Not long after I first started at HubSpot, I was welcomed with a fresh pair of orange, noise-canceling headphones. At the time, I had no clue that these headphones would carry me through many long work days and some of the deepest, darkest levels of writer's block.


You see, for me, listening to music while working is the secret to my productivity. All it takes is the right Beyoncé track, and I go from idle to uber productive. (Seriously, it works like a charm.)

问题是,找到完美的播放列表并不总是那么容易。触手可及的无尽流媒体音乐可能性很难钉住just正确的曲调使车轮转动。因此,我在这里做了我们最擅长的事情 - 一点点研究。 在此处下载我们完整的工作场所生产力指南。


To help you find just the right mix, we've sourced and curated seven Spotify playlists designed with specific studies in mind. Whether you're into Mozart or Chance The Rapper, we're confident that there's something on this list that will do the trick.

Note:Some of the playlists contain tracks with explicit language that might not be suitable for the office.

7 Science-Backed Office Music Playlists for Productivity

1. Classical Music

与音乐和生产力有关的最常引用的研究之一是“Mozart Effect,“这得出的结论是,即使每天短暂听莫扎特都可以提高“抽象推理能力”。

这项研究由研究人员戈登·肖(Gordon Shaw),弗朗西斯·劳斯(Frances Rauscher)和凯瑟琳·凯(Katherine Ky)领导,雇用了36名Cal-Irvine学生,分为三组。第一组听莫扎特的选择,而第二组则听了放松胶带,第三组忍受了10分钟的沉默。

一个fter the listening activity, all 36 students were issued the same test, in which the Mozart group averaged an eight-to-nine point increase in their IQs, compared to the remaining groups.



2. Video Game Soundtracks

Hubspot的《收购副总裁》(以及以前的视频游戏营销顾问)说:“选择合适的视频游戏配乐是为了了解什么类型的音乐激励与您的注意力分散您的注意力。”Emmy Jonassen.

“例如,如果你是谁那里展露一个类型d focused listening to high-energy music, rhythm game soundtracks, like those from Thumper or Klang, could work well. Conversely, if you need calm to concentrate, the serene soundtracks from exploration games, like ABZÛ and Journey, may do the trick. With thousands of games releasing every year, including many independent titles, there is a soundtrack to suit everyone's ear," she went on to explain.

Think about it: Playing a video game requires a lot of focus. To make it to the next level, players commonly have to avoid traps, dodge obstacles, and discover secret tools that will help them progress to the next level. As a result, themusic selection for video games is often very strategic, in that modern soundtracks tend to reflect epic, inspiring cinematic scores rather than just basic sound effects.

一个nd while studies have revealed mixed results, there is evidence to support that gamers can experience improved performance by playing a game with the volume on.

For example, when psychology professor Siu-Lan Tan and her colleagues John Baxa and Matt Spackman specifically honed in on the game "Twilight Princess (Legend of Zelda)," they found thatparticipants who played with both music and sound effects离开执行worsethan those who played with it on.


3. Nature Sounds

一个ccording to psychophysical data and sound-field analysis published inThe Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, listening to "natural" sounds could enhance cognitive functioning, optimize your ability to concentrate, and increase your level of satisfaction.


That could explain why more consumer-facing brands -- fromGoogle Home到新的noisli-- are introducing such ambient sound features to help listeners relax or focus. It might also be behind Spotify's multiple nature-themed playlists, like this soothing one:

4. Pump Up Songs

在观察到许多运动员戴着耳机到达体育场之后,凯洛格管理学院教授德里克·鲁克(Derek Rucker)及其三位同事 - 洛兰·诺德格伦(Loran Nordgren),李黄(Li Huang)和亚当·加林斯基(Adam Galinsky) - 着手回答:聆听:right一种音乐使我们感觉更强大还是在控制之中?

So, back in 2014, the group of researchers set up a学习to gauge how music might influence motivation and subsequent behavior. First, they played several songs for participants in a lab, and asked them -- on a scale of one to seven -- how powerful, dominant, and determined they felt after listening to each song. There were three "high power" winners: Queen’s "We Will Rock You," 2 Unlimited’s "Get Ready for This," and 50 Cent’s "In Da Club."


The lesson? "Just as professional athletes might put on empowering music before they take the field to get them in a powerful state of mind," Rucker explained, "you might try [this] in certain situations where you want to be empowered."


Want more? Check out my colleague Amanda Zantal-Wiener's pickshere.


2015年,田纳西州立大学研究人员卡罗尔·史密斯(Carol A. Smith)和拉里·W·莫里斯(Larry W. Morris)discoveredthat students who listened to "sedative" music during a test scored higher than those who listened to lyrical music. (That somewhat contrasts their初始发现39年前,这表明,尽管音乐并没有揭示对考试成绩的影响,但听取“刺激性音乐”的人表现出忧虑和高度情感反应的显着增加。)

That isn't to say that it's entirely impossible to cross things off your list while listening to songs with words — I actually prefer lyrical music, but my colleague,阿曼达·赞塔尔 - 维纳, has joked about hip hop verses accidentally slipping into her first drafts when she listens to songs with words. If you're like she is and find that lyrics are too distracting, you may want to experiment with some instrumental options.

For those times, check out these lyric-less tunes — we promise they won't put you to sleep:

6. "Feel Good" Songs

Buried in deadlines? Trying to unearth yourself from an email mountain after some time off? Whatever's bugging you, sometimes, the best remedy for productivity loss is a solid dose of "feel good" tunes — you know, the kind that make you spontaneously use a pen as a pantomimed microphone.

But scientifically speaking, music can stimulate the same part of the brain as delicious food and other physical pleasures. Researchers atMcGill University例如,发现当参与者收到opiod bloduction封锁药物纳曲酮时,他们对他们最喜欢的音乐的反应并没有像通常的那样积极反应。

The verdict? Our brains are trained to naturally produce these chemicals when we hear our preferred playlist.

一个nd while "feel good" songs vary from person to person, a search for Spotify playlists with those very keywords yields dozens of results. That said, here's one of our favorites:

不能得到足够的?Here are a few more suggestions来自我的同事阿曼达。

7. White Noise

一个ccording to a学习在山口大学的带领下,“在进行涉及记忆或算术任务的智力活动时,噪声是一种普遍的经历,是一种引起“烦恼”的心理印象增加,导致表现下降。”

Whether you're remote working with roommates or working in an office space with noisy colleagues, it can be tricky to focus with conversations happening around you. Neutral, non-verbal background sounds like white noise, which is not the same as nature sounds, can help block out these distractions — things like the din of a restaurant or shopping mall, an electric fan, or even laundry machines.

一个nd in case you're wondering — yes. Like all of the above, therea playlist for that:

So go forth — focus, get pumped, feel good, and rock out.


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in March 2015 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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