According to a2020调查, most businesses have an average of 29 competitors. Do you know who yours are?

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All businesses have competition — and knowing yours is key for innovating your products, services, and marketing strategies. But identifying the competition isn't always obvious. Some are direct, while others may take more time to uncover.


3 Types of Competitors in Business


Adirect competitorprobably comes to mind when you think of your competition. These are businesses offering similar (or identical) products or services in the same market. They also vye for the same customer base.


数码公司也看到直接竞争。例如,after the success of Twitter’s Periscope app, Facebook pivoted its focus to live video to keep up.

Since direct competitors sell similar products in a similar manner, this type of competition is often a zero-sum game — meaning, a customer that buys a competitor's product won't buy yours. For example, if you buy a hamburger at McDonald's, it's not likely you'll swing by Burger King to buy another one.

2. Indirect competitors.


例如,Taco Bell and Subway fall under the same category — fast-food — but they offer entirely different menu options. While they both seek to solve the same problem (feed hungry people), they provide different products to solve it.

这是另一个例子 - 住宅画家体验间接竞争,包括家用仓库或Lowes等家庭装修链。同样,类别是相同的,但产品产品不同。

Indirect competition isn't necessarily a zero-sum game. Consider someone buying supplies from Lowe's to re-paint their home —only to do a sloppy job. They may call a local painter to fix the mistakes.


A replacement competitor offers an alternative to the product or service that you offer. You both seek to solve the same pain points, but the means are different.

例如,a restaurant and coffee shop in the same neighborhood could be replacement competitors. Walking down the street, some customers may choose to grab a to-go lunch from the coffee shop, while others prefer the restaurant.


潜在的危险,如果这些竞争对手re's more than one way to solve the same problem you seek to resolve. Additionally, these are the most challenging competitors to identify. After all, we can't read people's minds and understand all the choices that led them to us.


当您努力确定竞争对手时,您可能会发现比预期的更多。不要不知所措。请记住,并非所有的竞争对手都相同 - 有些比其他竞争对手少。

Now let's discuss ways to identify the players above, below, and next to you.


1. Check the first page of Google.

一个简单的起点是快速进行Google搜索。想想某人可能会搜索找到您的一些关键字,例如[服务或产品] + [位置]。例如,总承包商萨克拉曼多.


2. Research targeted keywords.

查看the keywords您目前正在识别针对同一业务的其他业务。

This is a solid strategy for finding your indirect competition since they likely target the same keywords. For example, the keyword "fast-food" may reveal Subway and Taco Bell — both indirect competitors —as the top two results.


Opinions are aplenty on social media — so it's relatively easyto find what your customers are saying. To find relevant conversations, enter your businesses' name in the search bar and check the results.

为instance, someone may post a question to Twitter asking what hair salon they should visit in your city. A follower may respond with the name of your business, along with a handful of others.


4. Perform market research.

检查您的产品或服务的市场,并以竞争优惠的速度记录任何公司。Market researchcan be done a number of ways — whether that be with a Google search, by browsing through trade journals, or by talking with your sales team to see what other companies are commonly brought up by customers (to name a few).


顾客are crucial to identifying your competition — after all, they likely sifted through most of them before landing on you. There are many ways to solicit feedback from customers — both online and in-person. That could mean striking up conversations while cashing them out or sending an email survey after each sale. One way or another, try to find the best approach and regularly check the feedback for any trends.




最初发布于2022年1月20日7:00:00 AM,更新于2022年1月20日


Conducting Marketing Research