
销售量calls can be fun, especially if they go the right way. Sales calls that don’t go the right way ... kind of suck.

有很多变量that will affect a sales call or meeting. If your prospect is dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and is drinking a Frosty, that’s an indication that you should have a good conversation.但是,如果您的潜在客户正在皱着眉头,检查他们的手表或对您大喊大叫(Yikes!),那么您的对话将会有点不那么有趣。

The reality is that you can’t control what the prospect is like, but you can control your approach to the engagement. One of the keys to a successful sales call is preparation, which is critical in any service or discipline you are trying to master. Very few people reach the top 2% of their companies without working hard to study and practice the process.


1) Be human.

It's important for all people to be genuinely and authentically themselves. You can’t be me and I can’t be you. Understanding that you are meeting a person is the best way to relate to your prospect. Everyone knows the stereotype of theSleazy销售员who just wants to take your money and run -- that shouldn’t be you.

如果您像一个人一样行事 - 像人类一样与您的前景交谈,并且是真实的 - 您应该能够建立信心​​并随着时间的流逝,建立信任的关系。

当我第一次与潜在客户交谈时,我不会深入了解为什么我认为HubSpot可能非常适合他们的业务。我问他们他们的状况如何。我尝试阅读我的潜在客户的心情,让他们微笑,然后笑,然后尝试建立人类融洽关系before conducting business.

This process produces a few results:

  • 我们开始嘲笑事物。
  • We relate like human beings at a barbecue rather than falling into classic sales roles.
  • 它使我们的对话与其他所有销售对话区分开来。
  • 我们俩都有更多的乐趣。


No one cares about you or your product, and they rarely want some bonehead to call them to pontificate. Your prospects are talking to you for one main reason -- they think you can help them. So ask them, “What can I help you with?” -- and hopefully, they will tell you. Some prospects are guarded, but most are willing to have a conversation to see if there is common ground.

Asking questions shows you care about more than pushing your product, and it keeps prospects from tuning out what you’re saying. When it comes to questions, I find that the classics work best:

  • “你好吗?”Many times, a prospect will say “Fine,” and you can move on. But if you hear them say, “I’m doing okay, but I could be better” or “I’m not doing great,” that’s a great opportunity to dig into their business pain.
  • “告诉我有关” /“为什么?”大多数销售人员谈论和谈论错误的事情。Get your prospects to talk关于自己,因此您可以理解对他们最重要的东西。


Is this old school? I don’t care. Do it. In my 30-year sales career, I’ve only ever met one person who could remember every detail of a sales call without taking notes --David Scult,Fonality的首席执行官。我喜欢我的橙色集线器笔记本电脑,并将其带到所有会议上。我将其放在我面前,写下与我交谈的人的日期和名称,并记下痴迷的笔记。



因此,您可以使用它 - 下一次销售电话的三个不错的技巧。您确保在销售电话中做什么?在下面的评论中让我知道。


最初发布于2015年6月2日7:00:00 AM,更新于2021年6月11日


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