
每隔一段时间,我都会收到电话或电子邮件 - 大概是每月四到六个。我曾经忽略它们,但是自从我开始为这个博客写作以来,我对观看行动中的销售代表的专业兴趣。称其为现场研究。

So I started picking up. And in the nine months I’ve started reading cold emails and picking up cold calls,I haven’t gotten a single good one.

也许我只是不幸,但是九个月不好的冷宣传seems like a trend to me. So for all the salespeople out there who keep calling and emailing me, here’s why I’ll never buy from you.

1) I have no idea who you are.

我从未去过您的网站。我从未听说过您的公司。bob全站app我从来没有做过任何事情(我可以​​记得),这表明我对您的产品或它解决的问题感兴趣。实际上,冷通话的定义是很冷 - 潜在客户与您的公司根本没有任何联系。bob全站app


2) You have no idea who I am.

我曾经收到过想要向我出售CRM咨询服务的人的冷电子邮件 - 该产品虽然对Hubspot销售部门的某人有用,但甚至都不是remotelyrelated to what I do.

And yet, I know exactly how it happened. I write about sales, and my LinkedIn job title contains the word “sales.” The rep probably assumed that I was a salesperson, and reached out.

A simple Google search or LinkedIn skim would have revealed that I was far from the right person to call. The takeaway: Never pick up the phone without doing preliminary research about who your prospect is and what their concerns are likely to be.

3) You’re obviously using a script.

Here’s a cold email I received a few months ago.




For instance, [Agency name] is successfully using [Company name] to share large image files and confidential data among teams and clients, without killing the Internet connection or uploading everything to a public cloud.



It doesn’t get more generic than this. There’s no mention of what I do, how the product helps professionals similar to myself, or why I’d be interested in this particular storage solution. The fact that I work at a software company and yet the case study cited is specific to an agency use case is another sign the rep cut corners and sent out a mass email blast.


4) You won’t let me off the phone.



一开始就很少努力工作,但是当线条另一端的人已经检查了对话时,这甚至效率也不太效果。当你的前景是显然试图摆脱对话,帮自己一个忙,放手 - 唐’t damage the relationship further by relentlessly talking at them.

5) You want me to buy something right away.


“Hi, I’m X from Y company. We make Z product or service, which does A, B, and C -- here’s a link to our pricing page. Would you like to schedule a call to learn more?”


Asking too much of prospects up front is a surefire way to lose the deal altogether. Taking a more measured approach that respects the buyer's desired pace is not only better for the buyer, it also increases the odds you’ll be able to see the sale through to the end.


The corollary to #5, leading with an elevator pitch completely breezes by the buyer’s needs. On the off chance you’ve cold called someone who is interested in what you have to say, starting with a pitch is a great way to completely ruin the opportunity for the sale.


Cold emails and电话推销是烦人的, interruptive, and rarely useful. And it’s no wonder: With more information available to buyers and sellers than ever before, customized outreach isn’t a nice-to-have -- it’s the bare minimum. Get wise to this fact before your cold-calling peers do, and you’ll have a clear leg up on your competition.




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