Entrepreneurs, scaling startups, and enterprise companies are all in business to do one main thing: generate revenue.

Over the last 10 years,入站营销事实证明,这是做到这一点的好方法。但是,重要的是要了解,人们不会完全不知道您的业务变成一口气成为品牌忠诚的客户。




Getting people interested in what you have to sell doesn’t have to be difficult thanks to Inbound marketing. This practice is a holistic, data-driven approach where a business leverages content on its website to attract interested buyers and convert them into leads — typically after they've become aware of the products and services online.

It mirrors the way people buy in today's digital environment and works in both B2B and B2C situations.


But what if you don't have a marketing department or your marketing team doesn't practice inbound? What if you have to generate your own sales leads?








Let’s take a look at some of the top lead channels that won’t cost you a penny.

1.Use third-party listings.



We’ll talk about different ways you can do this in the section below, but creating content online helps you get free leads in both the short-term and the long-term. When you use social media to promote your content, you can see a quick spike in traffic to your website and a spike in leads could follow. In the long-term, your content will live on your site and gain authority in the search engines as more people search for queries that your content answers for them. All of this is completely free and only requires time, skill, and consistency.

3. Network online.


1. Optimize your social media profiles.

When was the last time you actually updated your LinkedIn or Twitter profile? Keeping your social media profiles fresh and up-to-date is a great way to bring in more leads.


推特is another social media platform that salespeople can use to connect with leads and generate interest in their business.





A few quick recommendations to leverage your social media presence for lead generation:

  1. 尝试与尽可能多的人建立联系。您拥有的连接越多,您的覆盖范围就会更大。您不必与与您联系的人成为最好的朋友。切线连接可能是潜在前景的最佳选择之一。
  2. 在您当前想要识别并在特定日期之前识别并帮助具有特定类型问题的特定潜在客户的“共享更新”部分中发布。例如,“我们希望在9月1日之前与三家新的商业美化公司合作,他们有兴趣在亚利桑那州大凤凰城建立业务”。
  3. 从现有客户那里获取三个建议,这些建议证明了高质量的工作,可以为您的价值,专业精神和有效性提供保证。
(Extra credit if you can broaden your professional brand to Facebook for Business, Twitter, and Snapchat, although this does increase the amount of work involved.)

3. Post a blog article on LinkedIn with an offer for a 15-minute consultation.

我每年代表Hubspot说话50次,通常是我提及“blogging" to my audience, people's eyes glaze over. They think of blogging as a structured and difficult way of writing a college essay — and writing is up there with public speaking on the list of things that people hate and fear.



Over the course of my work helping digital agencies fill their sales funnel, I frequently ask my clients the last time they pinged their current clients, thanked them for their business, and asked for help in generating more business.

Everyone agrees that a referral collection strategy is effective, but for some reason, it's hard to implement one effectively. You can follow the seven steps below to get started:

  1. 请与您的客户经理联系,以确保客户感到高兴(如果他们不满意,请设置一个电话,以查看如何使事情变得更好)。
  2. 用电话和电子邮件ping客户,并要求进行10分钟的对话。
  3. Thank the client for the business, explain that you value your relationship and you're always interested in making it more valuable to your client.
  4. Ask if there are any other contacts or companies she can think of that would be interested in the same level of service.
  5. 获取联系人的姓名,电话号码和电子邮件,以及您的客户为什么认为这很合适。
  6. 询问他们是否可以通过快速介绍电子邮件给您打个电话。
  7. 额外的信用:如果可以的话,请给他们发送手写笔记或小型物品,例如T恤,感谢他们的推荐。小触摸很长。



In today's busy world, you have yoga friends, work friends, neighbors, and more — but they exist in these separate buckets that don't necessarily intersect. The key is remarkably simple — if you're at the point in your relationship where you can talk business, let potentially useful acquaintances know.


当然,将这样的个人和专业人士混合需要有效和尊重 - 但这是扩大您的影响力的好方法。

6. Actively engage with new leads at networking events.


Below are four basics I remind people of before they dive into networking (whether in-person or at a virtual networking event):

  1. 这是关于融合,成为人类和玩乐。不要太认真对待事情!
  2. Explaining your "always be helping" philosophy face-to-face is usually a pretty big differentiator.
  3. 带上名片交给您的新熟人。
  4. Offer to connect on LinkedIn from your phone while you're standing next to someone. I usually respectfully ask — would you like to connect on LinkedIn? If they say"yes,"I just hand them my phone and say,"Can you find yourself and connect?",这使事情变得容易得多。


These are businesses that already know what your company does. They might have seen a product demo or made it through a discovery call and it just wasn't the right time to buy.


Invest in marketing to these prospects, because they're already more qualified than new, warm leads. Enroll them in appropriate marketing email drips, send them relevant blog posts, and keep communication personalized.


And you never know when a prospect will change jobs and finally have the budget or business case to implement your solution. By staying top of mind, you'll be the first vendor they call.

8. Send automated email newsletters.

AtSaastr年度2018年,山姆金发,cro of雨林质量检查建议,“定义您的宣传策略。然后通过电子邮件副本获得创意 - 要聪明。”




  • 电子邮件1:地址疼痛点
  • 电子邮件2:说明价值信息
  • 电子邮件3:名称丢弃大客户
  • 电子邮件4:限定您的消息
  • 电子邮件5:包括产品消息
  • Email 6: Reach out one last time

实施全面,有目的的email sequence看到它适合您。



It could be sales process optimization, referral marketing, or your product/service — but whatever you do, start writing, and share it on your company's blog, your personal social media channels, and your customers.

It's important for you to be a visible expert in your field. Not only will it display your expertise, but you'll educate your prospects as well. Need some help on your first post? Reach out to your resident marketer or blog editor for a quick lesson. They might even offer to help you write a post or two.


If you're a rep in charge of bringing in your own leads, you don't have the resources to send three back-and-forth emails coordinating schedules with a prospect. It's a waste of your time and a waste of theirs.

Instead, embed an appointment scheduler on your website and your email signature. HubSpot's免费会议计划工具与Google和Office 365日历同步,因此您的潜在客户总是会看到您的更新可用性。



11. Use live chat to engage with users on your website.

兽医铅的另一种方法是通过易于使用的聊天机器人构建器。今天的市场上有很多,但是HubSpot Conversations为您提供所需的工具和上下文,您需要大规模进行无限的个性化对话。


您也可以通过HubSpot的移动应用程序进行对话收件箱,Slack,Slack,Slack响应聊天。因为这是你的一部分Hubspot CRM,每个对话都保存了。

12. Lead an online workshop or webinar.

While sharing articles and blog posts are a great way to share your knowledge, nothing tops getting the opportunity to actually teach. Hosting a webinar or online workshop sharing your expertise on a relevant topic is a great way to generate leads online.





14. Have a giveaway for a free product or service in exchange for a lead form.


15. Partner with other businesses online to cross-promote your offerings.

Partnerships are mutually beneficial to both you and the other business. Not only will you both gain exposure in two different audiences, you’ll be more likely to make a good impression on the other audience if your brand aligns with their needs.

When partnering with another business, you’ll want to keep a few things in mind before agreeing to collaborate:

  1. Do a quick受众分析. Is the majority of their audience in that market for what you sell? If not, it may not be a productive use of your time.
  2. 您将合作哪种类型的合作?社交媒体合作很受欢迎 - 您会做视频,一系列帖子,一个社交媒体收购?
  3. What is your goal for the collaboration? How many new leads do you plan to acquire? How will you follow up with them


The Revenue Collective and Women in Revenue are just a few examples of网络社区that you can join to connect with like-minded professionals.



Google brings in more than50亿搜索per day. That’s “billion” with a “B”. Because of the sheer amount of traffic to the search engine, it’s a good idea to enhance your presence there. Google My Business is a free option for any business to use. So long as you have a valid physical address where your company does business, you can see an increase in traffic to your website once your account is activated.

With a Google My Business account, searchers have a better chance of seeing your business appear in the search engine results page (SERP) on a旋转木马,featured snippet, or in a知识图.




New Call to action

social selling

最初发布于2021年4月12日2:00:00 PM,更新于2021年4月12日

