
But even more important than knowing the number of blog leads you have generated is being able to analyze those results and create an actionable plan for the future.毕竟,如果您无法根据您的分析进行更改,那么它们不会真正有用。




Marketers often can calculate the number of leads their blog generates as a whole, but they don't have insight into the number of leads each individual blog post generates. But the post-level information is important to help us figure out the best topics and formats for our posts.




What should you look at in the report?

Depending on how many blog posts you write each month, you may be starring at a very large report. To begin your analysis, pick out your top five best-performing posts and your bottom five worst-performing posts.

对于这篇文章,我们将仅介绍前五篇文章 - 但请务必在底部五个问题上问自己所有相同的问题。上面的示例归因报告向我们显示,前五名的博客文章如下:

  • Top 15 Infographics About Big Data
  • 开始大数据
  • 初学者的vlookup
  • Pivot Tables for Data Nerds
  • 如何使用Excel进行数据分析sis

When you are done doing that, dive into the following questions. These questions are designed to help you take away actionable insights from the data.


The first thing you should do is look at the top (or bottom) five posts, and see if you see any similarities. Begin with topic commonalities. Are there popular topics that seem to appear in all of the posts that are generating leads? Are you surprised to see that certain topics you thought would perform well aren't in the top five? Understanding what topics resonate with your audience will give you ideas for future post topics that have a high probability of doing well.



Resources to Help

Are there similar formats?

The format of a blog post can also influence whether or not someone is going to convert on your post. Some people prefer list-based posts while others look for visual posts that include infographics or SlideShare presentations. Check your blog content to see if there is a certain format of your post that resonates well with your audience. This will help you understand how your audience consumes information.

在上面的示例中,顶级博客文章是视觉片段。但是,其余的四个帖子是操作方法 - 因此,将来提高更多操作方法可能是一个好主意(并撒上一些视觉内容)。

Resources to Help



Resources to Help


Often, other forms of content are included in blog posts, such as social posts, videos, SlideShares, or infographics. This is a great way to share additional pieces of content in your blog without writing another full blog post. The media can serve as the bulk of the content for your post.

In the example above, the top-performing blog post was "Top 15 Infographics About Big Data." Even though there aren't other forms of media in the other top-performing posts, this may be an indication that your audience likes to see infographics.


Resources to Help


The most important element of your blog post to drive conversions is including a call-to-action for your readers to convert on. Look at the top five blog posts and see if you have used a certain CTA multiple times. Your CTAs should correlate with the blog content so if you are seeing similarities in your blog content, you may see similarities in the CTAs that are driving conversions. However, if you are testing out multiple CTAs on the same content, this can be a good indication to what is working.




Where were the CTAs placed?




Resources to Help


In addition to your typical image CTAs, you may also have links to landing pages or other helpful pages on your site in the text of your blog post. Before you publish your blog post, it is important to设置跟踪URLfor the most important links to help you understand if they are being clicked.



Resources to Help

Were they promoted on certain channels?

We have talked a lot about on-page blog content analysis. But there are other factors that may influence how many leads are converting on your posts such as the channel they were promoted on. Before you publish your blog post links on social media or send them out in an email marketing campaign, make sure that you have the correct tracking URLs in place for each promotional channel. This will help you understand if your blog content is performing better on certain channels. It will also allow you to dig into whether or not certain topics or formats perform better on channels you are promoting them on.


Resources to Help

Next Step? Experiment.




If you are a HubSpot customer,阅读这篇文章了解如何在HubSpot中进行此类分析!



最初发布于2015年1月19日12:00:00 PM,2017年8月9日更新


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