
It might not be surprising to hear, but overall our集体注意范围一直在缩小

You might be wondering,"What does this mean for marketers?"



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The term attention marketing was coined by Steve Jelley and popularized by Seth Godin, as a way to describe a business model that focuses on capturing users' attention through non-invasive content rather than interrupting users' attention with something like a pop-up ad. With attention marketing, once you have your audience's attention, you can then engage with and convince them to purchase your product or service when the opportunity presents itself.

Before this concept was introduced, around the beginning of social media, the marketing landscape looked a lot different. Brands would usually market themselves on a massive scale, using TV ads, billboards, or radio spots. This means that they weren't able to target individuals, but instead had to focus on appealing to a broader audience.

With social media, brands can now figure out what interests individual customers and then market to them individually. Ultimately, it's important to consider using attention marketing because you want your marketing assets to engage customers and pull them in.


Now that you're thinking about capturing your audience's attention instead of interrupting it, let's focus on some logistics. To start, you don't have as much time as you think.







For example, if your video shows up as recommended on YouTube and they click the video and it's clearly in sync with what your title was and what they were expecting, then you'll probably be able to keep them watching.


In that same vein, when brands repost content from Instagram on Twitter, instead of making a separate Twitter post, people are less likely to click on the link than if they were to see the post right on Twitter.

An important thing to remember here is that some users are on mobile and some on desktop. Think about how you can design your website or content for those platforms specifically, so it's easier for the consumer to interact with your content.


When people can immediately tell what your value proposition is, it will hold their attention longer. It might seem simple, but review your marketing assets and ask yourself,“我的价值主张对我的听众来说是明确的吗?他们能在几秒钟内告诉我们可以提供的价值吗?”

If so, that will hold people's attention longer because if they clearly see the value in what you offer, then they'll want to look further into your brand. Your messaging should be clear, concise, and written specifically for your target audience.

3. Use integrated media.

集成媒体, or a multichannel and multimedia approach to marketing, will help grab your audience's attention.



Ultimately, it's important to play around with your media content -- both the type of assets you create and the channels that you use to distribute it.



To do this, you can start off your videos, blogs, or Facebook ads, with a storytelling hook. Once you've got your audience's attention, then you can proceed to engage and delight them.




6. Don't forget about co-marketing.

Co-marketing当你使用品牌合作和collaborati吗bob综合博彩下载ons to grow your audience. It's the process of working with another brand and sharing expertise and value with each other's audiences.


By using influencers, or working with other brands, you can tap into their audience -- which is usually large and engaged -- to market your product or service and grab your audience's attention.







最初发布于2021年2月9日7:00:00 AM,更新于2月9日2021年2月9日

