Like any major marketing strategy of the past decade, social media has had plenty of time to accumulate some big myths.

尽管数据已经驳回了今天的许多营销神话,但一些营销人员仍然会坚持一些,仅仅是因为很难保持最新状态what's really going on with social media



20 Social Media Myths to Leave Behind in 2022



奇怪的是,至少一个社交媒体平台的受众将与您的品牌保持一致。不确定哪一个最适合您?查看这篇博客文章to explore which social platform(s) are best-suited for your brand — and which probably won't work for your needs.

2. You should join every single social media network immediately.


By all means, research other social networks. Set up a company profile or page and give 'em the old college try. But you may find that some aren't really worth your time. If that's the case, consider removing your profile and move on. You should only devote time and resources to the platforms that align most with your audience and marketing tactics.

The best marketers use data to identify which marketing activities yield the best results — if a social network isn't helping you out, cut it loose.

3. Pinterest仅适用于B2C组织。

Pinterest is完全可以肯定的是,B2C营销人员真是太棒了。但是通常,当某人说频道仅适用于B2C时,我内心的B2B营销人员认为这是一个挑战,以证明事实并非如此。

事实证明,我的一些同事也有同样的感觉使用Pinterest进行业务。您还可以查看GE,Microsoft,Econsultancy和您的品牌的帐户,并为您提供一些B2B Pinterest Inspiration!

4. You should only try to get fans and followers that will become customers.


  • More fans and followers means you're gaining access to他们的粉丝和追随者。
  • 如果他们是影响者,他们的影响力会通过协会转移给您。
  • 当他们共享您的内容时,您的SEO会改善。
  • 他们可能仍会以自己的方式推荐业务。

Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't also target a specific, high-converting audience on your social channels — to figure out your ideal target audience on social media, check outthis post

5. You should only schedule posts during the workweek.

虽然您不应该强迫您的社交媒体经理在周末工作,但您肯定能够安排帖子或在周末提前启动社交媒体广告 - 根据您的受众,这可能是个好主意。

Of course, you'll need to identify whenyour观众使用某些社交平台最多。尽管Pique社交媒体参与时间发生在本周中旬,但大多数平台在周末和晚上也有很高的参与时间。

6. You'll have amazing social media engagement if you ask your friends and family "Like" every post.

你可以't just have your mom and uncle Like every post you put up on Facebook. Although it might feel like you see a lot of posts that your friends or family members like,Facebookand other social media algorithms在确定看到哪些帖子时,比这要复杂得多。

将社交媒体提交给favor your content,您需要一个variety与您的内容互动的人 - 既可以提高您的范围,又出现在用户的新闻源中。bob官网官方网站

So, rather than encouraging just your friends or family members to Like or heart your posts, encourage your followers to Like, comment, or share to encourage further discussion and spread your brand awareness.

7. You have to respond to social activity immediately.

There's no doubt a speedy response is appreciated, but it isn't always required. People understand that you're running a business. There are other things going on. If you get back in a timely manner, but not in仅几秒钟, 没关系。

There are exceptions, of course. For instance, Verizon runs a few Twitter accounts. One is@verizonsupport。虽然Verizon将在此Twitter上共享博客文章和教育营销材料,但它还使用它来回答潜在客户或客户的问题或疑虑。

Because Verizon's support account is for customer service rather than marketing, reps who manage this channel should be responding immediately to inquiries.

Another example could be if you're running a social media account that receives a complaint that is public to all users and could hurt your credibility. In that scenario, you should consult your service team as soon as possible and write a thoughtful reply that shows you're taking the feedback seriously.

8. Social media is只要关于引人入胜的对话 - 而不是共享品牌内容的地方。

It's not that conversations aren't important. You can't just ignore your fans. But, while it's beneficial to stimulate conversations and discussions with your audience, it's not the only point to social media marketing.

Aside from allowing you to virtually connect with people, social media is a lead generator, a non-organic traffic tool, and a great place to share your best content.

If you publish valuable posts, they might not always stimulate conversation, but they could lead people to your website and products.

9. Social media marketing tactics don't drive bottom-line results.

Piggybacking off of the last myth, you can actually generate value beyond just "engagement" and "brand equity" from social media. Social media drives leads and customers, period.

Don't believe me? Here are a few stats you should know:

Ultimately, particularly through advertising or influencer marketing strategies, social media can be a viable opportunity for increasing sales. (Just check my bank account every time I scroll Instagram and "Swipe Up to Buy".)

10. It looks tacky to seem relatable as a brand on social media.

The content you publish on social media should always keep your target audience in mind — but that doesn't mean you can't also publish content that shows your brand's personality. Or, frankly, even your community manager's personality.

There arepeoplebehind your company; don't be afraid to show that with your own special brand of humor, pictures of people that work at your company, and links to news content that you find particularly entertaining ... even if it's not directly related to your industry.

11. Hashtags are essential for every post.


Love this article on #socialmedia #marketing that talks about #pinterest and has an image of a #puppy #lol

主题标签的点他们联合起来共同谈话刺吗eads. So while it's nice to have a hashtag for an event, like a webinar or a trade show, don't lose your mind if it doesn't become a trending topic. It's not necessarily going to blow your leads goal out of the water if it does ... think of hashtags as a way to be more user-friendly for those following the hashtag, not a way to make all your marketing dreams come true.


One social media monitoring scenario:Glue your eyes to your computer screen, open five tabs for each of your social networks, chug three espressos, click between tabs, and hit refresh like a maniac.

Alternate social media monitoring scenario:利用社交媒体监控软件bob电竞官方下载提到重要条款时,这会提醒您;每小时或两个小时短暂地回到您的帐户,以查看您是否需要回复任何人,跟随某人,等等。


13. Social media managers should be new graduates or have years of experience.

This isn't just a myth. It's actually an ageist theory that should be completely abandoned — if it hasn't been already.

擅长社交媒体营销或任何事情上的任何工作,与您的年龄或年龄无关。你可以在任何年龄段学习工具和策略, and make mistakes at any age, too.

Instead of considering a social media manager's age range, look for the candidate who's both creative and analytically-minded enough to manage your presence. To learn more about how to hire the best social media manager for your brand,check out this post

14. Only young people use social media.

Think that the only people on social media areGen Z and millennials? Think again.

考虑一下:40% of internet users age 46 to 55到2020年底将在LinkedIn上;大致55% of Facebook usersare over the age of 35 as of 2021; and in 2020, over在45-64岁的美国互联网用户中,有70%watched videos on YouTube.

您的听众(任何年龄段!)在社交媒体上很有可能 - 关键是弄清楚他们最喜欢哪个。


Snapchat and TikTok are both mobile social media apps that have pulled in millennials and Gen Z due to their unique platforms. While Snapchat thrives on ephemeral content, AR filters, and Bitmoji features, TikTok highlights goofy, fun, or musical 10 to 60-second videos similar to Vines.



同样,一些大企业也launched paid promotions or long-form Stories on Snapchat Discover. To learn more about these companies and the content they've launched,查看此博客文章。



The thing with social media is that it moves really fastWhat's posted today might very well be forgotten about tomorrow. It's easy to think of this as a problem by saying, "I don't have enough content to post." But, alternatively, you could just repurpose content or re-share great content regularly.

根据Hubspot Blog Research的说法,受过调查的营销人员中有91%表示,他们的公司在各种社交媒体渠道上重新填充了内容。bob全站app

If the topic your post discusses is evergreen, it will almost always be useful, even if you repurpose or repost it later. This doesn't mean you should share the exact same link and update commentary day after day, but if a few weeks go by and you want to re-promote something, go for it. Just do your loyal fans a favor and find a new interesting nugget of information to call out in your update.







WithHubSpot marketing tools,您可以准确确定网站的交通社交媒体驱动器,社交媒体生成了多少铅以及其中有多少人成为客户。

From there, you can even calculate things like the average cost-per-lead and customer — across individual social media networks, and in aggregate — just like you do with every other marketing channel (right?).


It's free to join, but it's still a resource investment. Even if you are posting for free, you'll likely need to pay an employee to manage your channels and build strategies. And, as your social media strategy grows more successful, you might decide to up time and money investments.

Luckily, social media is still one of the most affordable ways to boost audiences, brand awareness, and最终领导。这使您的投资值得您一段时间。

20. It's best to stick with the same social media strategies that have worked in the past.


Social media platforms are constantly changing, and recycling the same goals over and over could be doing your company a disservice.

例如,在2020年,Instagram推出了卷轴功能to give users a short-form video option reminiscent of TikTok. By mid-2021, the platform announced Reels would be优先于其臭名昭著的算法并将通过静态图像帖子推向更广泛的观众。

Companies that were still relying on an early 2020 strategy that didn’t include Reels orshort-form video可能会错过一个很好的机会,让更多的观众看到他们的内容。




For more data that backs why you need a social media marketing strategy in 2022, check out this统计列表。For tactical advice on various social media tactics and platforms, read ourUltimate Guide to Social Media Marketing


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