

网站速度在试图留住访客时很重要 - 因此,如果您的预感使您的网站滞后,那么可能是时候测试和提高其速度了。


How do you test website speed? How does it impact your website? Is there a way to make your site faster for users? These are just a few questions you might have as a site owner.




网站速度是您的网站为用户加载的速度。这是基于多个页面速度的平均值 - 页面速度或页面加载时间,是指在页面上诸如文本和图像之类的元素所需的时间。

如今,网站访问者通常甚至丝毫延迟都被关闭 - 实际上,研究表明,如果需要,就可以单击您的网站。超过400毫秒— a literal blink of an eye — to load.

Why does website speed matter?

As we mentioned, site speed can quickly determine whether a user sticks around on your website or not. But it’s actually even more important than that.

Search engines, particularly Google, place heavy importance on site speed when determining which websites to show at the top of thesearch engine results page (SERP)

Sorry, but you just can’t be number one if your site is moving too slow! Website speed optimization helps increase搜索引擎优化或SEO) — so, it shouldn’t be ignored.



This is the process of website optimization, which can help increase your rankings in the SERP, retain audiences for longer, secure more leads and even boost sales. If you’re ready to startoptimizing your website speed, check out HubSpot’sfree course on website optimization从头开始了解网站优化,并了解如何使您的网站成为最好的。

网站Speed Test Tools (and Website Speed Test for Mobile)

您可能想知道如何测试您的网站速度 - 幸运的是,有许多网站速度测试工具以及移动设备的网站速度测试可以提供帮助。

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

It makes sense that if you’re trying to boost website speed and, by extension, SEO that you’d turn to a search engine for insight.Google’s PageSpeed Insightsis a website speed testing tool that scores your site speed on a range from 0 to 100 — the higher the score, the better.

Google PagesPeed Insights也将为台式机和移动设备生成测试,然后提出提高速度分数的建议。尽管此工具有很多有用的信息,但最适合专家和开发人员而不是初学者。

2. pingdom

Like Google PageSpeed Insights,Pingdom将您的网站速度从0到100排名,但是已知该工具更易于导航,对于初学者来说更好。您可以根据位置进行测试,它将告诉您您的分数,页面加载时间,页面大小和总请求,并提供提高速度的建议。


3. GTMetrix

GTMetrixis ideal for beginners. Log in if you want to perform multiple tests across various browsers, locations, and connections, and your free account will save your previous 20 tests and associated data.


4. WebPagetest

Created by a Google Chrome engineer,WebPageTest是一种免费的站点速度测试工具,具有比许多其他免费工具提供的更高级数据和洞察力的工具(尽管如果您要寻找更简单的东西,则可以选择一个简单的测试选项)。


5. sematext

Sematext是一种独特的DevOps工具,可结合性能监视的各个方面。除了提供Real-time alerts and debugging solutions, support for all major frameworks, and end到端的可见性和可观察性,它提供了Sematext Synthetics

使用此功能,您可以在多个位置和不同设备上测试网站速度。您也可以跟踪核心网络生命值, among other metrics, and benchmark your site's performance against competitors.

6. Uptrends

使用各种浏览器,位置和设备免费测试您的网站上升趋势。It’s as easy as typing in your domain and choosing one of 11 locations. Then, watch your site speed as you flip between desktop, mobile, and various browsers.

From there, Uptrends will show you your Google PageSpeed score, load time, and requests as well as provide suggestions for performance improvements.

7. DareBoost

达雷鲍斯特offers website speed tests and monitoring services to help you maintain or improve website speeds. The tool analyzes more than 80 types of data, meaning you’ll be able to quickly identify weak spots for improvement. The design is user-friendly and ideal for providing easy-to-digest reports.


如果您愿意在改善网站速度方面进行财务投资,请New Relic是一个有用的工具,可提供有关您网站表现方式的许多详细信息。该工具可以为移动设备进行速度测试,并向您显示插件和主题的响应时间。

New Relic also offers automatic notifications when website speed drops, so you can investigate further and resolve the issue faster.

9. Google移动网站速度测试工具

It’s more important than ever to have a mobile-compatible,响应迅速和快速网站。Google的移动站点速度测试工具analyzes your mobile site speed, quickly notifies you of load times, and offers recommendations to increase speed on mobile devices.

输入您的领域因此,Google可以在短短几秒钟内告诉您您的站点速度 - 更改位置和连接(默认为4G)以获取更多详细信息。当您滚动浏览报告时,Google提供了几个提示,以优化您的网站improve conversion rates和销售。


网站速度不仅仅是对您的受众群体的滋扰。缓慢的网站可能会受伤SEO, leading to lower search rankings, fewer clicks, less leads, and a decrease in sales. By taking the time to test and提高您的网站速度, you’re also investing in the overall well-being of your website.


cms software

Originally published Dec 31, 2020 7:00:00 AM, updated August 09 2021

