
Just a decade ago, sales was a fairly straightforward profession. Salespeople could be successful with only a fancy suit, an enthusiastic grin, and a well-rehearsed pitch.




为了吸引您的目前,Marc Wayshak提供了我最近看到的一些最简洁,最佳的建议。Wayshak是最畅销的作者游戏计划销售,创造者销售策略学院, and host of his ownchannel on YouTube.

In the three YouTube videos below, Wayshak highlights 11 common mistakes that most salespeople make. Read below or watch Wayshak’s videos to stop making these silly mistakes.


电话勘探是最重要的销售技能之一。克服对电话勘探的恐惧的唯一方法是拿起电话并开始。无论您的线索的来源或热情如何,都必须拿起电话。创建呼叫时间表 - 坚持下去!


The only thing worse than a procrastinated phone call is an unplanned one. Salespeople are quick to reject the idea of using a script as a basis for a call -- but scripts only sound scripted if they’re poorly written, inflexible and not practiced. Use a script for every phone call to keep yourself on track, keep the call focused, and to plan your response to pushback from prospects.

3) Using a “sales voice.”

The tone of your voice can literally end a conversation before it even begins. Ditch the salesy, enthusiastic tone that most salespeople use, and opt for a low-key, friend-like greeting instead. Record your sales calls and listen to your voice to see how you can improve.

Watch the video:

4) Focusing too much on yourself.

Prospects don’t care about you. They only care about themselves. Stop worrying about trying to present yourself and your solutions in an attempt to impress. Instead, focus on your prospects’ goals and challenges. Be interested instead of trying to be interesting.




Ninety-nine percent of salespeople talk too much in selling situations. Very few salespeople talk too little. Cut the chat -- and get your prospects talking by asking them great questions. Use my活跃listeni指南ng当您准备好掌握这项技能时。

To hear how to set up a next step and avoid talking too much, watch this video from Wayshak:


Far too many salespeople sound and act like they think salespeople should act. Prospects are sick of it. On the other hand, when you’re perceived as different from other salespeople, your value goes up in prospects’ eyes. Don’t be afraid to be unique. In fact, look for ways you and your company can seem and be different.

8) Not showing value.

您的潜在客户的挑战花费了他们的钱。如果您可以找出这笔成本的美元金额,那么您可以量化产品的价值对潜在客户的价值。在每种销售情况下都将其作为优先事项。如果您的潜在客户不相信您可以省钱或赚钱 - 或两者兼而有之,您可能会浪费时间。


Most salespeople never ask prospects about budget. This is a mistake. Prospects usually have a budget, even if they say they don’t. It might not be earmarked for your solution, but most companies have money to spend if they believe they can get better results. Probing what the budget is, why it’s that size, and under what conditions they’ll spend it, will allow you to craft the right solution.

10) Continuing to pursue unqualified prospects.


11) Presenting too early.

Many salespeople start their sales meetings with a presentation -- and shoot themselves in the foot. Instead of leading with a presentation, begin by focusing on prospects’ key challenges and objectives. You may need to lead with a story about how you’ve helped people like them, but start a conversation, not a dog and pony show.

Hear the rest of these do’s and don’ts from this third video:


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