The writing process is a chance to let creativity fly and tell a story with your own words.





This list isn't just about grammar rules; it also includes tips from topic selection, SEO, to promotion. Essentially, it can take you from beginning to the end of what you write.

editing and proofreading checklist graphic请继续阅读我们的完整编辑和校对清单 - 考虑到内容创建者。

内容创造者的Editing Checklist

In this checklist, we will go over nine sections, listed below.


We'll start at the beginning with topics. Knowing which topic to write about can come from various places, but these tips will double check that what you're writing about will resonate with your readers and have the chance to rock it with SEO.

这个主题是否与我们的内容策略保持一致?我们的读者会/buyer personascare about it?
我们过去是否全面介绍了这个主题?它会在网络上所有内容混乱中添加新的有趣吗?如果两个答案都是肯定的,请考虑updating and republishing原始草稿。

Structure & Format

How do you structure your pieces? This section makes sure your content is formatted in the best way for readability. It also provides some room for checking consistency.

是this the right format for the content? Does this topic work better as a longer form ebook? Or in a shorter form, like a listicle?
Are paragraphs 2-3 sections long for readability?
Are supporting images and visuals included where appropriate?
Are these visuals and images高质量有趣吗?它们是否已调整和压缩大小,请保持页面加载时间短?


We can't have an editing checklist without a section to double-check your copy. These are little things to make sure the narrative of your writing is succinct and engaging, as well as minor grammar edits.

是the content well-written? Is the writing interesting, entertaining, and easy to read?
Does the content tell a story?
Do the transitions make sense and flow well?
Does the introduction capture the reader's attention?Is it interesting enough to get the reader to keep reading?
Does the intro tee up the rest of the content well and explain the value the reader will get out of reading it?
Does the tone of the writing align with the content being presented?


Any good editor makes sure he/she is giving credit where credit is due. Here's what to think about.

Are statistics, data, quotes, ideas, etc.正确归因于to the original source with a link back?
In any quotations, do we have the right spelling of the name and job title/company of the person quoted?
Are we actually允许使用这些照片/图像((Here's a cautionary tale about internet copyright law。)



是the title compelling and interesting enough to get people to click through and read on?
是the title brief and concise?(提示:请记住,更长的标题将在搜索引擎结果中被切断。)

是the title keyword-conscious without being keyword-heavy and sacrificing user experience and clickthroughs (另请参见有关搜索引擎优化的部分)


Written style guides当语法,标点符号和风格以书面形式出现时,作为普遍公认的权威。样式指南回答了问题,例如您是否将标题案例用于文章标题和标题;您是否大写这个词互联网;还是您是否使用牛津逗号。

You can either adopt an already-established style guide, like the AP Stylebook, or create an in-house version that enables you to borrow from different schools of thought and address any nuances specific to your industry or company. The important thing is to be consistent across all content you publish. Here's the main question you should ask yourself ...

Does anything contradict our style guide?((Tip: If you don't have a style guide, you can下载HubSpot并根据您看到的适合自定义。)


One of the most important parts of a post, SEO helps others and search engines find your piece. Are you doing all you can to boost that? Check your work below.


You're almost there. To make sure your post is excellent rather than mediocre, use this section to do a final run-through.

在那儿internal links to other resources, landing pages, or blog articles that might be helpful to the reader (or improve your SEO)?
是the content spell-checked?
Have any stats cited or quotes used been fact checked?
If it's a blog post, is it tagged with the appropriate topic tags?
是发布日期/时间仔细检查的日期/时间,因此我们并没有意外安排晚上8点。而不是上午8点?((It happens. We've done it.)
是否有机会使内容更加社交(例如,创建embed codesand addingPinterest“销”按钮为专有图像/信息图表/视觉/图表,添加tweet links,,,,社交分享按钮, ETC。)?
Did we include examples (real or hypothetical) to illustrate our points?
Did we use data, statistics, and quotations to back up our points?

Content Promotion

Now that your piece is complete, you've gotta promote it. This section gives you different ideas of how to get your writing out there.

Writing is hard and editing isn't that easy, either. Keeping this checklist saved or bookmarked is a resource to turn back to when you get stuck or need an extra check over your work.
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