyer personasand segments within your audience, you have the opportunity to better appeal to those different audiences' interests and needs with more targeted and relevant offers. And to leverage this savvy thinking, face it: You need more landing pages. So what naturally ends up happening for marketers who build up a big arsenal of 40+ landing pages, is they start to create more segment-specific content that, because it's highly relevant to different parts of their audience, is much better able to convert visitors into leads.

How to Increase the Number of Landing Pages on Your Site

"I get it, I get it: More landing pages is better. But how can I go about cranking out more of those bad boys?" So glad you asked!

1) Invest in a Landing Page Creation Tool (And Control Over Your Website)

Let's address one of marketers' biggest landing page creation roadblocks first. According toMarketingSherpa'sLanding Page Handbook (2nd edition),the number one reason businesses don't use landing pages is because their marketing department doesn't know how to set them up, or they are too overloaded. If you're nodding your head in agreement, you absolutely positively need to invest in a tool that enables you to quickly and easily create optimized landing pages. This involves taking control of your website, so if it takes you weeks to get a landing page created (or even justedited)because you have to go through some third party resource like a webmaster to make changes for you, put an end to that as soon as possible. Inbound marketing requires agility, and you'll never成为敏捷的营销商if you're dependent on someone else to get things done for you. Plus, I hear HubSpot has a pretty sweet and easy-to-useLanding Page tool(*眨眼眨眼*)。

landing pages create and test resized 6002)创建更多优惠

I'm just gonna give it to you straight. You can't just go around slapping together a ton of new landing pages, no matter how motivated you are to reap those "more is better" results. You're going to need offers (andgood ones, at that) to go along with them. Keep in mind that landing pages are simply the gateways for your marketing offers, so in order to increase your site's number of landing pages, you need to increase offer creation, too. And don't get me wrong, this要花一些时间和精力,但是如果您希望在潜在客户中获得更大的收益,这也是绝对必要的。

Before you start creating new offers, take a look at the offers you already have, and identify where you might have some holes. Do you have offers to suit prospects ateach different stage在您的营销和销售渠道中?您是否有各种不同格式的报价(例如,网络研讨会与电子书与模板与视频等)?它们是否涵盖了您的目标受众关心的各种不同主题?一旦确定了孔是什么,就可以开始填补空白。要了解有关报价创建的更多信息,请查看此信息blog post about how to create marketing offers that don't fall flat.

3) Tweak the Offers You Already Have to Cater to Individual Personas

Okay -- so you're going to have to create a bunch more offers to leverage the lead-gen power of an increase in landing pages. But here's a little saving grace: not all of these offers need to be created from scratch. In fact, if you already have a few general offers on your hands but also know that you have a few different buyer personas that you market to, one great way to increase your number of offers (and as a result, landing pages) is to tweak your existing offers to cater to each of your different personas. As you're doing this, reposition the content and create a landing page that caters to that persona's individual needs, problems, and interests; adjust the offer's formatting, depth, and length; modify language and tone; and incorporate industry/persona-specific examples -- all of which we elaborate on in这篇有关如何量身定制的文章提供了适合个人角色的内容.

And once you have a variety of persona-specific marketing offers, then you can segment your prospects by persona and nurture them with the right offers through tools like email marketing, ordynamic CTAson your various web pages.


当我们讨论现有内容的主题时,不要忽略这样一个事实,即有很多不同的方法可以创建new使用您已经拥有的内容的报价,节省您从头开始建立全新报价的时间和精力。我们文章中提出的一些很棒的优惠想法,”The Time-Crunched Marketer's Guide to Creating Lead-Gen Offers”包括创建一个博客包拉的磕磕碰碰er a compilation of your best blog posts around a given topic, making a data compilation of interesting industry research and data you've already collected, turning an educational PPT presentation you've given into a downloadable PDF or a live webinar, recording an interview, creating an FAQ-driven ebook, etc.

你有足够的登陆页哟ur website? In what other ways can you increase landing page production?

Image Credit:grongar

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Originally published Oct 26, 2012 9:00:00 AM, updated June 10 2021


着陆页 Free Landing Page Builder