平均销售人员和好的销售人员之间的差异令人震惊。普通的代表击中了他们的配额 - 大部分时间 - 而好的配额不仅始终如一,而且他们的数月和四分之一。

Good reps earn their prospects’ admiration, loyalty, and referrals. They skillfully handle objections and preemptively surface concerns to make them disappear.

If you want greatness, good news. Following these rules of good sellers will help you become one of the top-selling salespeople on your team — or even company.

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Being a good salesperson means you’ll put in the work, even when it gets tough. Having motivation to get the job done shows that you are passionate.


While friendliness is a good trait, you have to let your customers know you’re prepared, too. Customers want to make deals with salespeople who are dependable, fact-driven, and likely to ask questions and deliver answers they’re looking for.




Good salespeople understand that each customer has different needs. Actively listening to their pain points can help you create a deal they’ll value.




Connecting to your customers’ emotions can tell you what they really want from a sale. By appealing to their sentiments, you can meet their needs in new ways.




销售量is a pretty volatile profession, and good salespeople are adaptable to those changes. Being able to pivot your approach, or manage time shifts are very useful skills in this field.


Good salespeople aren’t quick to give up. It’s a tough profession, but those who are hungry to succeed will strive toward their goals.

Understanding the qualities that a good salesperson has is only the first step, and to become an effective one takes practice. The following list is divided into three sections: selling habits, tips, and life habits good salespeople share. Improve your strategy and become an effective salesperson with these tools.

Selling Habits of Effective Reps


A clearly definedbuyer persona对于有效的销售过程至关重要。而且,坚持该角色的销售代表有效地产生了销售。否则,销售人员可能会依靠喷雾和宣传策略,从而导致效率低下。

An effective rep researches the prospect to make sure they’re a good fit. They stick to their ideal buyer persona and know exactly whom they're selling to and why.

2. Use a measurable, repeatable sales process.

Low-performing reps let intuition guide them. High-performing reps use a process that’s optimized to move as many prospects as possible from “connect” to “close.”

Low-performing reps sometimes let things slip through the cracks. High-performing reps know the state of every deal in their pipeline, what actions they’ll take next, and when. Low-performing reps rarely analyze results — because they haven’t been tracking them. High-performing reps obsessively review key metrics and adjust as necessary.

TL;DR: To be extraordinary, you need a consistent process. HubSpot has a freeKey Performance Indicatortemplate if you want somewhere to begin.

3. Know your product.

Being able to sell is half the battle. Understanding what you’re selling is the other (often under-appreciated) half.


4. Review your pipeline objectively.

Effective sales reps don’t mark a deal as “likely to close” because the influencer likes them. They’re able to objectively review opportunities, avoid happy ears, and come up with accurate sales forecasts.

5. Find shortcuts and hacks.

Once a great salesperson finds a strategy or technique that works, they use it — again and again and again and again, until it stops working.

This is smart. Reps are always working against the clock, which means the more time they spend experimenting, the less time they have for true selling. Plus, there’s an opportunity cost. Try one thing that doesn’t work, and you’ve missed the opportunity to use something that does.

我不是建议你应该永远不会改变你方法。Just do so selectively, and get results ASAP so you can either implement the tactic or move on.

6. Practice active listening.

Successful salespeople are completely present when they talk to prospects. They’re not thinking about another deal, scrolling through Reddit threads, or sending funny memes to their team members. They’re engaged — and as a result, their conversations with buyers are deeper and more meaningful.

积极倾听may be one of the hardest skills to develop, since it’s human nature to care more about what you have to say than your prospect. However, it’s incredibly valuable. Not only will you build stronger relationships, but you’ll unlock information that’ll help position your product as the best option.

7. Work hard.

是下午5点在一个月或季度的最后一天。B玩家已经离开了办公室 - 他们在酒吧,庆祝,因为他们都遇到了配额。C播放器仍在办公室 - 他们正在向几周前从未与之互动的潜在客户发送最后一封电子邮件尝试。

The A players are in the office, too. They’ve already hit, but they’re still sending emails, scheduling meetings, and making calls. And, by laying the foundation for a great month before they need to, they always blow their goals out of the water.

8. Follow up.

Many salespeople fail to effectively follow up after sending a proposal. They don’t even know if the prospect opened their email.


9. Personalize your message.

Instead of following a script and approaching each prospect with a “one-size-fits-all” mentality, high-performing salespeople are committed to learning as much as they can about a prospect to tailor their message. These sales reps understand the unique pain points their prospect is facing and can explain why their product is a good fit.

Tips to Become a Better Salesperson


Want to improve your objection handling? Identify the salesperson who's best at it within your company and ask if you can shadow a few of their calls. Learning from your peers is a great way to get better at your job while building strong relationships with your coworkers.

11. Practice your people skills.


12. Be a team player.

这么多销售流行文化都荣耀了孤独的狼。但是最好的销售人员知道,建立职业和成功的销售团队需要一个村庄。帮助您的同事,并知道何时寻求帮助 - 这是漫长而充实的销售职业的关键。


Are you wasting too much time on deals that just aren't that into you? Know how much your average deal length is and use that as a guidepost for how long is too long to spend on one deal.

这个规则也有例外,但是如果你的大街rage sales cycle is 45 days and you're working a deal going on 90, consider trying桑德勒的反向负面方法。

14. Be honest.

The days of telling customers anything to close are over. Don't promise a feature that doesn't exist, a price you can't deliver on, or a service your company can't do well. This might earn you a close, but it won't keep their business, and you'll end up with bad reviews and poor word of mouth. Plus,新研究shows honesty can actually help you lead a happier life.

15. Always solve for the customer.

Similarly, don't oversell your customer on services or features they don't need, just to bump up your number. A consultative selling approach allows you to be honest with your customer about what they really need to solve for their business. It's the right thing to do and you might be surprised how much it will benefit you when it comes to renewals and referrals.


You won't win every deal, and some buyers just won't like you. That's part of being in sales. And while it's important to be thoughtful about how you can improve, it's crucial to move on easily from rejection.

Experts suggest将拒绝视为证明您正在推动限制。因此,请检查为什么您没有成功的前景,在适当的情况下征求外界意见,并迅速,积极地进行更大更好的交易。

17. Always ask for referrals.

Successful salespeople know the easiest close often comes from a referral. Sales pro, Marc Wayshack, recommends asking for one introduction every day. The social proof is already there, initial outreach is direct, and sales cycles are often shorter. Once you've successfully closed, always ask for a referral and follow up quickly on those leads.

Life Habits of Effective Reps


销售量people experience more highs and lows in a single week than most professionals do in an entire month. Some days, you feel invincible. Other days, you wonder if you even belong in sales.

Successful reps have learned to manage their emotions and stay somewhere in the middle. When things are going really well and almost all of their deals are closing, they remind themselves not to get too cocky. When business dies down, they tell themselves not to become demoralized: sales will pick up soon if they keep chugging.

19. Take breaks.


Following this line of thought, many salespeople end up working 10-hour days every weekday and even putting in time on the weekends.

这不仅对您的身心健康不利,而且也没有生产力。正如Basecamp创始人和首席技术官David Heinemeier Hansson所指出的那样fantastic piece on workaholism,历史上一些成就率最高的人,例如科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant),勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)和查尔斯·达尔文(Charles Darwin)优先级睡眠和平衡的时间表。休息时间scientifically provento boost memory, focus, and the quality of your ideas.

If you're regularly burning the candle at both ends, you'll eventually burn out. Plus, how much are you actually getting done between 6:30 and 8:30 at night? That time would be better spent reading, talking to your friends or family, watching TV, playing video games, cooking, walking your dog — basically, anything that gives your brain a break.


Think you can get away with five or six hours of sleep? Think again. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, most adults need每晚七到八个小时的睡眠。如果您的情况少,您将遭受疾病的洗衣清单,包括:

  • Irritability
  • Decreased motivation
  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症状
  • Distractibility
  • 减少能量
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Poor decision making
  • 错误增加
  • Forgetfulness

To be at your best on sales calls, prioritize your sleep.

Motivation Habits of Effective Reps

21. Believe in what you’re selling.

It’s easier to be passionate about — and sell — a product when you genuinely believe in it. The most effective salespeople actually use their product and believe in its value.

如果您对所销售的内容感到“ meh”,请从客户那里找到快乐的证明。您的产品如何改善人们的生活(以大小的方式)将增强您的动力(并在与潜在客户见面时为您提供宝贵的社会证明)。


It doesn’t matter what drives a salesperson — they simply need to be motivated. Every top salesperson has a burning reason for showing up to work every day and giving it their all. Maybe they want to buy a house and must make at least 110% of quota every month. Maybe they’re super competitive and always want to be at the top of the leaderboard. Maybe they need to prove to themselves they can do well in sales.



销售量people don’t stop working as soon as the prospect signs on the dotted line. Instead, top reps touch base frequently with their customers to seek feedback and provide tactical suggestions. Customer’s success lets reps know what strategies work, forms client relationships, and drives customer advocacy for your business.

Life Habits of Effective Reps

24. Build personal relationships.

丹轮胎,我认识的一个最好的销售人员,是一个relationship builder. Tyre connects with people everywhere he goes — not in the surface-level, LinkedIn way, or the “let’s exchange business cards” way, but in a genuine, human way that makes you want to talk to him again.

作为销售人员,人际关系是您的资本。您不需要Don Draper水平的魅力;相反,提供帮助的愿望比磁性人物要远得多。


An effective salesperson prepares before a call. That means they do research on their prospect and gather all the information they need before a big customer meeting.



To over-perform, you can’t stop being a salesperson as soon as you leave the office. Successful reps are always looking for potential customers — at parties, networking events, dinners, and so on.

Of course, you have to read the room. Should you deliver a five-minute speech about the importance of life insurance at your Cousin Jack’s memorial? Definitely not. But if you’re talking to your new friend Greta, and she mentions she’s in the market for life insurance, give her some handy pointers and let her know you’d be happy to talk more in depth.

Put these Habits into Practice

There’s not one single way to become a good salesperson, but the habits mentioned above are essential to providing a positive sales experience to your customers. Demonstrating that you have passion, knowledge, self-determination, and adaptability can take you from an average sales rep to a high performing success story.





Hustle in Sales