2014年的内容营销今年内容营销的增长继续促进了步伐。毫无疑问,这受到了Google对其算法所做的更改的影响。Panda,,,,Penguin,,,,and蜂鸟have all helped to shine the spotlight firmly on the importance of content.

如果您看一下对content marketing versus link building, for instance, you'll see a dramatic decrease in the interest of link building in favor of content marketing as a search term. A lot of SEO agencies have wisely pivoted their business model in 2013 away from link building and towards content, as well.

Google_trends _-_ content_marketing



The stats released this year only go to highlight these trends:B2B内容营销人员中有73%的内容比一年前的内容更多,,,,with 58% of B2B marketers planningto increase their content marketing budgets over the next 12 months。这个数字increases to 64%when looking at the UK.

Proving the Value of Content

现在,如此众多的公司授予了营销人员的许可以投资于内容营销,因此营销人员需要出色的一部分是从最初的投资中显示出ROI。它如何帮助您的业务实现目标?如果您打算在2014年进行规模,则需要证明您现在正在做的事情正在奏效,并且将继续工作并保证平等或更多的投资。只要看这个回应Simon Penson在Twitter上,当我询问执行人员买入是否是内容营销人员的最大挑战时:

Like Simon, I don’t think获得最初的投资is the most difficult challenge content marketers have today; it’ssustaining that investment当结果需要时间。

这很多是在为您的初始投资推销时设定正确的期望。您的管理团队可能习惯了他们从付费广告系列中获得的成功的时间表 - 甚至在过去一年的各种Google更新之前,他们从SEO获得了快速胜利。但是内容的结果需要时间。例如,HubSpot在我们甚至有产品之前就开始写博客。流量不仅在一夜之间出现;它花了12到18个月才开始获得真正的牵引力:


使用内容来增长其用户群的品牌的另一个很好的例子是Bufferapp。They acquired 100,000 users from 9 months of guest blogging.那是150个帖子。But again -- it took time and effort for them to see those results.


Scaling Content

我认为许多公司将专注于在2014年扩大其内容工作。问题是公司通常认为规模相当于仅生产更多的内容,而不论质量如何。这种观点是在去年出色的幻灯片中捕获的:废话 - 内容营销洪水。内容的巨大增长是其自身最大的威胁。这将使您的内容的可见度变得更加困难。

The Custom Content Council and Content Wise recently released its14th annual survey on the content marketing industry。最有趣的统计数据之一是随着越来越多的公司在内部使用内容,内容外包从56%降至40%。这说明了规模的规模。公司正在对内容进行大量赌注,他们愿意投资以使其规模规模。

The conversation in 2014 won't be around the value of content; it will be how do we get more out of it. Hopefully, it will be about not just getting more content for the sake of it, but more content where the standard of quality remains high.

Content Promotion





2) Available Audience:This is the audience I have available across each of those distribution channels. Each blog post averages 10,000 views; I have an email list of 10,000 readers, plus a Facebook page with 8,000 fans and 1,000 followers on Twitter.

3)参与(CTR):This is the clickthrough rate on each of those channels. It’s the people clicking on the call-to-action to my ebook from my blog, email, and social channels (learn how to create your owncompelling calls-to-action here).



我们知道增加可用受众的大小需要时间。您必须不断地过度夸大其创造的价值,以在每个渠道中增长追随者。同样清楚的是,要在其中一些渠道中吸引更多的人,您可能需要付款。Facebook最近承认,他们的有机影响力不足,that brands essentially had to buy ads to reach their own audience。Getting good at paid promotion on platforms like Facebook can really help a marketer get visibility for the content they're promoting (which is why we created anadvanced guide to Facebook advertising有一些有关该主题的顶级专家)。

这些是我认为营销人员将在2014年将注意力转移到的挑战。To get a better understanding of how marketers in Europe, specifically, are approaching content in 2014, we have put together the下面的调查具有智慧的轰动。如果您是欧洲营销商,we would love for you to complete this and we will email you a free copy of the report


Originally published Dec 12, 2013 4:00:00 AM, updated February 01 2017


Content Marketing