Calling a sales presentation a "pitch" is a little misleading.

在棒球比赛中,好的投手击中了击球手。但是在销售中,成功的音调is one that connects -- and gets hit out of the park.


But along with the art of sales is a bit of science. The types of information most likely to convince a person to buy, or help them understand what you're talking about, can be broken down to zeroes and ones.

例如,你知道40%的人回应tter to information in visual form than when it's written? Or that the best presentations are two-thirds stories?


This来自PPTPOP的信息图breaks down the six essential elements of a successful sales presentation and includes examples from other companies'赢得球场.



1. A Stellar Cover Slide

您的封面幻灯片应反映您的公司立场和行业。bob全站app您的听众需要立即“获得”。自从40%的人对视觉信息的反应比纯文本更好谷歌,Flickr,Unplash, 和Fubiz可以是立即提高音调的图像的绝佳来源。

2. A Value Proposition

你做什么工作?总结您承诺交付给潜在客户的诺言的价值,并解释为什么他们应该向您购买。为了帮助磨练您的价值主张,请尝试使用“ VP”公式:


helps [target audience]

with [services]



  • Geekdom-"We're a new kind of collaborative workspace where entrepreneurs, technologists, developers, makers, and creatives help each other build businesses and other cool things together."
  • Airbnb-"Airbnb is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book unique accommodations around the world."

3. A Powerful Story

The most successful presentations are 65% stories. Present your story and your team to humanize your company and increase likeability.


4. Enticing Solutions


Airbnb's first pitch extract:"Price is an important concern for customers booking travel online. Hotels leave you disconnected from the city and its culture. No easy way exists to book a room with a local or become a host."

  • 问题 -价格,便利,访问权限
  • 愿望 -有选择,独特的经验,赚钱租用您的位置

Then, break down your value propositions into solutions tied to the benefits your clients want. Examples of benefits are, "赚更多的钱并发展您的业务,“”Look good and impress," and "Save time and money."


  1. 不要给出太多选择
  2. 传达客户将获得的结果
  3. Make it easy and quick to understand
  4. 举例说明您产品的价值。


The proofs you'll provide have to answer this question: "How do I believe you?" You should also:

  • Add testimonials -他们强调了客户喜欢与您做生意的东西。使用真实客户的图片来增强信誉的影响。
  • 共享研究数据 -Use expert quotes and findings that tie to the benefits of the product you're offering.
  • 比较您的产品与竞争对手 -向听众展示如何更好。
  • Provide extra benefits -Offer a money-back guarantee, free trial, or free shipment to show and earn confidence.


呼吁采取行动是一个简单的命令,指示客户采取行动(购买,开始免费试用,注册我们的邮件列表)。为了使您的呼吁行动更加诱人,包括这些sensory words to enhance your pitch.

因此,您准备好创建一个sales presentation? Here are some tips to keep in mind.


如果您想进行成功的演讲,您需要connect with your audience. Start out the presentation by addressing the audience and by appealing to them. This can be done by asking about their business (e.g., a new product launch or announcement).


您的产品或服务将解决的最大痛苦点是什么?从您的演讲开始providing the solutionright off the bat. Not only will this capture your prospect's attention, but it will also keep them engaged and hungry to learn more about what you and your company have to offer.

3. Include case studies.

How can you support the solution you provided? Show the prospect how that solution can be applied. Case studies allow you to highlight specific aspects of your product or service that will positively impact the prospect's company. This helps you build credibility and further develop trust.

4. Ask for feedback.

It's important to connect with your audience and make sure they're engaged in your presentation. For example, you could ask,"Does this make sense?"or"Do you see how this would work for you/your team/your company?"Asking for feedback ensures that you're on the same page.


Let your audience know that they can ask questions at any time. Be aware of your audience and their reactions throughout the presentation. Sales strategist,Marc Wayshak, recommends, "Whenever a prospect interrupts you -- either with a verbal remark or subtle shift in their facial expression or posture -- stop immediately. Acknowledge the interruption, and welcome the opportunity to explore it with the prospect." You'll provide even more value to the prospect by addressing their questions and concerns during the presentation.


Your pitch is the fastest and easiest way to set yourself apart from your competitors. Make sure it pops with these tips -- and see the difference in your quota results.

Looking for more? Check out thesesales pitch examples下一个。


sales pitch

最初发布于2019年4月9日1:52:00 AM,更新于2020年1月28日

