
However, things aren't always so black and white. The last thing you want is to develop a reputation for all the wrong reasons -- bad service, scandals, and other issues can cause negative social media mentions.

Due to what can suddenly become a rocky road, it's vital to continuously track your brand's social media channels and look out for any red flags. That's where social listening comes in.

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The Qallann Marketing Agencysays, "People and their behaviors change. To succeed [on social media], you need to innovate, follow the data, and listen."

Social listening tip: Qallann Marketing Agency



4 Reasons to Start Using Social Listening



Rather than making assumptions about what your customers want or need, you should hear exactly what they're saying. It's common for people to publicly share their opinions -- whether they be about the political state of our nation or about the latest meme -- so it's no surprise they do the same about the brands they interact with.

1. Customers like it when brands respond.

Customers want to feel heard on social media. According to research done by发芽社交,有46%的消费者认为,在社交媒体上与您的受众互动是在线上最好的品牌。


They want you to respond. But, it's more than that. It's about using social listening to thoughtfully craft responses that provide real value. Those are the kinds of responses that will elicit brand loyalty and increase customer retention rates.



This is a great time to use social listening. By analyzing the recent incident, you can do some research and see if the rise in negative comments has actually led to a decrease in followers, sales, or whatever metric you choose to investigate. Then, you can determine whether serious measures need to be taken in response, or whether it's simply a phase with no lasting effects.


Often, your customers do the work for you. When many customers start complaining about the same problem -- or rooting for the same win -- it's a sign that's something to take note of and run with. Rather than simply monitoring these changes, you can use social listening to find ways to innovate on the changes.


4. You can increase customer acquisition.

Social media holds many opportunities for broadening your reach to prospects. After all, your followers aren't just your loyal customers; they're also simply people who enjoy your content or who fell upon your social media. These are the kinds of people who you should be targeting.

Inbound marketing强调了提供有趣,有用的内容的重要性,该内容为人们提供价值。最初,这将它们吸引到您的品牌上,并避免您被迫通过分散注意力的广告轰炸他们。将您的内容观众和关注者转换为潜在客户要容易得多,最终是客户,而不是与随机的陌生人接触,并希望他们对您的产品或服务感兴趣。




Aleh Barysevich, an expert digital marketer, says, "Social monitoring and listening tools break down the sentiment, reach, demographics, and user behavior trends behind any phenomenon you want to research on social media."



To get started with social listening, it's important to choose strategic keywords and topics to monitor. These will evolve as time goes on, but you can use social listening tools (examples below) to uncover which topics are being talked about across the internet.

例如,它不仅是重要的男人tions of your brand, but also topics in your industry so you can engage in the conversation happening online.

3. Use it to improve your customer feedback process.

Of course one of the main reasons you get started with social listening is to respond to customer feedback (whether negative or positive). Social listening will give you an opportunity to improve your customer feedback process. Think about how you handle feedback and complaints on social media and then continue to iterate on the process.

4. Generate leads by following recommendation posts in your industry.



If these seem a bit conceptual, let's dive into the step-by-step process you can use to implement a social listening strategy.



  1. 知道你的角色。您要吸引谁?他们使用哪些社交媒体平台?
  2. 确定搜索的目标。有太多数据只是跳入其中。
    • 您是否打算推出产品并想知道是否有兴趣?
    • 您是否正在寻找目前客户在说什么(客户服务机会)?
    • 想看看您是如何与竞争对手的?
    • Want to know who you're really competing with for your business?
    • Have a product or service and want to know how to optimize? Listen for customer feedback.
    • Are people talking about you at all? Do you need to strengthen awareness efforts?
  3. Make a list of the keywords you specifically utilize for your social media/brand.
  4. 列出与您的行业相关的关键字列表(这将帮助您找到并查看竞争对手)。
  5. 创建指导方针,说明您将回去寻找评论/互动的距离。
  6. 用您的发现制作电子表格。根据评论,如何改善?
  7. Have guidelines for how findings are handled.
  8. Create templated responses for how to engage with negative and positive comments/feedback.
    • You need to respond in a timely fashion. Also, don't just respond to the negative. When a customer praises you, they are saying "I love you".
    • 通过承认存在问题,您会听到他们的意见,并想解决问题,以解决他们的担忧。
    • Invite them to pull the conversation off social by them contacting you through DM, email, phone, etc.
  9. 监视吸引最关注/参与度的内容和关键字。
    • 人们回应什么内容?
    • Are you seeing new followers after using specific keywords?
    • 您的听众与大多数人有关的特定主题吗?
    • When you recycle any of your content, do you see similar engagement?

Luckily, there are several tools available online to help you analyze the results of your social listening.


1. HubSpot




Latelyis an all-in-one solution for social media marketing professionals and teams that starts with writing your social media posts for you. With this tool, an A.I. Content Writing software writes your social media posts for you, giving you everything you need to review, edit, approve, schedule, and publish social media posts across all your channels.


3. Sprout Social


发芽社交offers Twitter Listener dashboards and reports to analyze your Twitter presence. In addition, the platform uses real-time brand monitoring to track direct messages and brand-specific keywords. It also offers advanced social listening to help you notice emerging trends and influencers. The platform ultimately offers priceless insights that can help you consistently track and improve your social strategy.

4. Hootsuite

Hootsuite还提供了一个社会监控和收听平台form. The social media marketing and management dashboard help you build and grow relationships with your social media followers. Hootsuite allows you to view all your messages, comments, and brand mentions across several social channels in one concise dashboard from which you can respond to them all.



Social media can indicate growing and shifting customer trends. If you don't pay attention and roll with the punches, your brand will falter among the brands that do. Your customers want a brand that is fresh and interactive and provides them with products, services, support, and content that are genuinely useful and engaging.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in August 2018 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Sep 7, 2021 12:30:00 PM, updated September 07 2021

