There's no one-size-fits-all solution for电话行动。您不能仅仅在红色按钮上拍“单击此处”的单词,在您的网站上到处将其放置在您希望人们点击的地方,然后开始浏览潜在客户和客户。

Effective calls-to-action(CTAs) are abitmore complex than that. You've got multiple audiences looking at your website --visitors, leads, customers, promoters, etc. -- and you want to get each group to do different things.

Download Now: 28 Free CTA Templates

You want to get those visitors to become leads, leads to become customers, and then customers to become promoters -- but you can't serve them the same CTAs to accomplish those different goals.


However, you don't need to go overboard and create a bagillion different CTAs -- in reality, there are really onlyeight different types of CTAsyou need on your website when you're first starting out.

As your business grows and your website gets more complex, you might need to switch these up, but these are a great jumping-off point for any marketer.

Bonus: The CTAs below can be made with ourfree PowerPoint Template, so you can go ahead anddownload it hereif you want to use them on your own website.

The 8 Types of Call-to-Action Buttons You Need on Your Website


首先,卡尔ls-to-action are crucial togenerating leads from your website。Since you're trying to turn visitors into leads via these CTAs, you'll want to place them in any spot on your website with a high percentage of new visitors.

The most popular place people put these types of CTAs is on their blog -- at the end of their posts, in the sidebar, and maybe even as a floating banner in the corner. To be successful, these CTAs should be eye-catching and effectively communicate the value of clicking on it -- visitors should know exactly what to expect when they get to the landing page the CTA points to.

Here's what a lead generation CTA looks like:


2) Form Submission

And once your visitors get to your landing page, they'll need to do two more things before they can be registered as a lead: fill out a formandclick on a button to submit their information to your contacts database.

Since your visitors are sooooo close to becoming a lead, you don't want them to slip through the cracks with a lackluster submit button. Therefore, it's crucial to trade out your "submit" button copy for something more actionable and specific to themarketing offerthey are about to give their information for.

See how the lead capture form and button below are much more actionable and engaging than a "submit" button?


3) "Read More" Button

In any place you display a feed of content -- your blog, your customer case study page, or even your press newsroom -- you probably don't want to display thewholepost one the home page. Entice your homepage viewers to click on individual posts by featuring the first few paragraphs of your content followed by a "read more" CTA.

Here's what a "read more" button looks like:


Besides allowing more content to be featured on your homepage feed, "read more" buttons make sure that your engaging posts receive the stats they deserve. That way, people will have to click through to read any post instead of scrolling down on the homepage, which ensures that the post itself gets credited with its own traffic, not the homepage.

4) Product or Service Discovery

When someone is poking around your website trying to learn about your company and what it offers, you want to make it as easy as possible for them to do so. After all, your products and services are what keep your business afloat. The CTAs don't have to be fancy images -- simple text on a button can do the trick, as long as the button stands out enough against its background.

Here's an example of what that can look like, taken from our very own homepage:


Disclaimer: Our homepage product awareness CTA wasn't created in PowerPoint, but you can easily create the same look with ourPowerPoint templates.

5) Social Sharing

最简单的召唤类型之一是鼓励您与朋友分享内容。对于访问者,潜在客户和客户与您的品牌互动的社交分享按钮是一种低矮的方式。因此,请确保将它们包括在您网站上有意义的地方 - 博客文章,着陆页,等。

Don't just slap them on everything, though. You wouldn't want to include them in places where people are giving you their personal information, for example.

The best part about this type of CTA is that it is really easy to customize.

Here's what it can look like:


6) Lead Nurturing

So what happens when someone becomes a lead but isn't quite ready to lay down the moolah for your product or service? You've got to entice them with another type of offer -- but one that is more aligned with your product offering than a typical top of the funnel marketing offer.

Think about offers like product demos, free trials, or free quotes -- this is the offer you want to promote with a lead nurturing CTA. You want to showcase these CTAs in places you know lots of leads visit -- maybe as asmart CTAoption in a blog post or as an offering at the bottom of another marketing offer's thank you page.

Here's a prime example of what one looks like:


7) Closing the Sale

And once all of your lead generation and lead nurturing are done, you want to get down to business and turn those leads into customers. This type of CTA will be very sales-focused: you want to get potential customers to want to buy your product or service right here, right now.

同样,如果您有智能的CTA,则可以在博客文章的末尾使用它们 - 但是您也可以考虑将它们放在产品页面上,因为潜在客户可能希望在进行卷入之前进行最后一项研究。

This is an example of what a sales-focused CTA would look like:


8) Event Promotion

如果您要举办一个活动 - 无论是在线还是亲自举办活动 - 很明显,您将想让人们(和很多人)参加。

Use an event promotion CTA to raise awareness of the event or even help drive ticket sales. The best part about this type of CTA is that there are endless places you can put it, depending on which segment of your audience you're trying to get to attend.

For customers, you might consider placing this on their login page, dashboard, or even on the page you offer them a receipt. Or for leads, you could make this CTA appear in your blog sidebar. The possibilities are endless.

Here's a simple example of an event CTA:


New Call to action


Originally published Sep 25, 2013 8:00:00 AM, updated February 16 2021


Calls to Action