Today, marketing is all about personalization.It's about reaching the right people in the right place at the right time.基于帐户的营销(ABM)没有什么不同 - 近年来,这是一种策略越来越受欢迎。实际上,94.3%2020年ABM调查的受访者使用ABM策略。

That's why ABM is an important strategy to implement if you sell high-value B2B products or services to a finite number of companies with several decision makers. UsingABM自动化工具is the key to scaling these efforts.

Here, we'll show you exactly how to automate your account-based marketing strategy using ABM automation tools.

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We know that anytime a process is automated, it's scalable. When ABM strategies are automated, bandwidth on your marketing team becomes available. Your team can spend more time nurturing the accounts they're responsible for and personalizing the sales cycle for the decision makers within the account. That way, new business can be acquired without the limitations of manually nurturing each account.

2. Shorter Sales Cycle

考虑一下:当您的销售代表只有几个帐户可以达成目标以完成交易时,他们可以更加选择在整个销售周期和何时搬迁。当特定的营销策略在特定帐户中产生潜在客户时,销售代表可以将其重点转移到该协议上。ABM Automation通过激励他们有效地工作以完成交易,从而使销售量的交易受益。



The marketing team is responsible for creating sales enablement content while the sales team is responsible for cultivating the relationships and closing deals. Without both of these parts of the puzzle working together, the ABM strategy would fail. Automating the strategy by producing content at scale and tracking accounts through the sales process using ABM automation tools likeRollWorks保持两个团队保持一致并实现目标。


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Leveraging personalized marketing and sales materials for each account is a fundamental tactic used in account based marketing. But that can be difficult to maintain if your team is doing this manually. Eventually, the personalized materials transform into more general content and the relationship between your business and the account fizzles out.


1. Create your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP).

在开始使用ABM之前,您需要定义您的理想的客户资料. This is similar to a buyer persona, except it's built around targeting entire organizations rather than individuals.

You'll want to know what types of companies you want to target. For example, your ICP should include information on company size, revenue, industry, and location.

使用软件,bob电竞官方下载例如HubSpot's ABM software, you can use ICP workflow templates to help you spot common traits that can be used to classify companies in your database by how well they match your ICP.

Ultimately, automation should help you identify and organize your target accounts. Once you've created your ICP, you should be able to use this information in your ABM software to manage your audience.


创建ICP后,您应该能够设置target accountsin your ABM software.

Tagging "Target accounts" in your software will enable you to manage your audience from a Target Accounts dashboard. For example, withHubSpot's ABM software,您可以将帐户标记为目标帐户,然后使用ICP层属性对其进行排名。您的优先帐户将被标记为“第1层”,而较低的优先级帐户将被标记为“层3”。

Additionally, a great ABM software will use AI-powered target account recommendations to automate the process of researching companies that are a good fit.

These types of tools will help you manage and then segment your lists so you can deliver personalized content to your target accounts.

3. Integrate your ABM, marketing automation software, and CRM.

Before you can build your ABM campaigns, you'll want to integrate your ABM software with your marketing automation software and yourCRM.


Integrating your marketing tools is important in the automation process. If your ABM software doesn't interact with your email marketing software or your ads tools, then you won't be able to automate the process.


通过整合这些工具,你的ICP research, target accounts, content, and CRM all in one place.

4. Build your campaigns.

When you have your ABM software and marketing tools set up, it's time to create your campaigns.


First, look at your target accounts and find out where they spend their time online. For example, you can build an ad campaign based on people's job titles or companies on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Then, you'll want to think about your customer journey and set up automated workflows. For instance, you can have a task created for a sales rep when someone who works at one of your target accounts interacts with an email, your website, or blog content.


You probably got started with ABM so you could personalize your marketing campaigns. To do this, you'll want to create your content, and use your automation tools to segment your audience.

例如,HubSpot's ABM software, you can use company lists to create an ad audience or use company ad targeting for your LinkedIn ads.



6. Tailor your engagement.

Another aspect of your ABM strategy will be collaborating with your sales team so they can tailor their engagement with target accounts.

A great way to do this is through automation tools. That's why your CRM and ABM software need to work together.

例如,HubSpot's ABM softwareand Sales Hub, you can automate your follow up emails and tasks based on the prospect's behavior.

However, remember that even though you're focusing on automation right now, your sales outreach and content should still be personalized.

7. Set up a dashboard to assess ongoing efforts.


For instance, on your dashboard, you might include information on your target accounts such as company score, open deals, total pipeline, and the number of decision-makers identified.


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如果您的ABM软件具有公bob电竞官方下载司评分,则应使用它。bob全站app这类似于lead scoring,您根据软件中的属性分配分数。bob电竞官方下载

此外,您应该考虑运行A/B tests当您开始使用ABM自动化时,您可以看到哪些消息对您的ICP吸引。

While ABM does require thoughtful planning and coordination, using ABM software tools — ideally ones that integrate with your CRM and marketing automation tools — can help you automate and scale your strategy.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in May 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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最初发布于12月3日,2021年12月7:00 am,更新于12月8日2021


Marketing Operations