我们梦想着它,为此而努力,有时我们甚至为此计划 - 但是,普通工作的普通人可以实现真正的财务独立性吗?答案是一个响亮的“是的,”我可以证明这一点。


This move, however, presented a new problem: workers were never educated in personal finance and were suddenly left to themselves to figure it out. Understandably, this left a lot of people confused about how to set up and contribute to their 401(k).

How much does the average American have saved for retirement?

Here are some alarming2018 retirement savings statistics from Northwestern Mutual

  • 21%的保存或投资为零
  • 31%的人不到$ 5,000
  • 40% have less than $25,000


What does this tell us? Most Americans need help achieving financial freedom in the short- and long-term. So, I’ve sourced two industry experts who’ve spent years researching and defining the right steps to take and are willing to point you in the right direction.



Begin by understanding your personal net worth. Your personal net worth is a combination of:

  1. What you earn
  2. The assets you own
  3. The liabilities you owe

Assets include what you own, like a house, investments, or cash in the bank. Liabilities are what you owe -- think rent, mortgage, credit card debt, or student loans.

Create a personal net worth statement in a Google Doc or spreadsheet -- and start tracking. Or use a handy net worth calculator like this one from保险公司


  • Burn rate:How much money does it cost for you to live your life annually?
  • Earn rate:您从投资(即产生收入的资产)中收到了多少钱 - 不包括工作中的收入。

The great news is when earn exceeds burn you’ve achieved financial freedom.

The next step is to increase your assets and decrease your liabilities. But which comes first? Everyone is different -- and I don’t want to give specific advice -- but once you know what you owe and what you own, you can decide which is more important to focus on first. For many of us, accrued student debt from attending university is one of our biggest liabilities.

How one couple paid off $93K in 30 months

我的同伴HubSpotterLauren Hintz决定首先从事责任,并以这样的方式讲述她的故事:

“My husband and I are a 20-something couple of Midwest transplants living in Boston. We married at age 25 and moved to Sydney for my job at HubSpot. What we didn’t realize about this move was just how much it would teach us about personal finance.

We spent the next two and half years attacking our student loan debt. We craved the financial freedom of planning for our future together and actually getting to keep our paychecks.


We also got serious about paying off our debt. We did some quick math:

$93,000 loan x 5% interest rate/365 days

We realized we were paying more than $10 a day in interest. That was a wake-up call. During our first year of focusing on our finances, we paid more than $10,000 in interest on our student loans.


After 30 months of hard work, self-discipline, and delayed gratification, we crushed those $93K in student loans. Along the way, we learned a ton about personal finance and marriage.

自从我们完成偿还债务以来已经有几个月了,而且我仍然对个人理财进行挑剔。我在wirdmoneylife.comand share tips on Instagram at@weirdmoneylife。”


艾伦·麦克米兰(Alan J. McMillan), a professor at Ohio University and founder ofLearnearnretire, has defined six steps for increasing your assets on your way to financial independence. Here they are:






That means for every dollar you contribute to your 401(k), the employer matches you. Some deviate from this and will match, say, 50% of your first 6%. Your priority should be to get to the top of the match.

My suggestion is to begin with a 6% contribution. Be aggressive in what you allocate and learn to live with long-term funding at this level. You’ll see why in a moment.

Step 2: Set Your Goal 401(k) Contribution

When I first began studying this space, I turned to the top personal financial minds in the nation, and most of them agree you should allocate 12-15% of your salary for your 401(k).


Step 3: Hold Your Lifestyle Flat for The First Number of Years

As you receive raises in your career -- especially early on -- consider taking those modest raises (say, 2-3% per year) and pushing them entirely to your 401(k). You’ll find yourself at your goal percentage faster than anticipated. Once you’ve reached your goal, allocate 15% of all future raises toward long-term financial security and savings.

Step 4: Take the Pledge

You stand in front of the mirror, raise your right hand and pledge to yourself, “I will never divert long term assets (your 401(k) or retirement savings) to near term expenses (like buying a car or paying off credit cards).



Step 5: Build an Emergency Fund

Start this habit when you set up your initial 401(k) contribution -- or as soon as you read this. To do this, allocate a percentage of your paycheck and have it sent automatically to an emergency savings account at the start of each month.

Your benchmark should be to have at least three to six months of expenses (not compensation) in this account. That way, if your transmission goes out, you have an unexpected healthcare expense, or you lose your job, you have a financial cushion to fall back on.


Step 6: Navigate to a Debt-Free Life



Try this free calculator atwww.learnearnretire.com。它允许您运行多个场景where you might end up financially over time. Remember, there are no guarantees and future financial performance may vary, but this calculator is based on industry research -- and if you disagree with the assumptions you can change them.


What would you do with financial freedom?成为一名企业家Start a business?无论您选择什么,都要负责任地做好计划。

HubSpot CRM

最初发布于2018年9月5日7:30:00 AM,2018年9月7日更新

