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What sets people apart from their peers isn't cognitive intelligence or a specific skill set. It's their emotional intelligence: their ability to identify and monitor emotions -- their own and others' -- and to develop and manage productive relationships.

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In fact, decades of research have shown that emotional intelligence is linked more closely with workplace success than cognitive intelligence, especially in management. While emotional intelligence becomes more important the higher a person rises in an organization due to their widening influence on the daily work of more people,studies have shownthat this "skill" is linked to success at all levels.


The term "emotional intelligence" was coined in 1990 by two scientists,彼得·萨洛维(Peter Salovey)和约翰·D·梅耶(John D. Mayer)。他们将其描述为"a form of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them, and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and action."

听起来有点敏感?好吧,那是因为是。这一切都与情感和情感有关 - 意识到它们,了解它们,控制它们,在他人中认识他们,并能够帮助他人通过他们分类。

However, there is no correlation between being emotionally intelligent and having a high IQ -- or cognitive intelligence -- according toRichard E. Boyatzis博士的一项研究

这就是方法Darren Horrigon fromCIOdifferentiated the two:


Emotional intelligence是理解自己和他人的需求和感受,管理自己的感受并以适当方式对他人做出反应的能力。

Once Salovey and Mayer started a dialogue around what they called "emotional intelligence," they initiated a research program to dig into what emotional intelligence was, to find a way to measure it, and to explore its significance and impact on real-life scenarios.

他们的研究是由哈佛训练的心理学家丹尼尔·戈尔曼(Daniel Goleman)接受的,The New York Timesat the time, who would end up spending years of his life studying emotional intelligence and its place in the workplace.

戈尔曼was particularly interested inthe issue of how narrow the traditional tests of cognitive intelligence were. The IQ test, he argued, tells us very little about what it takes to be successful in our careers and in life. -- and emotional intelligence is the much more critical factor.

It was Goleman who expanded the definition of emotional intelligence into a set of competencies that would signal someone is emotionally intelligent. These competencies represent a person's ability to recognize, understand, and thenuseemotional information about themselves and others to be more effective and perform better both at work and in their personal interactions.

19 Signs of Emotional Intelligence

After building on and integrating years and years of research on emotional intelligence, here's the model Goleman and Boyatzis came up with. The model has competencies arrayed in four "clusters": self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.

As you read through these, keep in mind that a part of being emotionally intelligent isn't justhavingthese competencies; it's understanding them, managing them, and using them to perform. Intent is a big part of it. (Andread this blog postfor tips on how to become more emotionally intelligent.)


1) Emotional Self-Awareness:You have a solid understanding of your own feelings and emotions, your strengths and weaknesses, and what drives them.

2) Accurate Self-Assessment:You understand your values and goals and where you are going in life.

3) Self-Confidence:您了解自己的优势和局限性。您从能力中运作,并知道何时依靠团队中的其他人。您愿意以一种坦率的非防御方式谈论自己。(例如,您might employ self-deprecating humor。)


4) Emotional Self-Control:You feel bad moods and impulses just like everyone else, but you don't act on them; in fact, you can control them. For example, instead of blowing up at people when you get angry, you let them know what’s wrong and what the solution is. You have the ability to wait until your emotions past so you can respond from a place of reason.

5) Achievement:You're interested in moving yourself forward toward some vision, goal, or strategy.

6) Initiative:你self-motivated, and you keep movingtoward distant goals even when you experience setbacks.

7) Transparency:You're honest and transparent about your progress, goals, and emotions.

8) Adaptability:你有韧性。You stay calm under pressure and recover quickly when something goes wrong. You don't panic in the face of a crisis; instead, you're calm. And you don't brood, point fingers, or hold grudges.

9) Optimism:You have a positive outlook for the future.

Social Awareness

10)移情:You're willing to share your own worries and concerns and openly acknowledge others' emotions.

11) Service Orientation:你是一个好的倾听者。你充分的关注others and take the time to understand what they're saying and what they mean without interrupting or speaking over them.

12) Organizational Awareness:Because you understand other perspectives, you can explain ideas in a way that your colleagues will comprehend. And you welcome their questions.

Relationship Management


14) Influence:You're a compelling communicator. You articulate your points in persuasive, clear ways so that people are motivated about expectations.

15) Conflict Management:You use your emotional intelligence to improve relationships, negotiate, and lead. You can settle disputes, differences of opinion, and misunderstandings.


17) Developing Others:Youprovide feedback effectivelyand are good at helping others build their skills and knowledge.

18) Teamwork:People feel relaxed working with you. One sign of this might be that they laugh and share things easily around you.

19) Collaboration:您创建和维护网络,并建立有效的团队。

Is It Correlated With a Specific Personality Type or Demographic?


With A/B Personality Type?

Is there a relationship between emotionally intelligent people andthe Type A or Type B personality type? Actually,a study of bank employees in Greece foundthat, contrary to what was hypothesized,people with a mixture of both Type A and B were higher in emotional intelligence. They also found that Type B was positively correlated with social skills competencies.

With Introversion or Extroversion?

Boyatzis' study found that extroversion was significantly correlated with all four clusters of emotional intelligence listed above.


Boyatzis' study found that older participants rated themselves and were rated by others as having higher levels of emotional intelligence. The study also found that particular life experiences are associated with higher scores of emotional intelligence, too.




While there's still disagreement on exactlyhow muchemotional intelligence contributes to career success,即使是最怀疑的研究也发现that it is "probably as valuable as your intellectual and technical skills."

Meanwhile, there are a number of compelling studies that link the framework of emotional intelligence to a theory of action and job performance.

For example,research by the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) foundthat the three main reasons for failure at the executive leadership level are difficulty in handling change, inability to work well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations.

这是另一个例子:卡内基理工学院的研究表明,有85%的人的财务成功归功于“人类工程,个性”的技能以及交流,谈判和领导的能力,”写了Harvey DeutschendorfFast Company“他们发现只有15%是由于技术能力。换句话说,与情商高度相关的人技能或技能是至关重要的技能。”

The way I see it, a lot of it boils down to likeability. Emotionally intelligent people ask questions, listen deeply to others, and are genuine and honest -- all characteristics of a well-liked person. After all, we have Nobel Prize-winning psychologistDaniel Kahneman's famous findingthat people would rather do business with someone they like and trust instead of someone they don't -- even if that less likeable person is offering a better product at a lower price.

The most effective people in the workplace have high levels of both emotionalandcognitive intelligence, of course. It's ideal to be great at the technical part of your job while still exhibiting those signs of emotional intelligence.

好消息是,尽管你不bob官网官方网站能做太多to increase your IQ, there are things you can do to increase your emotional intelligence. Some of those 20 signs of emotional intelligence are controlled behaviors resulting from discipline, like taking initiative; others are people skills you can work on and improve, such as empathy, listening skills, and communication skills. Learn not to dwell on problems, but instead to listen to and empathize with others and manage your emotions.

Of course, there are plenty of examples of people who've risen to the top without the help of emotional intelligence. Take Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, and Mark Zuckerberg, for example: They're just a few of the most highly accomplished entrepreneurs of our time, and yet, they're known for being somewhat动荡的领导人



What role do you think emotional intelligence plays in the workplace? Continue the discussion in the comments.



Originally published Oct 10, 2015 8:00:00 AM, updated April 06 2017

