One of the greatest football coaches of all time,Vince Lombardi,说:“大多数人失败不是因为缺乏欲望,而是因为缺乏承诺。”为了找到成功,销售人员需要致力于他们销售的产品。

As a salesperson, you need to have the utmost confidence and belief in the product or service you're selling. If you don't believe in your product, it's likely the prospect won't believe in it either.

So, how can you speak confidently about your company and product?

答案:精心制作的排练unique selling proposition

Free Download: Sales Plan Template


A unique selling proposition, or USP, is a tool used by salespeople to communicate the key factors that separate your product from the competition.

An effective USP communicates your brand’s values and differentiates what your company offers through what you stand for and how this benefits your customers.


  • 您为客户提供的产品或服务。
  • 您的产品对客户的好处是他们无法从比赛中获得。
  • Who your target customer is.
  • What problem you are solving for your customers.

当潜在客户提出类似问题时,它已在销售过程的早期阶段(例如,勘探,呼叫和贸易展览会)使用,”What company are you with?" and "What do you do?".

它的目的是什么?它是激发某种程度的curiosity in your prospect and to bridge the gap between "I've never heard of you before" to "好吧,让我们快速打电话。"

In sales, a USP should be used as a verbal tool — the unique selling proposition is best used in conversation with a prospect. The unique selling proposition is an exclusive value proposition to the prospect you're talking to, and it should be created with that specific person in mind.

How to Write a Unique Selling Proposition


Since the unique selling proposition is a verbal tool, it should only be written when you're getting ready to rehearse it. Here are a few other things to keep in mind when creating a USP.



The USP will include the strengths and benefits of the product that distinguishes it from the competition. For example, atHoffman,我们独特的卖点之一销售培训计划, is live practice plays. Salespeople learn how to engage with prospects, then test their skills by live cold-calling to prospects and customers as an in-class exercise. This separates us from normal training programs and it's the type of distinguishing factor to include in a unique selling proposition.

2. Present your talking points clearly and confidently.

Unique selling propositions should not only be unique to the company, but they should also be unique to you. You're showcasing yourself and your product or service. And your enthusiasm and authenticity should shine through during your USP.

如果似乎没有遇到它是您独特的,那么独特的销售主张将失败。排练独特的销售主张。它使您有信心,反过来,潜在客户会对您充满信心。他们会远离成功的USP工作youand to learn more about your product.



使用类似的词only, greatest, best, first, favorite等等。描述您的产品。适当使用时,它是一种传达您对产品的热情和信念的工具。

For example, instead of saying, "We help customers," say "Our customers demand the best and that's why they hire us“相反,第二个短语更多地说明了您所提供的内容。

Salespeople are often hesitant to use hyperbole because they're fearful it'll be too sales-y. But when you give your unique selling proposition you need to communicate the pride you have in telling it. Hyperbole is an appropriate communication device in this situation. Don't be afraid of it... unless you can't back it up.

4. Focus on the benefit to the customer, not the product itself.

伟大的销售人员不仅销售产品或服务 - 他们出售邮政销售环境。


For instance, the process of buying a new car can be tedious and less than enjoyable. But, people like the experience of driving a brand-new car. A successful salesperson communicates the benefits and value the prospect realizes once they buy the product or service.

You'll know if your unique selling proposition worked well if the prospect laughs, smiles, or asks a question. This often means they engaged with the USP and believe in what you're selling.

If the prospect says something along the lines of, "Oh, I see“ 或者 ”我明白" and they don't express their interest in what you're selling, then the unique selling proposition wasn't effective.

Let’s put this all together using HubSpot as an example.

HubSpot独特的销售主张:HubSpot的多合一营销,销售和服务平台旨在帮助您实施入站和增长。这一切都由相同的数据库提供支持,因此您组织中的每个人 - 营销,销售,服务以及IT  - 正在运行相同的记录系统。

Here are a more few unique selling propositions to inspire you. Remember: the unique selling proposition loses its punch if you communicate it via email. It should be delivered to your prospect over the phone or in-person. And it should be developed with your specific audience in mind.

1.Hoffman: I got you live on the first call. When you hire us, we'll teach your sales reps how to do the same thing.

Hoffman is an industry leader in sales training and a leading consultant for industry executives. This unique selling proposition was used when talking to a Vice President on the first outreach call.

I've created a quickrecording of the USPso you can hear it from the perspective of a prospect.

2.本和杰里的: We make the best possible ice cream in the best possible way.

What's the unique selling proposition for this ice cream company? Ben & Jerry's stands out from the competition by providing, "the best possible ice cream in the best possible way."

The mission of the company is to create high-quality ice cream in a sustainable way and have a positive impact on its employees and surrounding communities. If you're a salesperson for Ben & Jerry's, these are the key differentiating factors that would help you create your USP.

3.Yokel Local:一个人无法做到这一切。

Yokel Local intimately knows their buyer persona: marketing managers who are overwhelmed with everything that they have to learn, execute on, and manage. That's where the benefit of hiring an agency lies. Yokel Local is able to offer a team of experts in an array of disciplines to take that stress away. Their website goes on to say:

“我们的合作伙伴营销主管nd business owners to take the burden of developing and executing a successful online and social media marketing strategy off of your shoulders."

- Yokel Local

4.Page Eleven Paper Goods:这不是您的普通日期。



- 第11页




- Away Luggage

Not only does Away offer high-quality luggage options at reasonable prices, but it also believes that "to be a great business, you have to be a good one too." And the company strives to have a positive impact on its customers and their communities. This sets them apart from other high-end, luggage companies.

6.Death Wish Wish Coffee Co.:世界上最浓的咖啡。

Death Wish Wish Coffee Co.使用夸张对其产品提出观点。这是世界上最浓的咖啡。


"We strive for the best tasting and highest quality organic and fair-trade beans in every bag. If this isn't the strongest coffee you've ever tried, we'll gladly give you a refund."

- 死亡愿望咖啡有限公司

7.汤姆斯: Pick your style. Pick your stand.


The mission of the company is to change lives for the better. And since 2006, TOMS has given shoes, safe water, and vision to more than9400万人。这是一项为更好的明天而创造变革的企业 - 对于其客户和他们所帮助的人。


- 汤姆斯

8.ClassPass: Sweat in good company.

ClassPassmakes group fitness accessible for its customer base through partnerships with fitness studios all over the U.S. and virtual class offerings.


"We lead people to live inspired lives every day by introducing and seamlessly connecting them to soul-nurturing experiences."

- classPass

9.蓬勃发展的市场: Belong to a better market.

在线杂货零售商Thrive Market具有基于会员资格的商业模式,旨在使健康的食品和家庭产品负担得起且可访问。

他们提供优质和有机产品for wholesale prices and for every annual membership purchased, they donate a membership to someone in need.


- 蓬勃发展的市场

10。Sheamoisture: A better way to beautiful.

Beauty brand SheaMoisture provides hair and body care products formulated without harmful ingredients at an accessible price point.

Sheamoistureinvests proceeds from every sale towards their community commerce fund which supports small minority business owners.


- 发he依


播客是一种增长的快速增长媒介。苹果播客报告结束了500,000 active podcasts,预计这个数字将继续上升。

Podcast hosting platform Anchor is up for the challenge, providing easy-to-use hosting and publishing software that makes launching a podcast easy, and cost-effective. Through their platform, users are able to create, distribute, and monetize their podcasts for free — a unique differentiator from other podcast hosting companies in the market.

"Our mission is to democratize audio. We believe everyone should be able to have their voice heard, regardless of background or experience level. Our goal is to make podcasting easy and fun, without sacrificing the quality every podcaster deserves."

- Anchor

With a carefully crafted, unique selling proposition you have a greater chance of moving forward with the prospect.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in April 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.




