



The Best Sales Principles for Building Relationships and Closing Deals

1. Customers buy things that bring them value.

Customers see value in many different ways. A product might be a time-saver, a results-booster, a money-maker, or an insight-bringer. But ultimately, customers will only purchase a product that they think will benefit them. Great sales reps are able to spot the need and tailor their approach to help the customer see that value too. This is called value-based sales.

基于价值的销售focuses on bringing the customer benefits. Rather than listing features ad nauseum, sales reps who use value-based selling listen to their customers, uncover what they need, and then provide value based on their customers’ individual pain points.

2. Listen at least as much as you speak.

超过三分之二的买家同意:倾听他们的需求是创造积极销售体验的最重要方法。Nobody knows what your buyer needs more than them.

Instead of spending your time convincing the prospect that your solution is the right choice for them, spend time listening to their story and their pain points. By the end of the call, they’ll feel like you really know what they need and they’ll be more open to listening to your solution.

Rather than giving prospects a blanket statement about the benefits of your product, you’ll be able to pinpoint where they’ll see the value and speak directly to their needs.

3. Build trust by demonstrating expertise.




4. Be helpful.

“当销售人员有所帮助时,它可以最大程度地减少买家和销售人员之间的自然抵抗。当买家将其销售代表视为盟友和资产时,它会建立一种可以在竞争者风暴中度过风暴的合作伙伴关系。”bob综合博彩下载- 维克多·克拉克(Victor Clarke)Rather than looking at sales as pushing one specific agenda, focus on understanding what your customer’s needs are - and then give them what they need.

As Gary Vaynerchuk explained in his 2013 book "戳戳,戳刺,戳刺,右钩," going in hard for the sale right away won’t get you anywhere. The jabs are the little things you do for customers that show you understand them, and that you care. Once you’ve built that connection, that relationship, then you can knock them out with the right hook: your sales pitch.

There are many ways to be helpful to prospective buyers, such as;

  • 向您的网络中的人们介绍前景。
  • 转发有趣的文章可能会帮助他们解决痛苦点(即使您的公司不写)。bob全站app
  • Connect them with opportunities to promote their own brand.
  • 将其他人推荐给他们的业务,或留下您使用和喜欢的产品的评论。

5. Momentum closes deals.


在销售过程的所有步骤中,保持动力向前发展。在您的CRM中设置工作流程to notify reps when leads need follow-ups. Use sales tie-downs in presentations to keep the conversation moving and work towards an agreement. Uncover what needs to happen on the prospect’s side in order to close the deal, and be proactive to get them what they need.



销售中的基本真理之一是您不能轻易放弃。在潜在客户面前获取您的消息需要时间和持久性。用一个sales tracking platform like HubSpot可以通过记录您拨打的所有电话和电子邮件来帮助您,再加上您每天接触的潜在客户列表。HubSpot跟踪潜在客户的所有动作,包括网站访问,电子邮件打开和内容下载,即使您不与买家建立联系,您仍然会知道他们正在听。

A caveat though: don’t be that salesperson that doesn’t know how to back off. Persistence doesn’t give you an excuse to be relentless. When someone tells you to stop contacting them, or they aren’t interested, then it’s time to move on.

7. Selling is all about relationships.

“如果您开展业务,首先,您必须保持友善。向您的客户展示您的关心。”- 加里·瓦尼库克(Gary Vaynerchuk)销售量reps with a short-term mindset probably don’t care much about forming relationships with their prospects. But they probably don’t have a lot of repeat customers either. Without building a long-term relationship with your prospect, you’ll be unlikely to see many referrals, achieve upselling targets, or increase your customers’ lifetime value.

Being nice to people isn’t just the right thing to do, it’s also an essential business principle. Taking the time to care (such as being flexible with meeting times, checking in on how things are going with them, sending thoughtful gifts) will mean that your customers will stick with you for the long run.



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最初出版于6月7日,2021年6月7:00 am,更新于6月7日2021

