致电前景需要很大的勇气,才华 - 是的,有些运气。您可能永远无法控制接手的人度过美好的一天……假设他们根本可以接受。

But great salespeople do everything they can to succeed regardless, from proactively boosting their confidence, staying focused, practicing their techniques, and honing their skills.

So if you want to get great results even when luck isn’t on your side, follow these 16 sales call prospecting tips.



1) Be confident

您的第一印象取决于您的声音。毕竟,潜在客户没有太多其他要继续的事情 - 如果您看起来很紧张,他们会认为您没有充分的理由打电话,但是显得自我保证,并在指挥中会让您看起来可信。


2) Don’t worry about mistakes

没关系,如果你跌倒a couple times or don’t answer every question perfectly. You’re human, which means you’ll occasionally mess up. Not only are prospects willing to overlook the occasional blooper, they may even see you as more relatable. Just say something like,“糟糕,我的喉咙里抓住了东西。”or“我认为是时候喝另一种咖啡了。”

3) Count your nos

If you’re struggling to stay motivated, try Jeff Hoffman’s tip:计算“ nos”you get. Rather than feeling dejected when you’re shut down, you’ll feel like you’ve made progress.

To make things a little more exciting, challenge another two or three salespeople to race you. The first rep who gets a certain number of nos wins -- maybe they get to pick the next lunch, free drinks, or just bragging rights.

4) Remember your motivation

Keep your enthusiasm up by periodically reminding yourself why you’re doing this. Maybe you have a financial goal. Maybe you’re trying to set a personal record or beating a team member’s. Maybe you’re trying to grow your business. Keeping that “why” in the back of your mind will help you overcome disinterested prospects, hang ups, and no responses.


1) Warm them up on social media

You’ll get a much better reaction if you seem familiar. People can’t help it: Thanks to the暴露效果, we naturally feel warmer toward those we know.

这就是为什么您应该在致电之前尝试在社交媒体上与买家进行互动的原因。请求在LinkedIn上与他们联系,例如在Twitter上转发他们的帖子,依此类推。到你说的时候“这是来自Dunder Mifflin的Jim,”they’ll know your name.

2) Do prospecting in chunks

Set aside a block of time each day for making calls. It’s much more efficient to make several outreach calls in a row than call one prospect, prep for a demo, go to a meeting, make a few more calls, connect with 10 people on LinkedIn, and so on.


3) Vary your prospecting times

That being said, calling a prospect at the same time every time rarely works. If they didn’t pick up in the morning the first two times you tried, they probably won’t pick up the third time. Mix it up to maximize your chances of connecting: Try the morning, mid-afternoon, and early evening.


1) Find a commonality

研究显示humans are hardwired to like people who seem similar。Capitalize on this by mentioning something you share with your prospect -- and don’t worry if you didn’t go to the same college or grow up in the same place, this strategy still works even with statements like,“I’ve visited Japan as well! What did you think?”and“在Twitter上看到您是国际象棋派的忠实粉丝。我的奶奶曾经做过有史以来最美味的国际象棋派。你从哪里得到食谱?”

Proving you’re a real person just like them will soften your prospect’s defenses and make them likelier to stay on the line.


您的前景中的第一个问题您需要回答(或冒着永久失去注意力的风险):“Why are you callingme?”

There’s a great formula to use in your response:“I’m calling because we help [type of business] companies like yours with [pain point or opportunity].”


The more specific you can get, the better. This reinforces the importance of doing research: Knowing key details about your prospects helps you customize your messaging, and it also helps you weed out bad fits.

3) Avoid the cheesy pitch

You might be tempted to follow up your reason for calling with an overview of your solution -- how it works, why it’s so great, and which companies are using it. Don’t do this. Hard selling will only turn off the person on the other end of the line; just picture how you’d feel if your day was interrupted by a stranger launching into their product pitch.

Instead, ask one simple question:“这是您(挑战,机会)[经历,有兴趣解决]?”

If they say yes, you can ask for some time on their calendar to discuss some strategies.

4) Have a plan …



5) Don’t give up immediately

Prospect hits you with an objection? Don’t be defeated so easily. Sometimes, you need to provide some value before the buyer sees you as worthy of their time.

With that in mind, be cheerily persistent -- and more importantly, helpful.

Let’s say your prospect says,“不,我们现在没有处理这个问题。”

您会说些什么“听起来还不错。您能告诉我更多有关您的[X,Q4计划等策略]的信息吗?”Try to dig for more information and find a chance to offer suggestions.


1) Add your notes immediately


You should also schedule any reminders or next steps. This ensures you’ll never let an important activity slip through the cracks.

2) Follow up


如果您承诺向他们发送一些材料,请立即进行。您还应该确认下一个电话,如果您分配了任何作业 - 他们在此之前应该做什么。

3) Ask for feedback

您的销售经理可能有很多技巧和有用的策略 - 不要让他们的智慧浪费。如果您每周尚未与他们见面一次,以收听录制的电话并进行讨论,请询问是否是一种选择。您也可以与高级销售人员联系以寻求他们的帮助;尽管他们通常非常忙,但他们可能会很受宠若惊,可以说是的。(至少,他们会同意一次会议。)


4) Try a conversation analytics platform

调用智能工具GongandChorusare getting more sophisticated every day. These can transcribe your call and analyze it for key insights like,“The prospect mentioned another vendor on the second call, which is a strong buying signal,”or“You spoke 80% of the time; ask more questions."

According to HubSpot Research, most salespeople findprospecting the hardest part of sales。With these tips, you can prospect more effectively -- meaning you'll dread the task far less.


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Originally published Oct 24, 2017 2:20:00 PM, updated June 11 2021


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