You know how hot visual content is, and you want to jump on board to enjoy the engagement, traffic, and leads that follow. But maybe you're not keen on writing a blog post, and you don't have the production resources to create videos. What to do? Create a SlideShare presentation.

→ Free Download: 4 PowerPoint Presentation Templates [Access Now]

我知道我知道。您可能会在职业生涯的某个时候感到个人受到PowerPoint的伤害。当您打开它时,您会在白色背景上被Stark Black Calibri字体击中,杀死您可能感受到的任何创意火花。这是足够令人生畏的,可以创建一个10板的甲板来报告您的每月营销指标 - 不用介意将大量Slideshare用户可以看到的幻灯片组合在一起。

Well, there's good news: Creating a SlideShare presentation in PowerPoint doesn't have to be that daunting. With the right templates and tools at your disposal, you could easily create an engaging, visual presentation -- all without fancy design programs, huge budgets, or hiring contractors.

How to Create a Stunning SlideShare Presentation in PowerPoint

To help you make a SlideShare of your own, we've created some free PowerPoint presentation templates for making awesome SlideShares. That way, your presentations will look greatandbe a breeze to put together.

Download the free PowerPoint templates, scroll down, and we'll walk through how to use them. When we're done, you'll know exactly how to create a sexy presentation that gets featured on SlideShare's homepage. Ready? Let's dive in.


Just as you'd master any other medium, it helps to consume other content in that medium to get an idea of the format and what works. Go toslideshare.net并发现您感兴趣的幻灯片。您可以在平台上查看它们,或将它们下载到您的计算机上并在本地计算机上仔细阅读。

SlideShare Presentation Download


  1. Sign up对于Slideshare帐户。
  2. 导航到您要下载的Slideshare演示文稿。
  3. 单击标记的按钮Download。”
  4. When asked if you want to clip the slide, click "继续下载。”
  5. Click "保存存档“然后单击确认”OK。”


2. Decide on fonts and a color scheme.

Before you get too caught up in the specifics of your storyline, figure out which fonts and color scheme you want to use. (If you're使用我们的免费模板, you can skip this part.)

当你在choosing fonts, consider two different ones to use throughout your presentation -- one for your headers and one for your body text. Your header font should be bold and eye-catching, and your body text font should be simple and easy to read. The contrast between the two will make it much easier for your SlideShare viewers to grasp your core messages.

For your color scheme, pick a scheme that will have enough contrast between colors to make colors stand out. Whether you decide to use two, three, or four different colors in your presentation is up to you -- but certain color combinations go together better than others.

Below is an example of what certain fonts and color combinations can look like. Notice how the header fonts stand out much more than the body? You can also see what differentcolor palettesmight look like: The top is monochromatic, the middle is complementary, and the bottom is analogous.

3 combinations of header and body fonts.


Next up: Creating an outline for your SlideShare's narrative. I like to treat SlideShare outlines just like I would blog posts -- you decide on the working title and main takeaways first. Then, you elaborate on those sections with a few supporting points.

For each of those components (title, section headers, and a few supporting points), create a slide. Below is an example of what those slides might look like:


title slide using hubspot powerpoint template


使用HubSpot PowerPoint模板的标题滑梯

Supporting Points

supporting point slide using hubspot powerpoint template


请记住,这些幻灯片不应该惠ex -- just a title and maybe a few details that you want to remember down the road. No paragraphs. No supporting images. Nothing that's not built into your template already.

4. Fill out the body of your presentation.

Then, fill in the meat of the content -- all the slides between the headers. Just make sure you're not relying too much on text. SlideShare is a primarily visual platform -- people are used to breezing through presentations. So if your presentation reads like an ebook, you should edit down the text and rely more heavily on visual content.

要记住的另一件事是将您的格式从幻灯片转换为滑梯。尝试进行清单幻灯片,然后进行报价幻灯片 - 它使人们在您的演示文稿中翻转时使人们保持脚趾。

checklist slide in hubspot powerpoint template

引用hubspot powerpoint模板中的幻灯片

5. Add introduction slides.



Then, head to the end of your SlideShare and wrap it up in a slide or two. There is nothing more jarring than going from a body slideright到CTA幻灯片。您只需要一两张幻灯片即可结束您的演示文稿,但是它自然应该在CTA上发挥您的作用。


在幻灯片的Verrrrrry末端,您想通过提供一个来保持观众的参与呼吁采取行动。The CTA could be about downloading an ebook, attending an event, or even just visiting your website -- pretty much any CTA you'd like to include. Here are two CTA slide examples that we included in the SlideShare template:

cta slide in hubspot powerpoint template

cta slide in hubspot powerpoint template

8. Edit, edit, edit.

您快到了!接下来,您需要仔细研究并编辑副本和设计组件。尝试让另一个同事(无论是否有营销商)一次结束。如果您需要一些方向,可以use our ultimate editing checklistto make sure you're catching everything you can.

9. Add "animated slides" and clickable links.



Once you've built in your animations, you'll also need to make sure people can actually click on the CTAs in your presentation.

10. Upload your PDF to SlideShare.

After you're finished with your clickable links, your presentation will be in a PDF format. At this point, you're ready for the final step: uploading your PDF to SlideShare. When you do this, you have the option to add a description and tags, and even schedule the SlideShare to go live at a certain time. Once your SlideShare is live, you should spend some time promoting it on your blog and social media accounts, and to your email lists. (For more SlideShare promotion tips,check out this blog post.)

Just follow this process when you need to create a SlideShare presentation, and you won't have to fear that blank PowerPoint template ever again.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in August 2013 and has been updated for freshness, accuracy, and comprehensiveness.


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