我与办公温度的关系最好通过以下来描述Katy Perry lyrics:“你很热,那你很冷。你是的,然后你不在。

Is the sentiment familiar? More often than not, getting your office to a "perfect" temperature -- one that everyone can agree upon -- can feel like an uphill battle. When Jane is cold, Steve is hot, and then there's Karen feeling perfectly content.

在这里断开连接的麻烦?办公温度实际上可以对人们的生产力和表现能力产生重大影响。实际上,a study from Cornell University researchers揭示了这一点employees committed 44% more errors when office temperatures were low than when they were warm.

While it might seem impossible to pleaseeveryone,无论您的感觉如何,您都可以采取一些步骤为自己创造一个更舒适的工作环境 - 冻结,出汗或介于两者之间的某个地方。这里有一些关于在无法预测的办公气氛中保持舒适的一些技巧。


"I'm shivering."

1) Layer up.


If you're dealing with frigid office temps, less is never more in terms of clothing. One of the easiest ways to combat the cold is to layer up so that you have the flexibility to add or subtract clothing to keep comfortable.

However, be mindful that layering is an art. Before you go throwing things on without a plan, focus on articles of clothing made from wool, fleece, or down feathers. These materials serve as the best insulators, as they don't saturate as quickly as cotton and help to wick moisture away from your body.

2) Open up curtains or blinds.

Source: IFC (viathegloss.com

Let light in. During the day, opening up the curtains or blinds near your desk to allow natural sunlight in will help to heat up your space. However, you'll want to be sure to close them up at night in an effort to retain that heat and avoid a draft.

Don't sit near a window? Find a spot in your office that does and enjoy the change of scenery. I personally find that working away from my desk every so often actually helps me stay focused.

3) Wear big headphones.


Wearing headphones at work is a great way to signal to your colleagues that you're "in the zone" -- but that's not their only benefit.


Well, in the office, large headphones serve the same purpose by keeping them covered up and away from the chilly air. (And if you're looking for something to listen to while you're keeping your ears toasty, check outthis round up of productivity playlists。)

4) Sip on a warm beverage.


Your morning coffee just got a whole lot more valuable. Holding onto a hot beverage will help to keep your hands warm so you can type away all day. As an added bonus,an experiment conducted at the University of Colorado Boulderfound that participants who held a cup of hot coffee (versus iced coffee) judged a target participant as having a "warmer" personality. In other words, holding a hot drink could make you friendlier.

Not big on caffeine?

"When I'm cold, I drink hot water instead of drinking more coffee or tea. It keeps me warm and hydrated without over-caffeinating. Sometimes I put a dash of lemon juice in it for flavor," advises my colleague,Corey Wainwright

请记住,过度热饮料可能会触发您的身体冷却系统,并且cause you to sweat and feel chilly。Stick to something nice and温暖的

That being said ...




While a drink or two might make you feel a little "warm" inside, alcohol consumption actually降低核心体温并增加了体温过低的风险。根据2005年的研究, after a single drink, the body tries to counteract the warming sensation we feel due to increased blood flow to the skin by causing us to sweat, which then decrease the body temperature even more.

I can think of a few more reasons, but let's leave it at that.

6) Wear fingerless gloves.


While holding a warm drink can help to keep your hands from freezing, you eventually have to put it down and get some work done, right?

Enter fingerless gloves. These gems allow you to keep your hands warm while keeping your fingers free for typing, texting, swiping, and tapping.

这些天,有很多不同的风格choose from, it's easy to find a pair that fits you -- and your office environment -- just right. You can even purchase heated fingerless gloves (像这些)带口袋,可以装有手工暖手,以踢出一个档位。

7) Stuff your pockets with hand warmers.


If you've ever been to an outdoor tailgate in the fall or winter or had the privilege of shoveling your driveway after a big storm, I can guarantee that you're no stranger to the power of hand warmers.

这些神奇的发明通常由天然材料(例如铁粉,盐和木炭)制成,它们被空气激活以产生热量。虽然办公室中的日常使用有可能变得昂贵,但您可以在this Lifehacker article

8) Use a heated blanket.


Do your office rules prevent you from using a space heater? Try a heated blanket instead. These bad boys can be plugged in right under your desk and placed on your lap to keep you warm without looking unprofessional.

您甚至可以找到由USB驱动的毯子(like this one)that plug right into your computer so you're not restricted by outlet access.




According to an article from华尔街日报: "Air molecules colliding with your skin quickly make the air right next to your skin get to body temperature and 100% humidity. If it stayed there, the air wouldn't let you cool down. So you have to replace it with cooler, drier air."

How do you replace humid air with cooler, drier air? Using a fan.

If you don't have room for a large fan at your desk, you can opt for a small, smartphone-powered fan (like this one)to create a comfortable breeze.




Not only will this help to create a cooler environment, but it will also help you save money on electricity. Sounds like a win-win to me.



我们的身体由一半以上的水组成。更不用说我们使用水来“几乎每个身体功能 - 从调节体温到去除废物到润滑关节到将氧气携带到细胞”,”explains Rachel Berman,注册营养师和Awt.com Health的总监。


4) Wear breathable fabric.


If you're wearing wool to work, it's no wonder you're sweating. To keep cool, you need to be smart about the fabric you choose. Here are a handful of breathable materials to look out for:

  • 亚麻布
  • 棉布
  • Seersucker
  • 查姆布雷
  • Rayon
  • 丝绸

5) Put your hair up.



如果您感到有点温暖,请考虑调整发型以冷却。如果您担心您的平均马尾辫看起来有点太随意了,请签出this roundupof stylish, alternative updos from Brit & Co.

6) Run your wrists under cold water.


Your wrist and neck both contain pulse points, which are places where your blood vessels are close to the surface of your skin. Those pulse points are great access points for quick temperature change.

For a quick way to fight the heat, run your wrists under some cold water in the bathroom. You might also wet some paper towels with cold water and rest them on your wrists. This will allow you to cool off your blood, and in turn, cool down your body temperature.



大多数喷雾剂都包含诸如薄荷油之类的成分,这些成分旨在使您保持凉爽。为什么?根据神经生物学家David Mckemy的说法,“ Menthol实际上将我们的大脑和嘴欺骗到了凉爽的感觉中,因为Menthol在神经末端激活了相同的受体,这些受体涉及感应感冒。”

在您的桌子上放一瓶冷却喷雾剂,每当您感到有些过热时,请给自己一个喷雾。或者,您可以尝试chewing on some peppermint gum to achieve a similar sensation.

8) Snack on frozen fruit.


What better way to cool down than with an ice-cold snack? Frozen fruit serves as a healthy way for to chill out -- without the guilt. If you're looking for some delicious ways to work frozen fruit into your diet, check out these options:

How do you beat the heat and fight the cold in your office? Let us know your favorite tips in the comments section below.

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Originally published Sep 9, 2015 8:00:00 AM, updated March 27 2017


Company Culture