
根据eMarketer的说法2021假日购物预测, US retail sales will total $1.147 trillion in 2021, despite the coronavirus pandemic and recent delta variant resurgences.




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好消息是,它不一定bob官网官方网站像这样 - 您可以做很多事情来复制全年的假日销售。在这篇文章中,我们将解释如何与您的关系建立关系客户群并在假期之后保留客户忠诚度和销售。

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It can be challenging to engage customers during November and December when every business is vying for their attention. This makes January a great time to launch new marketing campaigns as it’s easier to stand out from competitors that might take breaks after the holiday season.

Below are a few ideas for marketing campaigns that would be effective after the holiday season.

  • New Year Resolutions:一月初,许多人提出了“新年决议”。如果您的企业可以帮助客户实现这些目标,那么这是建立他们与公司之间建立牢固和宝贵关系的好方法。bob全站app
  • Q1销售:一月是创建新交易和促销优惠的好时机。捆绑了您在商店中留下的东西,并保持销售势头。对于销售季节性产品(例如服装店)的企业来说,这是一个宝贵的策略。
  • 内容营销:You can create fresh content that helps customers make buying decisions and discover better ways to use your products.
  • Retargeting Campaigns:Retargeting campaigns engage customers after they leave your website. Once a customer views a product or webpage, an ad related to that content is displayed after leaving your website. That way, they're reminded of your brand even when they're not looking at your content. This is especially valuable if you see that customers browsed during the holiday season but didn’t follow through with a purchase. Add them to a remarketing list, and serve them an ad to remind them you’re still around.

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客户忠诚度计划are effective because they reward people for shopping at your business, making them more likely to come back to your brand when they need your product or service again in the future. This is particularly important for brands competing in a crowded marketplace, where it's hard to stand out using your product or service alone.


  • 向您最有价值的客户发送礼物:These gifts don't have to be expensive, but they're much more effective when they're thoughtful and personalized.
  • Adopt a point-based system:您的奖励系统需要全面和公平。学习它的工作原理应该很容易,客户应该有一个现实的机会从中受益。此外,如果您的客户在假日购物季节已经获得了大量积分,他们可能会渴望回来并兑现自己的积分。
  • Upsell和Crossell:You can offer additional products that supplement an initial purchase or provide personalized recommendations that might convince customers to try a different product. This is also valuable for re-targeting consumers that have purchased during the holiday season.
  • 认可的奖励忠诚度:如果您不发送礼物,则至少应该发送认可客户忠诚度的“祝贺”或“谢谢”卡。即使是在社交媒体上的快速大喊大叫,也可以与不断赞美您品牌的客户有很长的路要走。

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3. Prioritize the customer experience.

Shopping is an experience, and if you make that experience unique and delightful, customers will always remember your brand.


If you want to improve the customer experience at your business, here are a few factors that you should prioritize.

  • 视觉上的新客户很高兴:无论是在商店还是在网站上,您都应该在视觉上吸引您的品牌。
  • 使发现您的产品很容易:改善产品发现将增加您的平均订单价值,并使您的客户感觉自己知道他们想要什么。
  • 个性化购物体验:顾客crave experiences that are unique and designed specifically for them. You can personalize your customer experience by gathering customer feedback and creating content and campaigns based on their input.
  • 使回报变得容易:一月份进行了许多退款,因此提醒客户,如果他们对您的产品不满意,他们可以信任您。这将减少买方re悔的机会,即使他们不确定产品,客户也更有可能从您的业务中购买。

4. Implement omni-channel customer service options.

实施全渠道客户服务是保留客户后寄生后季节的宝贵策略two minutes of waiting服务团队的回应。

An omni-channel support strategy ensures that you have service agents spread across multiple channels, ready to meet customers where they are. For example, rather than waiting in a phone queue, a customer can message your business on Facebook or tweet at a service rep. When your business is responsive and timely, customers are more likely to stick around.

5. Follow up after the holiday season with email marketing.



  • 向目标受众的特定部分推广新的报价,捆绑包和特殊礼物,以增加参与度。
  • Sharing relevant content from your company's blog and establishing your brand as a thought-leader in your industry.
  • 通过调查观众并询问有关他们与您的品牌经历的问题,与观众互动。
  • 发送email newsletters包含有关新产品和信息的最新信息,您的受众会发现有价值。



6. Personalize the customer journey.


Remember, the devil is in the details, so below are a few elements you should pay attention to when outlining a客户旅程地图.

  • Entertaining Experience:Whether it's your content, store, or website, a delightful experience makes your brand much easier to remember.
  • Handwritten Notes: A handwritten letter is much more genuine than sending an email or linking a customer to a "thank you" page. So, try to have upper management or C-level employees write personalized thank you letters to your customers when appropriate.
  • 个性化礼物:这些可能更昂贵,但是根据您的客户的终身价值。他们的客户寿命价值越高,随着时间的推移,他们为您的业务赚取的钱就越多。如果您继续将它们保留为客户,那么购买他们的好礼物现在最终会自负。
  • Unique Unboxing Experience:人们录制拆箱视频,因为它是购买体验中最令人兴奋的部分之一。如果您可以使包装成为客户旅程中令人愉悦的部分,它将使您的品牌更令人难忘,甚至可能会为您提供一些免费的促销内容,例如在下面的视频中。




Originally published Nov 1, 2021 5:00:00 PM, updated November 02 2021

