
Thecall-to-action(CTA) is an important tool for promoting your marketing offers and making sure your lead gen engine stays humming. In fact, we believe that your CTAs should be on just about every page of your website. After all, if you're putting all that hard work into creating stellar marketing offersbuilding the landing pages要容纳它们,您需要让您的网站访问者知道它们的存在。CTA是做到这一点的好方法。

但是肯定不应该有更多的科学ved than just slapping a CTA button on any page on your site willy-nilly ...especiallyif you've been building out your offer backlog and have several of them at your disposal. So how do you know which offer's CTA button to put on what pages of your website? Here's an easy step-by-step guide to make it easy to decide.

Step 1: Map Your Offers to Stages in the Sales Cycle

在做其他事情之前,您需要对所有marketing offersyou have at your disposal. Create a spreadsheet, and list all of your offers in column A. It's also a good idea to list their corresponding landing pages in column B, if only to have a record of all your offers and their URLs in one place.

Next, identify the various stages in your sales cycle. This may be different from business to business and industry to industry, but just so we're all on the same page, we'll go with the three most widely recognized stages:awareness,evaluation, 和purchase

  1. Awareness:潜在客户要么意识到您的产品或服务,要么已经意识到他们有必须满足的需求。
  2. 评估:Prospects are aware that your product or service could fulfill their need, and they are trying to determine whether you are the best fit.
  3. 购买:Prospects are ready to make a purchase.

Identifying the stages in your sales cycle is important, because not every offer will be appropriate for prospects in every stage of the sales cycle. For example, if you sell personal tax software, a website visitor in the awareness stage might have found an article on your blog because they were looking for information about how to do their taxes by themselves. In this case, the best offer for them probably isn't a免费试用of your software, because they may not even know you sell software or that they need software to solve their problem. For this new visitor who knows nothing about you or what you offer, an educational ebook called something like "10 Common Mistakes People Make When Filing Their Taxes" would probably be a much more suitable offer. That free trial, on the other hand, would likely be something you'd offer to a prospect in the purchase stage.

一旦你确定了在不同阶段sales cycle, add a third column to your spreadsheet, and categorize each of your existing offers by these stages. The diagram below will help you determine which types of offers typically映射到销售周期中的三个主要阶段

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“意识”阶段中列出的内容资产适合购买周期的那个阶段,因为它们可以帮助您教育您的潜在客户 - 而不是继续your solution, but ontheir need。但是,“评估”阶段的内容资产直接谈到了您的公司如何帮助解决他们的需求,弥合bob全站appeducational assets和product/service information. The assets in the 'purchase' stage require more action from the lead -- actions the lead is more likely to take because they're now more educated about their problem and why your company is a good choice for solving it.

您会注意到某些内容资产类型出现在购买周期的多个阶段中 - 例如网络研讨会。这是由于该内容资产类型中的内容。购买周期的“意识”阶段的网络研讨会将对一般主题进行教育,而“评估”阶段的网络研讨会将围绕您的特定解决方案。

完成此练习的额外好处是,您将能够确定内容策略中的任何漏洞。您是否注意到您有很多报价可以满足漏斗顶部(意识阶段)的前景,但是在渠道的中间(评估阶段)或底部(购买阶段)满足前景需求的报价很少?了解您缺少优惠的渠道的哪个阶段将有助于告知您未来的内容创建策略,因此您拥有全面的武器库lead nurturing


Step 2: Map Your Website Pages to Stages in the Sales Cycle


那么,您怎么知道网站地图的哪些页面到销售周期的哪个阶段?您将需要两种智能:您的分析和常识。第一个是您需要依靠的东西marketing analytics softwarefor; the latter one is entirely up to you ;-)

Add a new sheet to your spreadsheet, and this time, list all of the页面在您的网站上的网站上。如果您的网站上有大量页面,则可以通过将页面划分为不同类别的页面,例如“关于”页面,产品页,博客页面,谢谢您,为您自己更容易。页面,案例研究页面,营销资源页面等等。bob体育苹果系统下载安装The only pages you shouldn't add CTAs to are the landing pages for your offers, as you never want to distract visitors from or add more friction to the pages where you house your lead-capture forms. Now add a new column to your spreadsheet and categorize each page/category of pages by which stage in the sales cycle visitors will most likely be in if they're on those pages. Again, use a combination of common sense and your marketing analytics. Here's how.

Leveraging Your Common Sense

Think logically about each page on your website. Are people who are hanging out on your products pages more likely to be in the awareness stage or the evaluation/purchase stages? The latter, right? What about pages like your press room or 'About Us' page? People checking out these pages are probably just getting to know your business, so they're most likely in the awareness stage. And the pages housing your case study or testimonial content likely attract prospects who are in the evaluation stage, right? Other pages, like those on your blog for instance, might get a combination of traffic: people who find your articles organically through search and know nothing about your business yet, or repeat visitors/subscribers who keep coming back to your blog and, while they may have advanced to the evaluation or purchase stages, still find your blog content valuable and useful.

Leveraging Your Marketing Analytics

We all know that great marketers don't solely rely on common sense. They also heavily depend on data to make the most informed marketing decisions. This is where your analytics come into play. Using tools likeHubSpot's Conversion Assists可以帮助您确定网站上的哪些页面对潜在客户和客户有所贡献。

conversion assists2 resized 600Conversion assistsare pages on your website that your visitors viewed before converting into leads or customers. In other words, if you notice that particular pages are commonly viewed before leads converted into customers, you know those pages are influential in the evaluation or purchase stages. Similarly, if you notice that particular pages are commonly visited before people convert from visitors to leads, you know those pages are influential in the awareness stage.

Step 3: Use Analytics to Identify Your Best Offers for Each Stage

So now you know which stage in your sales cycle each of your offers align with, and you've also determined which pages on your site CTAs for those offers belong. You're nearly there!

Depending on how many offers you have identified for each stage, you might want to do just a bit more analysis to pinpoint your best-performing offers. This is particularly important if you have a bunch of offers available and need to narrow down a list of those to use in CTAs on your web pages. If you don't have very many available, you'll probably be creating CTAs for all of them so you're not using the same CTA on every page, and you can likely skip this step.(但是您可能应该花更多的时间用于内容创建,以扩大您可以使用的报价数量。)

Use yourlanding page analyticsto analyze your offers by each sales cycle stage, and pick out your top-performing offers by using metrics such as landing page conversion rate and submissions as proxies. For HubSpot customers, theLanding Page Analytics toolmakes this a snap!



Voila! Now you have a spreadsheet that indicates which offers you will use in CTAs on what website pages!


现在你知道whatto do, do it! Add the appropriate CTA buttons for your offers to their corresponding web pages. And if you don't have CTAs for your offers, get to designing them! Hire a designer, create them yourself, or use a tool likeHubSpot的CTA模块to get going.

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而且,不要忘记进行一些测试,尤其是在销售周期阶段的页面上不像博客那样剪裁和干燥。测试CTA在不同页面上的不同优惠以优化性能并提出您的自己的特定于您的业务,行业和受众的最佳实践。同样,HubSpot的CTA模块(上图)使得非常容易A/B测试电话行动to optimize click-through rates and conversions.





Calls to Action