
Finding the right price for a new company can seem like a daunting task, but here are some tips that you can use to get your team the deal flow they’ll need to hit their numbers. Let's dive in.

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Formula for Pricing a Product

Given the range of potential pricing strategies businesses can employ, there's no definitive method for pricing a product. Any "formula" you leverage will hinge upon several factors — including your industry, business size, structure, and broader business model.

也就是说,有一些元素始终如一地参与大多数产品的价格 - 几乎每个价格“配方”中都有位置的组件。这是考虑要考虑的关键点。



Consider your variable costs — the ones that change with your level of output. These could include the prices of packaging, raw materials, or shipping. Also, assign a dollar value to the time you spend on producing your product and factor that in as well. Time is money — know how much yours is worth.

然后,考虑您的固定成本 - 无论您的生产量如何,那些成本都保持不变。这可能包括您为设施支付的租金,您的业务可能需要制造产品的任何许可费用,或者员工的固定薪水。

Take all these costs together to identify what producing your product costs on a monthly or annual basis. Use that figure to understand what it will take to consistently make a profit.



That sets the stage for a process that takes critical thought and self-awareness — identifying what differentiates your product from the competition and factoring that into your price.

如果你想以更高的价格出售,be prepared to convince consumers that your product is first-rate. If you're trying to sell at lower price points, be ready to show prospects they won't be compromising quality for value if they purchase your product.



Every product has a target market. There are specificbuyer personaswho will be more receptive to what you have to offer than others. These personas will have different interests, sensitivities, values, backgrounds, and — most importantly — purchasing habits. Get to know who's most inclined to buy your product, and that into consideration when pricing.

调查,buyer persona interviews,social media, and several other tools and tactics can be leveraged to get a picture of who you're appealing to. Understand their priorities. Are they willing to pay more for premium quality? Are they looking for deals? Do you think they'll be loyal to your brand?

It won't be easy, and it might take a lot of trial, error, and effort to land on definitive buyer personas to consider when pricing. Still, if you stick with it, you'll put yourself in the best position possible to hit the optimal price point for your product.

4. Identify a profit margin and a revenue target.


That process can be tough. You have to choose a grounded, realistic figure that still allows you to operate, expand, and live comfortably — a margin you're both content with and capable of reaching.

Once you have that figure, add it to your estimated fixed and variable costs, and you have a revenue target. After you have that target, it's relatively easy to figure out how it plays into the overall pricing equation.

Estimate how many units of your product you realistically believe you can ship over the next year. Take your annual revenue target and divide it by that number. Now, you have a rough picture of what you have to charge for your product.


There's no exact science to pricing a product, so there's no guarantee you'll nail it on the first try. You shouldn't be reluctant to change your price if it's not working for you.


That being said, there are some potentially volatile scenarios you should always be mindful of. Different, often-shifting external factors can force you to change prices.

That could include the volume of product you can ship, your competitors' prices, the efficacy of your marketing efforts, or the public perception of your product. Your price will probably be fluid. It will take some testing to get it right, and you might find yourself adjusting itconsistently.

How to Price a Product for Retail

There are a variety of methods you can use to price your physical product for retail. The pricing method that's best for your business will depend on the industry, market conditions, and the type of product you're selling. Here are a few of the most common retail pricing methods.

1. Markup Pricing

Markup pricing, orcost-plus pricing, is a simple pricing method where a fixed percentage is added on top of the production cost for one unit of product (unit cost). It's most often used by companies who sell retail products.

2. Keystone Pricing

Keystone pricing is where you sell your product at double the cost of goods sold. This is a simple pricing method. But, depending on what type of product you sell, the price could be too high for the value customers expect to receive from the product.

3. Penetration Pricing

Apenetration pricingstrategy is used by new companies who enter the market and price their product at an extremely low price. The goal of this strategy is to disrupt businesses in the market and entice customers with a price that's much lower than the competition.


1. Flat-Rate Pricing

固定费率定价可能是最straightforward software pricing method. As you can probably assume, it's the practice of charging a single price for your solution. It generally applies to SaaS products with a single set of features.


2. Per-User Pricing

Per-user pricing is one of the more popular pricing strategies for products for SaaS products that can be leveraged by multiple users within an organization. Plans that follow this pricing structure feature incremental price hikes based on how many individuals within a company use the product in question.

Like flat-rate pricing, the per-user model is straightforward and simple. It also allows your business to scale with adoption — the more users you bring on, the more revenue you generate. But the structure comes with its share of drawbacks.

每位用户充电通常会激励企业找到游戏的方法来容纳更多用户,而无需相应地付款。它还可以鼓励流失 - 一旦公司的用户数量达到关键点,您的解决方案可能会停止bob全站app财务可行。这可能会导致他们通过不同的定价结构探索其他选择。

Here's an example of what that looks like from日历。


Image Source: Calendly

3. Tiered Pricing

Tiered pricing is another prominent strategy for pricing software products. With this model, businesses offer multiple pricing options — with varying degrees of available features and functionality — to suit a variety of prospects with different needs and budgets.


In some cases, companies struggle with creating distinct enough options to capitalize on prospects' unique preferences. Additionally, having too many options might be confusing and frustrating for prospects — potentially undermining sales.

Here's an example of what the strategy looks like in practice:


Image Source: HubSpot


To learn more about pricing, check out thisquick refresher on price elasticitynext.

sales pricing strategy calculator

sales pricing calculator

Originally published Mar 8, 2021 6:45:00 AM, updated March 08 2021


Pricing Strategy