早在2006年,当Facebook和Twitter供全球用户使用时,没有人可以预测公司会不会use social media to get customer feedback

With the4200亿social media users who discuss brands and their customer experience online, social media platforms are a valuable source of candid consumer opinion.

As a result, brands gather customer feedback on social media to learn more about their customers’ pain points, preferences, needs and wants.

而且,如果您想从一个社交媒体平台开始,请将其制作Instagram。在过去的几年中,Instagram作为客户服务工具越来越受欢迎。Instagram是第二受欢迎的社交媒体平台for customer service after Facebook.

Although there are several ways to在Instagram上收集客户反馈,使用Instagram故事,创造紧迫感的短暂内容,是鼓励您的敬业客户分享反馈的最佳方法之一。

In this post, we'll explain why companies should use Instagram Stories to gather customer feedback as well as seven great ways to do it.



The phenomenon of short-lived content isn’t new. Snapchat introduced its "Stories" feature in 2013 and Instagram applied it in 2016. Just within one year after the launch, Instagram Stories’ daily use surpassed Snapchat.

根据Scott Chow of博客入门者, "Your blog or website is great for converting qualified prospects, but social media engagement through Instagram Stories is better suited for pre-qualifying leads and learning more about what they want."



Next, ephemeral content engages users in meaningful conversations and58%在故事中看到品牌后,人们对品牌变得更加感兴趣。加,of the most-viewed Stories come from brands.


Now that we know the importance of using Instagram for customer feedback, let's take a look at seven proven ways to collect it on this platform.

1. Poll Your Followers

It's no secret that customers are reluctant to share their feedback with brands unless you know creative and interactive ways to ask for their thoughts.

When you ask for customer feedback, it's important to make it easy for customers to share their thoughts with you. As a result, it's a great idea to start with a one-question poll sticker that allows followers to tap the right and see real-time results.


请记住,您不仅限于是/否答案 - 您可以将此字段自定义为任何A/B问题。或者,您可以使用Intro帖子创建一系列Instagram故事,该介绍指导用户应采取什么行动,就像Balibody在以下示例中一样:



2. Ask About Customer Preferences

To get a better understanding of your customers' preferences, you can use the emoji slider that adds a layer of emotional context and therefore helps those answering understand your tone and answer accordingly.

Moreover, it's an interactive feature that most Instagrammers love. In fact,92%of online customers use emojis. With this feature, viewers have to drag the emoji to the left or right to make their decision and release the emoji. Then, they will also see the current average of others' results in real-time.

Check out how ASOS uses this feature to get closer with their followers and ask their preferences:

ASOS Instagram customer preferences


If you don't want to use one of the most popular emojis, you can always choose the right emoji from your library that best matches your question’s mood.

3. Collect Customer Questions

Practically every customer has questions about your product or service from time to time. If you can answer these questions fast, you can earn customer trust and loyalty.

One of the best ways to collect customer questions is to share the question sticker and invite followers to submit their questions to answer them publicly. Not only can you show customers that you take care of them, but you can also avoid replying to the same questions from different people.




Using this sticker is a great way to analyze your customers' thoughts or even getInstagram上的更多客户推荐- 保持创造力并以正确的方式使用它,以鼓励追随者与您的品牌互动,分享他们对您的公司或产品/服务的想法和信念。bob全站app

4. Reach a Wider Audience with Instagram Story Ads

Instagramhas grown to25 million businesseson the platform which means it's getting harder to reach out to your customers. Plus, not all your customers follow your brand on Instagram.

To reach a wider audience on Instagram and ask more people to share their thoughts about your company, it's a great idea to run Instagram Story ads.


Dunkin Donuts Instagram广告


根据一份报告, 9 in 10 advertisers say video ad format is the most effective component of their ad placement campaigns and video ads are 5x more effective than static media ads.

This campaign proves it: Just within 10 days, the campaign resulted in a 20% lower cost per video view for ads with the polling sticker versus ads without, and 20% of people who watched the ad voted in the poll.

But if you want to reach your existing customers, advanced targeting is here to help you. For example, you can create an audience of your existing customers based on their contact information and run an Instagram Story ad with the Swipe Up function that redirects interested viewers to theCustomer satisfaction survey

5. Invite Followers to Contact You

现代消费者有很高的要求。他们想feel special, so it's important to make each customer feel like an individual. The most effective way is to start a meaningful and private conversation via direct messages on Instagram.

如果您想提供excellent customer service on Instagram, it's important to know your customers' pain points in advance. That’s why you can invite your followers to contact you. The direct message sticker allows you to encourage your community to send you a direct message and therefore start a private conversation with interested users.

For instance, Blume has a separate Instagram Story Highlight album dedicated to FAQs. The company invites its in-house marketer to answer customer questions who also encourages viewers to ask additional questions with the question sticker, just like in the example below:

Blume Instagram Q&A


6. Create a Quiz for Followers


The best thing about this sticker is that participants can see the results whether they got it right--and you can get access to the analytics to see how many votes your options received and how each follower voted.

Check out how Booking did it in the example below:

Booking Instagram quiz


But if you want to collect customer feedback, you can also use this sticker to ask customers' preferences. For example, you can ask your followers what product they love most and provide several options to analyze the data and understand their preferences.

7. Organize a Q&A Live Session

Like many social media platforms, Instagram allows businesses to go live and interact with their followers in real-time. Not only does it create a sense of urgency that encourages users to join your live stream, but it also keeps your audience hooked and engaged.

根据recent report,互联网用户观看11亿小时的实时视频,预计实时流媒体将占所有互联网流量的82%。

为了减轻客户的担忧思维并建立债券以向他们寻求客户反馈,最好进行问答环节,以便您的追随者可以实时获得问题的答案。例如,您可以使用Q&A实时流告诉您的关注者how to start a clothing lineand then invite participants to share their customer stories with you.

However, never forget to inform your following about the Q&A live stream in advance so that people can plan their participation. Check out how Drumcode Records did it:



Collecting customer feedback on social media might seem as simple as asking what your followers think. However, there are many creative ways to collect feedback with Instagram Stories.

Customer service metrics

Customer Service Metrics

Originally published Aug 3, 2021 8:00:00 AM, updated August 03 2021

