Closing is a make-or-break moment in sales. Choosing theright phrases to seal a sales dealis crucial. And this moment is likely the final verdict determining whether or not your efforts will amount to anything at all.

You're not the only salesperson who feels apprehensive about the close. However, without that feeling of risk, successfully closing a sale wouldn't be so thrilling -- which drives salespeople to continually strive for more.



Here are a fewproven closing techniques, and why they're so effective.

To close a sale with a prospect, there are many techniques you can employ. Here are a few of them:


传统的销售关闭技术usually employ some psychological tricks designed to give that final nudge. Here are two of the most common.

1. Now or Never Closes

This is where salespeople make an offer that includes a special benefit that prompts immediate purchase. For example:

  • “This is the last one at this price.”
  • “We’ve got a 20% discount just for customers who sign up today.”
  • “If you commit to buy now, I can fast track you to the front of the implementation queue.”

这种技术,因为它创造了一种工作urgency and can help overcome inertia when a prospect wants to buy -- but for some reason isn't pulling the trigger. Of course, you should always establish value before offering a discount or promotion.

2. Summary Closes


“So we have the Centrifab washing machine with brushless motor, the 10-year comprehensive guarantee, and our free delivery and installation service. When would be a good time to deliver?”

By summarizing previously agreed-upon points into one impressive package, you're helping prospects visualize what they're truly getting out of the deal.


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潜在客户通常要求降低价格或广告,因为他们知道自己拥有优势 - 而且他们也知道您期望的。如果您获得了销售经理的批准,请尝试使用尖锐的角度闭合技术,以惊讶地吸引这些潜在客户。

当他们问的时候,”您能以折扣价添加几个小时的入职吗?“ 回复, ”Sure. But if I do that for you, will you sign the contract today?“It's likely they won't be expecting this response -- first, because you agreed to their request, and second, because you've proposed closing today.



In particular, the idea of closing itself needs to encompass any and all incremental agreements you secure throughout a sales process -- not just the moment of final purchase.

In a sales engagement, reps should endeavor to:

  • 发现客户的需求
  • 有效地传达特定产品或服务如何为这些需求提供负担得起且令人满意的解决方案

如果这两个要求是正确实现,then there should be no barrier to closure. The closing question can be asked directly at that point.

Quick reminder:

确保在此阶段跟踪您收集的所有信息免费CRM。The data might not seem immediately useful, but keeping track of objections from a prospect can help you organizationally improve and close more deals in the long-run.



One can even close the sale in the form of a question, which allows the rep to address outstanding objections while gaining a commitment at the same time.

例如:“In your opinion, does what I am offering solve your problem?”



This question asks either for closure or more information as to why the customer isn’t quite convinced. It’s win-win.


This closing technique draws on the power of positive thinking. If you believe, from the first piece of email outreach, you will close this deal, it can have an incredible effect on the rest of the sales process.

What's important here is to closely monitor your prospect's interest, engagement, and objections throughout. After a call or meeting, ask, "这个演示文稿是否与您的期望保持一致?“If you've just provided them with new information about your product or service, ask, "这听起来像是您公司有价值的东西吗?bob全站app这满足特定的需求或痛苦点吗?

通过将您的耳朵保持在地面上 - 并从一开始就有良好的意图 - 您将为您的销售过程带来授权和指导,否则就不会出现。


如果您有孩子,您可能会注意到,如果您将玩具从它们身上带走 - 他们会比以往任何时候都更想要它。在您的前景上使用这种类似的心理实践。




例如, ”如果我可以将小部件的维护减少25%,并将小部件的生产率提高15%,您是否有兴趣了解更多?


如果上面的示例似乎仍然太直接,您可以问,”If I told you I could reduce widget maintenance by 25% and increase widget productivity by 15%, would that align with your company goals?

This removes their need to commit to you in the slightest, and gives you more time to learn about their business needs.

Being skilled at closing is arguably one of the most important techniques a salesperson can master. Find a mentor or fellow salesperson who excels at it and learn from them.

想要更多?获取提示结束困难的前景这里。And learn how toavoid sales closing mistakes这里。如果您仍然渴望获得更多技术,请查看这些habits of highly effective closers。而且,当所有其他方法都失败时,请看到这些方法从死者那里带回停滞的交易
