
Consider, for instance, how there's a56% reduction in burnoutand845% greater odds of employee engagement当领导者将人们与目的,成就或彼此联系起来时。


But it's easier said than done. There are many ways to be a good leader, and it isn't a one-size-fits-all approach.

If you're unsure how to become a good leader, you're in luck. Here, we'll explore research-backed or expert-backed tips for becoming a better leader at work. Let's dive in.

→ Click here to download leadership lessons from HubSpot founder, Dharmesh  Shah [Free Guide].

What does it mean to be a good leader?

While the term "good leader" can be difficult to define, it's easy to spot in practice.

A good leader should have the following qualities:

  • Resiliency
  • 乐观
  • 灵活性
  • Integrity
  • Accountability
  • 共情
  • 谦逊
  • 想象

Additionally, when we surveyed 300 people across the U.S.,44% respondents marked "Ability to communicate" as the most important trait/skillof a good leader. Strong communication skills came ahead of resiliency, creativity, humility, and even self-awareness.

most important skill in a good leader

Ultimately, a good leader is meant to inspire, motivate, and challenge each team member to hit their goals, impact the business' bottom-line, and reach their fullest potential.

In hisTedTalk "Why good leaders make you feel safe"管理理论家西蒙·西内克(Simon Sinek)说,一个好的领导者是使员工感到安全安全的人。

Learn more about what makes an effective leader — according to experts at HubSpot, Google, LinkedIn, and Monday.com — in this post ondeveloping leadership skills.



1. Take a leadership assessment.

The first step towards becoming a better leader is assessing your personal strengths and weaknesses to understand areas for improvement.

Start by taking aleadership style quizto determine which of the8 leadership stylesfits how you lead. Understanding your leadership style can help you determine how your direct reports view you, as well as the gaps that might exist in your current style.

例如,假设您确定您是专制领导者。专制领导人在做出最终决定之前不要求任何团队成员的意见 - 这可能是无效的,因为这会抑制领导者的听力不同的观点,并且不授权他或她的员工权力。

一旦确定这是您的领导风格,您就可以努力activelyrequest input from team members — which enables employees to feel heard and empowered, while also helping you ensure you have all the information necessary before making a decision.


Ultimately, transparency and honesty leads to a higher level of trust between team members and leaders, so remaining transparent with your direct reports is critical.


例如,如果您的部门正在经历重新处理,请花点时间向每个直接报告解释whythe re-org is taking place, and make space for each employee to express their concerns.

Being transparent and honest also encourages your direct reports to do the same. If they feel you hide information from them or aren't forthcoming, they'll act similarly — which can lead to confusion and an increased risk of miscommunication.

Good leaders are alsoexcellent communicators. As Vice President ofBlue Frog, Kelsey Halverson, told me, "Good managers teach, great managerslisten. A manager becomes a great teacher when he or she has a genuine desire to hear the organizations goals, challenges, and vision."

Halverson adds, "It's not the role of a manager to tell the organization what to do — Instead, it's to listen and guide the team into actionable strategy that will empower innovation and drive results."

Kelseys quote on good leadership


3. Foster deeper relationships with your team members.

Taking the time to learn who each of your team members are outside of work is vital for fostering a deeper relationship with them and establishing trust and understanding.

Consider usingicebreaker questions在团队会议期间,或为团队创造机会在工作之外建立联系。此外,询问您有关他们首选的工作方式的直接报告 - 包括沟通方式,他们喜欢如何收到反馈以及他们的职业目标是什么。

Finally, building rapport is about taking the time to get to know each direct report. In 1:1s, rather than jumping right into your meeting's agenda, consider beginning the conversation more naturally by asking about your direct report's weekend plans, or what she enjoys doing outside of work, all of which helps you both relate on a more human-to-human level.

4. Encourage professional development.

According to LinkedIn's 2019 Workforce Learning Report,94% of employees say they would stay at a company longerif it simply invested in helping them learn.



Additionally, it will help you make your team more successful in the long-run if you can help team members up-skill in certain areas, or nurture their own leadership skills as your team expands.


Feeling recognized for a job well done can help boost an employee's morale, engagement, and productivity.

For instance, consider the last time your boss gave you specific and positive feedback, such as, "You did a great job on your presentation on Tuesday. You gave fantastic context into the problem we're trying to solve on the team, and you were clear and articulate about your proposed solutions."

Not only would that make youfeelgreat, but I'm willing to bet it would encourage you to work just as hard on your next presentation for more of that positive reinforcement.

Research has shown positive reinforcement is incredibly effectiveat ensuring people's behaviors are repeated. So, if your employees do a good job, you'll want to praise or reward them for their efforts to ensure your team continues to stay engaged and motivated.



Good leadership includes taking a big-picture vision or strategy, and assigning specific tasks to individual team members to inspire, motivate, and challenge your team.

For instance, last year my manager recognized we needed a new process when it came to working with guest contributors. Once she'd recognized this big-picture challenge, she assigned the project to me. I was excited to own the creative process of brainstorming a new strategy, which kept me engaged and motivated at work.

How to Be a Positive Leader

People withpositive moods have been proven to be more creative and collaborative,因此,如果您能够激发团队之间的积极性,您将看到对结果的真正影响。



  • Focus on an employee's strengths and provide positive feedback in 1:1s
  • 与您的团队成员建立积极的关系
  • Ignite hope by painting a picture of an exciting vision for the future, and consistently reminding employees of why their work matters

However, it's important to note: You don't want to prioritize positivity over reality.

As Senior Manager of HubSpot Blog Program's卡拉·赫斯特伯格(Karla Hesterberg)told me, "I think the best leaders balance realism and optimism really well. You want to keep your team feeling positive about the direction you're headed, but you can't gloss over challenges — you have to acknowledge when things are tough and give your team space to feel those things."


Hesterberg补充道,“我过的最好的领导智慧h are really skilled at acknowledging the tough things but then convincing everyone to stay on the train anyway because where you're all headed is great."

what is a good leader according to karla


自我意识,开放的反馈,灵活的我n your approach will set you up for more success in the long-run, particularly as your team grows, or your business' needs change.

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Originally published Jan 4, 2022 7:00:00 AM, updated January 19 2022

