tracing_originalWhat is the first step you take as you begin writing a blog post? Lots of people just like to start from the beginning -- they stare down the blinking cursor until they're suddenly inspired to write a clever introduction.

But that's not always the best way to start a blog post. That cursor? It's daunting.



The Benefits of Having Structure



So before you begin writing, outline your blog post. This will make it much easier for you down the road -- these bullet points essentially outline the story of your blog post, and then all you have to do is fill in the blanks. Then, take those bullet points and format them the way you'd like them to appear in your final product -- add H2 HTML tags to make larger sections stand out, and bold and italicize as need. Then,it's time to focus on the content of your blog post.

通过按照此顺序创建您的博客文章内容,您实际上将提高生产力。如果您尝试同时专注于您的内容,结构和格式,那么完成所有工作将非常困难。如果您没有专注,那么当您在写作中遇到粗糙的补丁时,很容易降低格式化的兔子洞。突然之间,经过20分钟,您所完成的一切就是弄清楚如何将一个单词的紫色阴影转动。但是,通过首先避免轮廓,然后您的结构和格式,以及然后您的内容,您的工作将更加富有成效,您的工作效率 - 您实际上可以专注于手头的任务。

You Can Produce More Content

通过添加H2和H4 HTML标签,提出优化的标头,弄清楚您是否应该有编号列表与项目符号列表等,需要花费很多时间来格式化您的帖子。但是开始,您实际上可以节省大量时间来调整博客文章的格式,并利用这段时间来创建更多内容。通过为不同类型的博客文章具有一致的格式和结构,您实际上将释放自己在将来写更多内容。

You Have More Freedom to be Creative

一旦你的结构方式,你can focus 100% of your time on the content. Believe it or not, you will actually have more freedom to be creative and strategy in what you write. You're not focusing on how to cram a ton of stuff into a blog post -- you're looking to make the most of whatever you've decided to be in there.

例如,如果您正在撰写有关波士顿最佳餐厅的列表,则需要将自己限制在一定数量的餐厅中 - 否则,列表可能会不断地进行。您没有时间烧开海洋。通过提前概述,您可以给自己一些界限。然后,您可以将所有精力用于制作内容之内这些界限很棒。

It's Easier for Readers to Follow

When someone looks at a structured and properly formatted blog post, it is really easy to read. You know what the main points are -- they are identified by H2 HTML tags. You can pull out some of the points that expand on the main section through the sub-headers. And you can easily scan the blog post to understand the point the writer is trying to make. As much as we don't want to admit that our readers scan our content,他们肯定会这样做。And structure makes it easy for people to scan.

Help! I'm Not Sure How to Structure My Posts


如果您是HubSpot COS客户,则从今天开始,您可以在帐户中访问博客蓝图。博客蓝图是可用于帮助客户创建博客内容的模板。蓝图有三种类型:如何基于列表和视觉。您可以在开始写博客文章时选择空白帖子或蓝图。蓝图将自动加载到内容编辑器中,允许您直接从编辑器编辑这些模板。



如果您没有Hubspot Cos,我们有five blog post templates无论您使用哪种CMS,您都可以用来创建博客内容。

无论您使用哪种工具,结构对于创建令人敬畏的内容都很重要。虽然是seems违反直觉,它实际上可以帮助您成为一名更好的作家 - 并使您的读者开心。

Do you work off of an outline or are you a free-spirited writer?


