What if I told you it's possible to write emails at 8x the speed?

Well, believe it or not, it is. Yet 99% of people haven't realized how to do it. And that makes me sad ... because it takes only 60 seconds to set up.First, understand these two basic facts:

  • 普通人类型为40 wpm
  • 普通人的读数为300 wpm

In other words, the average person can read roughly eight times faster than they can type. That poses an interesting question ...

Why do we still type our emails?

It doesn't make any sense. We type eight times slower than we read and we already regularly downloadapps to make our emails better,那么为什么我们会不断啄键盘呢?我们只是在浪费时间。而且由于普通工人花费28% of their time在电子邮件中,我愿意尽我所能减少这一点。

Since I can talk as fast as I can read, I now “talk” my emails using speech-to-text software already built into my computer. No additional software needed to download.

In fact, I completely stopped “typing” my emails, because it took so dang long. Now I compose emails at 8x the speed.

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Here's how it works for both Mac and Windows:

Email Dictation on Mac

Step 1: Activate Dictation

To translate speech into text on Mac, we need to activate a program called Dictation. Here’s how:

1.去System Preferences通过单击苹果图标:


2. Choose键盘from the menu:


3. Clickto enable Dictation and check the boxed for采用增强的听写



不管您是否正在使用Gmail,外表, orApple Mail。听写将适用于您输入文本的任何地方。默认情况下,苹果将快捷方式设置为两次按功能键。When I do that, it automatically starts typing what I say:


Now I can “type” emails incredibly fast, without wasting time actually typing. And in all honesty, it’s nice getting a break from typing all of the time. I suppose my 80-year-old non-arthritic hands will thank me later.




  • Open theControl Panel
  • Click on四通八达的交通网络
  • Click onSpeech Recognition
  • 单击开始语音识别关联
  • In the "Set up Speech Recognition" page, click下一个
  • 选择您要使用的麦克风类型(耳机麦克风,桌面麦克风或其他)
  • Read prompted speech to ensure the feature can hear you
  • 选择激活模式(手动激活与语音激活)
  • 在启动计算机时选择该功能是否会自动启动。


不管您是否正在使用Gmail or Outlook, Windows Speech Recognition will work anywhere you type. I don't believe there is a shortcut for activating Speech Recognition, so I’d suggest leaving it open while typing.

For further set up details, depending upon which version of Windows you're using, refer to this快速入门指南


I get it. It's weird talking to your inbox versus typing in it. But when I discovered my typing speed (86 WPM) using this free tool below, it became more real for me. See how fast you can type by clicking where it says "type the words here:"

下一个, I took a reading quiz (在这里尝试),看看有多快我的计谋ld read. I scored at 616 WPM.


Reading WPM / Typing WPM = Reading:Typing Ratio
616 WPM / 87 WPM = 7:1

Calculate your own reading-to-writing ratio with the above formula. It's basically guaranteed you read faster than you type.

Which brings me back to my original question -- why do we keep typing emails? Because that's how it's always been done? It just doesn't make any sense.

Stop doing what 99% of people are doing and start getting 8x the results.

It works for me, and I promise it will work for you.

Hat Tip: Thanks to Ginny Soskey, who inspired this article from her article on using Evernote's speech recognition:How I Wrote This 1,000 Word Blog Post In 10 Minutes

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最初发布于2018年6月18日8:46:00 PM,更新于2021年6月10日


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