
但是,当我谈到时,区域市场是独一无二的,有些市场比其他市场更远或更少。在许多情况下,您的定价策略需要反映这种可变性。该过程 - 基于位置的考虑到您的定价策略 - 被称为地理定价。

让我们仔细研究一下这个概念,回顾一些不同类型的地理定价,请参见一些示例,探索如何youcan leverage this kind of strategy, and go over some of the concept's pros and cons.


Geographical pricing — or geo-pricing — is a catch-all term that encompasses a wide range of strategies. Here are some of its more prevalent examples.




FOB Origin Pricing

FOB (or Free on Board) origin pricing is where a buyer pays for any variable shipping costs from a seller's factory or warehouse on top of the original price. Ownership is transferred to the buyer as soon as the products in question have left their original facility. With this strategy, the buyer or the seller can arrange transportation.


Freight absorption is a strategy where a seller assumes (or absorbs) all or part of the cost of delivery to a given region — essentially amounting to a discount for buyers. In most cases, this method is reserved for promotions.




As I mentioned, a company's zone pricing strategy typically revolves around shipping distances and the costs that stem from them. For instance, a company might manufacture a product in San Diego, California and set three separate "zones" across the United States — West, Midwest, and East.


FOB Pricing Example

Imagine a company that manufactures toy robots in Boston. The business sells a shipment of its product to a storefront in San Francisco. With FOB pricing, the owner of the storefront — the buyer — would immediately assume the shipping costs of and liability for the toy robot shipment as part of its purchase.



在这种情况下,制造商将食用运输费用,并在运输货运时承担相应的责任。这些额外的费用不会反映在价格上 - 本质上是折扣。



该令牌的第一面相对简单 - 潜在客户自然更倾向于购买可以用货币购买的产品。它使采购过程变得更简单,更熟悉。


When you try to breach a new market in a different country or domestic region, you need to have a grasp of which alternatives are available to those users, what your competitors are charging, the need for your kind of product in the area, and your local market share. From there, you can start to piece together an appropriate pricing strategy.



出售的公司农产品often leverage geographical pricing as well. That's why California avocados tend to be less expensive in Los Angeles than they would be in Des Moines, Iowa. And as I just mentioned, someSaaS公司在不同地区以不同的价格出售产品。

Ultimately, virtually any business looking to tap into new markets can benefit from at least trying a geographical pricing strategy. If you can create the impression of scarcity, prestige, or novelty in a given area, you can probably charge a different price point there than you would elsewhere.

Geographical Pricing Advantages and Disadvantages


It gives you local appeal.


如果您能体现出定价以反映这些元素,则可以更有效地吸引各个市场 - 使更多的销售,更多的用户,本地影响力以及在更广泛的市场广度上更加牢固。


这个非常简单。专门设计围绕运输商品的地理定价策略是专门设计的,以帮助公司计算运输成本 - 因此,如果您正确利用了运输成本,则可以弥补这些潜在的损失。

It can be used to boost perceived value in certain locations.

When done right, using a geographical pricing strategy to price up in certain locations can boost your product's perceived value in those areas. If you charge a higher price in a region that matches demand, you can enhance brand perception.

地理定价基本上可以支持区域声望定价strategies — heightening perceived value in a given area by giving the impression of scarcity and high-esteem through higher prices.

But be careful, prestige pricing can be finicky. If you sell at a price point that's too high and fail to convey value that justifies it, you might turn consumers off — even ones that are more inclined to spring some extra cash for premium goods.



Charging different prices in different regions — sometimes in different currencies — puts more balls in the air when it comes to accounting and bookkeeping.

That kind of variability in your revenue stream means more bases to cover —something that can make things a little trickier when it comes to getting your books in order.


当地法律常常可以使特定的地理al pricing strategies. You might find that a certain price point will be effective in a given region, but regional taxes or regulations might force you to boost prices beyond it just to break even.

扩展到价格不同的新地区通常需要进行大量研究,以掌握法律规定,这些法律规定将决定您需要收取多少收费 - 对于希望实施生产性地理定价策略的企业来说,这可能是一个主要的头痛。

对于任何希望扩展或充分利用其范围的企业来说,建设良好,有效的地理定价策略可能是一项主要资产。将您的组合在一起可能会进行大量研究,思考和实验 - 但是如果您实现了这一目标,则可以利用多个市场并因此而获得大量回报。



最初发布于2021年11月3日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年11月3日

