Coming up with fresh, new ideas isn't easy. And when your job requires churning them out on a daily basis, it can be easy to hit a wall. (Not to mention frustrating.)

That's why brainstorming sessions can be so helpful. But, as many of you probably know by experience, some brainstorming sessions are more productive than others.

Ever been to one where you left feeling like your team didn't really come away with anything useful? It's draining -- and it can feel like a waste of you and your team's time. Great brainstorming sessions, on the other hand, can be wonderfully revitalizing. Click here to download our free ebook on how to start a successful blog for  your business or project.



8 Brainstorming Ideas to Inspire Brilliance


当房间里的每个人都感到自在地扔掉时,最好的头脑风暴会议即将到来所有of their ideas, regardless of whether or not they're gold. But some members on your team might be worried they'll sound stupid or uninformed if they pitch ideas that aren't well thought-out.Studies have shownpeople are especially apprehensive when people in positions of power are present -- this apprehension can lead to major productivity loss in brainstorming groups.

One way to loosen people up and get the ideas flowing? Start out brainstorming sessions by spending 10 minutes coming up with a bunch ofbadideas first. You might throw one out yourself first to show them what you mean. This will help you set a much more open and playful tone than a formal atmosphere would. Gerry Graf of Barton F. Graf 9000 has his team come up with4,000 bad ideas在提出好的之前。

Once you've spent some time sharing throwaway ideas and having a few laughs, you can refocus on brainstorming ideas that could work. And who knows: An idea that isn't so great on its own could spark some really ingenious ones that inform the direction of the rest of the meeting.

2) Break and build ideas.

One way to turn a few ideas into many is by breaking them down or building them up. If you're starting with a really general theme, try breaking it down into parts and details and seeing if other ideas branch from it. Or, you can do the opposite, and build up a more specific idea to have it cover a broader perspective.

One way to break down or build up ideas is to have each person in the room jot down two or three ideas on their own pieces of paper. Then, have them trade papers with other members of the team, and build off their coworkers' ideas. You can rotate papers several times, and start a discussion based off the new ideas that emerge.

3) Play word games.


一个很棒的单词练习是创造“词风暴”。要创建一个单词Storm,请写下一个单词,然后集思广益,从第一个单词中浮现出一大堆单词。尝试思考该词的功能,其美学,如何使用,可以与之关联的隐喻等等。让想法自然流动,不要过度思考 - 这是一种创造性的练习。

Once you've listed out a bunch of words, group them together according to how they're related to one another. The goal? To come up with those less obvious words or phrases your audience might associate with whatever project you're working on.


You can record the word storm on a piece of paper or a whiteboard or by using这个在线单词风暴工具要创建一个视觉地图 - 会议结束后,您可以保存,导出并发送给团队。

思维导图是另一个强大的头脑风暴l to visualize related terms and ideas. Create a diagram starting with a central idea, and then branch out into major sub-topics, then sub-sub-topics. You can create mind maps either on paper or a whiteboard, or by using something likeMindNode app.

Finally, another word game you could try is coming up with whatCreative Bloq呼叫“本质词”:捕捉您要传达的精神,个性和信息的单词,即使它们看起来很疯狂。您可能会发现它有助于激发其他想法。


Combining imagery, color, and visual-spatial arrangements can help surface emotions and feelings that will spark fresh, new ideas.也已被证明to significantly improve information recall in comparison to more conventional methods of learning.


A mood board is simply a random collection of images, words, and textures focused on one topic, theme, or idea. Like with mind mapping, the visual components of the mood board can be anything branching off that central topic.


情绪板可以是物理板(例如,海报或软木板)或虚拟(例如,Pinterest板)。您也可以使用诸如MoodBoard appto help you collect, organize, and share all the visual components needed for your board.


Nothing gets the creative juices flowing like a little improvisation. This may sound silly, but hear me out: The more relaxed and playful the environment is (without being distracting), the more your team will feel comfortable thinking and sharing freely with one another.

圆桌会议公司的首席执行官科里·布雷克(Corey Blake)告诉赫芬顿邮报关于一个time he and his executive team opened a brainstorming session with a series of improv games. "That experience opened our minds and readied the team for play before diving into more traditional brainstorming," Blake said. "The result was a deeper dive into our exploration and more laughter and fun, which increased our aptitude for creativity."

If your team can relax briefly and laugh together, your creative energy will be much higher when you refocus on the project at hand.


Did you know that doodling can help spur creative insight, increase attention span, and free up short- and long-term memory?

Sunni Brown, author ofThe Doodle Revolution,写道:“当思想开始使用视觉语言时,您就会得到您处于语言模式时所没有的神经访问。”


What should you doodle? Here are two ideas from Brown's book:

  • 取一个物体,并在视觉上将其分解成最小的部分。因此,如果您从“狗”一词开始,则可以画爪子,尾巴和项圈。思考该对象的所有元素及其在其中找到的环境将使您可以以新的方式查看对象。
  • "Take two unrelated things, like elephants and ice cream, and draw them in their atomized parts,"writes Jennifer Miller forFast Company.“然后创建将这些零件随机融合在一起的图纸。像树干或融化的耳朵一样。Brown使用此技术来帮助记者思考独特的故事角度。”


7) Change your physical environment.

Switching up your physical environment isn't just a fun change of pace; it can actually affect the way your brain works.Neurobiologists believeenriched environments could speed up the rate at which the human brain creates new neurons and neural connections. That meanswhere您进行头脑风暴会议可能会影响团队提出的想法。

Try holding brainstorming sessions in rooms that aren't associated with regular team meetings. If you can't change the room itself, try changing somethingabout刺激大脑的房间,例如重新安排椅子或将图片放在墙壁上。另一个想法是让您的团队在集思广益时站起来走动,以鼓励流畅的创造力。

8) Don't invite too many people.

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has a rule when it comes to meetings that applies to brainstorms too: Don't invite more people than could be fed bytwo pizzas.

Now, we've all probably crushed a pizza on our own before, but generally speaking, two pizzas could comfortably feed between six and 10 people -- but more than that, and people will be hungry -- not to mention, unproductive.

保持头脑风暴较小,因此每个人都有机会浮出水面 - 因此,对话不会随着中断和分歧的分歧而变得震撼。一组10人或更少的人仍然能够养活和建立彼此的想法 - 而不会淹没任何人或偏离轨道。

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Originally published Sep 6, 2017 7:56:00 AM, updated June 10 2021


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