The way we manage business operations is changing fast. Although many companies are still struggling to manage data in disconnected systems, the most effective organizations are using technology to create connections. These are:

  • 在他们的团队之间
  • With their customers
  • With their data

With these connections in place, you put your business in the best position to collaborate, deliver consistent customer experiences, fix数据筒仓,壮成长。

实际上,over 80% of enterprise operations leaders说数据集成对正在进行的操作至关重要。

The best way to get results from data integration? With an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS).

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Rather than trying to stay on top of lots of different tools and databases, iPaaS offers centralized management in one place for a more simple and reliable solution.


1. Less Complexity

iPaaS is a low-code or zero-code solution, which means that you won't need highly-skilled specialists or custom API connections to integrate your data.

When you implement an iPaaS solution, the vendor has already done all the hard work for you in developing the technical side of the integrations. All you need to do is create an account, configure your connections in the way that best suits your business, and start syncing.

Integrations also enable you to do more with a simpler SaaS stack and have less need for in-house IT teams to manage complex systems.


Without iPaaS in your business, it's all too common to have these scenarios play out:

  • 客户通过您的实时聊天开始对话,您的团队不知道他们是谁,因为他们找不到联系记录。
  • Your marketing team sends a 50% discount offer to a brand new customer who's just paid full price (ouch).
  • Your reporting dashboard always comes with the proviso that "this might not be accurate because it's from app X."

iPaaS solves these problems by creating an up-to-date view of your data in every app. Whenever something changes in one app, it's reflected in the other synced apps.

Let's say you sync all contacts in yourCRM它在您的电子邮件营销平台上带有标签“客户”,并将其添加到为客户的专用电子邮件列表中。

If a customer churns and their label changes to 'Unsubscribed,' this will instantly be reflected in your email marketing apps and they will no longer receive customer communications.

3. Getting More From Your Tech Stack



4. Fix and Remove Data Silos


A data silo is a collection of data that one department has access to but others do not. This can reduce transparency, efficiency, and trust within the organization and hinder business performance. Data silos also drain your resources as you pay for extra data storage and the cost of inefficiency.

Fix data silos with iPaaS

By eliminating data silos, you break down barriers between departments and create a culture of transparency and collaboration. Instead of wrangling with data that's difficult to access and scattered between tools, everyone in your company can find key insights and numbers and collaborate effectively.


5. More Reliable Data

Rather than looking at siloed databases in every app, iPaaS enables you to treat your data holistically and create the strongest overall database. It becomes simpler to prioritize and sync the data that you need while cleaning up the rest. This means more accurate data in every app.


All businesses can benefit from having a centralized contact database that offers a reliable overview of all leads and customers. Usually, this centralized database is your CRM.

However, to get the most comprehensive and up-to-date view of your contact data, you should connect data between your CRM and other key business apps that store customer data, such as:

  • Email Marketing App
  • 客户支持软件bob电竞官方下载
  • Invoicing Systems



7. Stronger Internal Communication

根据Zendesk,more than 70% of customers expect companies to collaborate on their behalf.


Your salespeople will know your marketing numbers, while your marketing team can stay on top of sales performance. By looking at integrated and reliable data, every team member can contribute new perspectives and notice problems that might otherwise be overlooked.

Customizable contact sync with iPaaS

8. Less Tool-Switching


iPaaS also eliminates the need to manually update several apps with the same data. When something changes in one tool, like a subscription status or email address, it's instantly reflected in others.

9. Better Automation Workflows



Nearly80%的客户期望一致性when interacting with multiple departments of the same company. For this to happen, all departments need access to the same data.


11. Enhance Cost Efficiency


12. A Clear Overview of Performance


After centralizing all data, such as in your CRM, it becomes much easier to set up an all-in-one reporting dashboard for management to keep an eye on key insights and trends.

13. Increase Security and Compliance

iPaaS systems give you much more control over your data. This means a clearer view of the data your organization holds in every app and increases your scope for keeping it clean, secure, and compliant with regulations like GDPR.


In a pre-iPaaS world, your business would be left managing multiple integrations with different setups and rules. But with iPaaS, you can manage all integrations on one centralized platform to know exactly what's running and what needs optimizing.




你越早建立iPaaS越好。这是一个我ncredibly effective way to future-proof your business operations by making your organization more agile and enabling your SaaS systems to easily scale.





