在HubSpot,我们在过去的九年中都表明了入站的力量improve lead generationand customer acquisition. But the grim reality is that many salespeople don’t have enough inbound leads to fill their pipeline and hit their numbers. Cold calling -- working your way through a purchased list or even the phone book -- seems like the easiest way to compensate.

So how do you cold call effectively?

Step one: You don’t.

Cold calling is hard, has an extremely low connect rate, is usually a negative experience for the prospects you manage to connect with, undermines your status as a trusted advisor from the first call, and can even have a negative impact on your brand.

It’s also a terrible experience for salespeople. We all have awful stories of our own最糟糕的电话,其中一些是“Aha!”moment that made us realize there had to be a better way to do sales.

My seminal cold call moment was in 1985. At that point in my sales career, I was an outside sales rep at Businessland, a computer retailer company, but we had to do a lot of inside prospecting to generate business. Every day followed the same routine.

我和我的同事们会很晚去办公室,因为我们不想真正想在那里。我们会看我们的数字和叹息清单 - 我们知道我们正在遇到痛苦的一天。我们会翻阅几页,扫描我们必须打电话但不想打电话的人的名字和数字。

然后,一点声音在我的耳边小声说:“Dan, you have to make payments on your car.”是时候了商业ness.


Finally, someone picked up. I was jolted back to the real world by the prospect of speaking to a real person.

“嗨,这是来自商业世界的Dan Tire,”我说。“我很想今天与您谈谈 -

Click. They’d hung up on me.

Back to my list, and improbably, another person picked up. Two pickups in a row was unheard of. I recited the same shtick, and I got hung up on -- again.

At this point, I was feeling pretty low. Was I the biggest loser in the world? What was I even doing here? I know now that top 2% salespeople don’t cold call because it’s ineffective and awful, but back in 1985 I just felt like a blemish on humanity.

This is the stupidest thing ever, I thought.我在这里没有做任何积极的事情。我只是在浪费时间。

And then -- the cold call that blew my mind. I was still dialing down my list, when Wayne picked up. Here’s how the conversation went:

“Wayne, this is Dan Tyre from Businessland,” I said. “I’m calling to tell you about our new discount on PCs. I’m interested in talking about how you buy PCs, how many PCs you have, and why Businessland is the best way to purchase PCs.”

韦恩就坐在那里。他没有挂断电话或说什么 - 他只是坐在电话的另一端。

“Wayne, are you there?” I asked.


哇靠!I thought.有人实际上在听我说。

Before I’d gathered my thoughts, Wayne spoke again.


I didn’t miss a beat.



I realized I wasn’t dealing with your average Joe. Wayne was listening to me, but he was also pushing back.

At this point, there were two things I could have said. I could have told him I did know who he was -- that he was the president of his company, which I knew because I’d gotten his name and number from a purchased list of financial services companies, or I could be honest. I opted to be honest.


“Okay …Wayne said slowly. It felt like he was torturing me. “Dan, is this really a good use of my time?”



“Stop,” he said. “Dan -- is this really a good use ofyour时间?”




Hi Wayne, this is Dan Tyre from Businessland. I’m calling because you’re in the Boston area and I know your company is in financial services, and Businessland works with many businesses like yours.

A script like that still doesn’t provide much value to the prospect, but it was the beginning of understanding that we needed to give our prospects a human experience.

韦恩,如果您在那里阅读此书,谢谢。感谢您在打电话给潜在客户之前教我要使用我的大脑,并向我展示销售人员的工作并不总是关闭 - 这是always be helping.




冷来打电话 致电记录应用程序