In a letter he wrote to Jean-Baptiste Le Roy in 1789,本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin Franklin)著名地写道,“在这个世界上,除了死亡和税收外,别无他法,还有一个共享的存储库,用于客户联系信息对各种规模,行业和结构的销售团队有帮助。”




"Contact management software" is a catch-all term that encompassesany kind of software that allows you to track prospect, customer, and vendor contact information and communication。这可以包括地址,个人员工,关联公司,公开报价,订单和销售历史记录等信息。这是一种可以通过简化和简化诸如外展和领先资格之类的流程来改善销售工作的资源。

Best Contact Management Software

Here are some of the contact management software for small businesses followed by the best free and paid options available for any business.


Price: Free forever.



HubSpot的Free CRM是一种联系管理工具,还有更多。您永远不必手动添加或更新联系人记录 - 在与联系人进行每次互动后,HubSpot将为您处理。另外,通过超过2000万业务的数据,联系记录会自动丰富。

The CRM and contact management system is easy to get started with, use, and navigate. In addition to contact management, other notable features include pipeline management, reporting dashboards, company insights, deal tracking, email tracking and notifications, prospect tracking, meeting scheduling, and live chat.


专家提示:获取易于启动的HubSpot的Free-Forever CRM平台,将与您的业务进行扩展,并让您变得更好。


Price: Plans starting at $15 per user/ mo.

ActiveCampaign CRM用于小型Buineses示例

ActiveCampaignis a customer experience automation platform with a number ofcontact management features和功能。

ActiveCampaignpairs it's contact management capabilities with your customer lifecycle — the process begins with reaching and engaging your audience, then nurturing and educating them, followed by converting and closing them, and lastly, supporting their growth. In order to begin the process of contact management, the tool will have you create a contact list.

从那里,只需添加现有的电子邮件联系人then organize your contacts by list, tag, or custom field. ActiveCampaign will prompt you to build segments for your customers to allow you to target and personalize content for them. This contact management solution will help you segment based on communications like emails and forms, too — then, it'll identify and pull out behavioral actions that will teach you more about customers within those segments.



价格:计划起价为35美元/ mo/ mo。

freshworks best contact management software example

Freshworksis a CRM and contact management system that helps you manage and nurture your contacts in order to create strong and lasting relationships with them. It automates contact data entry for you and provides 360-degree views of individual customers.

Freshworkstracks sales activities, manages sales tasks and appointments, and allows you to place calls or send emails without having to leave the tool. You can integrate with Google Workspace to access Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, and more all from Freshworks.


价格:计划起价79美元/ mo/ mo。

keap crm for small businesses

克里普is a CRM and sales and marketing platform with a client management solution for small businesses. Client activity and communications are centrally located and the tool automates follow-ups, contact record creation. and contact record updates for you. Your communications with contacts (such as forms, emails, and sales follow-ups) can all be personalized quickly as well using the contact data that's stored in Keap.


Next, let's dive into the best free and paid contact management software for all businesses — from small to mid-size to enterprise.

1。集线器CRM Platform


HubSpot CRM平台联络管理系统的示例

HubSpot CRM平台的联系管理工具旨在消除销售流程中的摩擦,简化您的销售工作,并为您的代表提供更多的时间和灵活性来完成交易。


我们在上面聊了聊,关于HubSpot的自由版版本- 如果您是初创公司或小型企业,则可以从该版本的软件开始,然后扩展到销售CRM的付费版本。bob电竞官方下载随着您的业务规模,您的联系管理系统(以及许多其他功能和工具非常适合您的销售,营销和服务团队)。

2。Zoho ContactManager

Price: Free and paid plans starting at $15 for 15 users/ mo.

Zoho contact management software

Zoho ContactManager的价值非常简单 - 它很容易在不牺牲功率或功能的情况下操作。它使您可以在集中的地址簿中维护联系人,并提供与这些人进行的任何沟通的全面视图。




Price: Free and paid plans starting at $17 for two users/ mo.

Bitrix24's contact management software's suite of features extends beyond what you may typically expect from this kind of platform. It contains standard contact management resources, including a centralized database for collecting and tracking prospect and customer contact information.

The tool also automatically logs and records all phone calls reps place or receive. The same goes for email communications — if you sync your email address with the platform, your entire history of email exchanges will be stored in your Bitrix24 contact manager.



价格:免费和付费计划,起价为每人$ 15/ mo。

Streak contact management software

Streak的联系管理工具可以集成在您的Gmail收件箱中,并与所有其他Google Workspace应用程序一起工作。该软件还bob电竞官方下载允许您维护和共享客户联系和通信的时间表。这可以包括有关电子邮件记录,呼叫日志,文件,笔记和任务的信息。


Streak is an accessible software, designed to easily integrate with your Google applications. It's free for personal use but there are professional and enterprise-level options for a charge.


价格:计划从每个用户/ mo $ 12.50起。

Pipedrive contact management software

Pipedrive CRM绝对以销售为导向,其联系管理资源反映了这一点。bob体育苹果系统下载安装联系人管理功能旨在通过数据和自动化来实现艰苦的销售。他们通过收集智能联系数据并自动预先获得资格的潜在客户来为公司的销售工作增添新的洞察力和情报。bob全站app

The platform includes tools that can retrieve web-data about your contacts from online sources like LinkedIn. Using this information, the platform can give you insight into the viability of pursuing the leads you gather.


价格:计划起价25美元/ mo/ mo。

敏捷contact management software

Nimble CRM的联系管理功能使您可以在单个关系经理中访问所有联系人(基于云或桌面记录)的所有联系人。


该平台与Google Workspace和Office365无缝合作,并具有100多个应用集成。这是一个强大的多功能工具,可在您的联系人,如何达到联系以及如何适应您的整体销售工作中。

7。Nextiva Customer Relationship Suite

Price: Plans starting from $24.95 per user/ mo.

Nextiva contact management software

Nextiva Sales CRM的强大功能套件包括其所有计划中可用的联系管理资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装甚至他们最基本的订阅都包括用于维护电子邮件历史记录,笔记和通话日志的工具。

Together, these resources can help you track your customers’ contact information and communication history while taking the stress out of processes like follow-up and outreach. With Nextiva, you'll have access to a wide array of features including follow-up automation, surveys, live chat, and analytics.


价格:计划起价22美元/ mo/ mo。



Nutshell还与Slack和Google Workspace等应用程序无缝集成,旨在满足各种规模的企业需求。

Choose Your Contact Management System


And remember, nothing in life can be said to be certain, except for death, taxes, and high-quality contact management software making life easier for salespeople.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in February 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

contact management


最初发布于2021年4月13日1:30:00 PM,更新于2021年10月25日


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