

Start generating more conversions from your calls-to-action today with  HubSpot's free marketing tools.

So let's discuss exactly what secondary CTAs are, and why you should be using them in your various marketing initiatives.

What Is a Secondary CTA?

为什么 - 我很高兴您问!次级CTA是call-to-action这为您理想地希望访问者,潜在客户或导致带来的主要行动提供了替代的转换机会或行动。您的次要CTA通常比您的主要CTA的重要性更高,这可能是进一步吸引和捕获可能在您的主要呼吁行动吸引力中找不到报价的人的好方法。

For example, your primary call-to-action might be for visitors to download one of your educational ebooks, which they have to complete afull lead-capture form为了兑换。作为次要电话,您可能会要求访问者通过电子邮件订阅您的博客,这仅需要他们的电子邮件地址。现在考虑那些可能选择订阅您的博客的人,因为他们要么A)weren't interested in the subject of your ebook orb)只是不仅准备提供更多个人信息,而不仅仅是他们的电子邮件地址。如果您没有提供次要转换机会,那么这些人可能根本没有采取任何行动就可以从您的网站上移动!但是,因为您这样做了,虽然您可能没有将它们作为领导,但他们现在是您博客的订阅者。因此,他们可能会回来阅读更多您的内容,嘿 - 也许您的其他主要CTA之一will下次会发痒。

In other words, secondary CTAs can be a great tool for saving some of those lost conversion opportunities.




In general, the primary CTA you choose should align with the person's position in the sales funnel. For example, if someone is already a lead who has converted on a bunch of your top-of-the-funnel offers like educational ebooks, your primary CTA might be for a more middle-of-the-funnel offer such as a product demo. But maybe someone isn't ready to take that next step to see a demo, and they're content in their current stage -- still craving that purely educational ebook you're promoting in your secondary CTA. No problemo! Even if that reconversion isn't elevating the status of your lead,这并不意味着它不是价值。一方面,铅仍在与您的内容相互互动,当您使用时营销软件bob电竞官方下载智能领域和进步分析, each and every conversion enables you to gather even more information and intelligence about that lead that you can use to craft more personalized lead nurturing campaigns for them as a result.

2) They're Great for Progressing Leads to the Next Stage

另一方面,假设您正在向您的联系人数据库的一部分发送电子邮件,这些数据库都是新的转换线索。他们只对您的优惠之一进行了转换,因此在游戏中可能还为时过早,无法将您的产品演示作为主要CTA。因此,您决定促进与他们首先转换的入门级优惠的主题相关的中级优惠。但是,作为您的次要CTA,您还指出了产品演示的着陆页,并且 - Whaddya知道!- 无论如何,其中一些联系人恰好是产品演示!

Let's be honest: You can do your very best toalign your offers to a person's stage in the sales cycle, but you can nevertruly知道何时给定的人准备下一步。通过为潜在客户提供进一步进步的次要选择,即使您认为自己还没有准备好,这是双赢的!


请记住,您的CTA不必总是鼓励在landing page。呼吁行动就是这样...呼吁采取行动。换句话说,也许您正在尝试发展您的社交范围, so you decide to use your secondary CTA to encourage people to follow you on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Or maybe, because you know how social sharing impacts things like SEO, you choose to use your secondary CTA to encourage people to share the blog post they just read in social media. Or maybe your company's一年一次的活动即将到来,您正在努力吸引更多的与会者,因此您决定使用次要CTA来促进该活动。或者,在同一硬币的另一面,也许事件注册是您现在的首要任务,您想制作您的主要CTA的重点,但为了不牺牲潜在客户的生成,您可以使您的铅生成为您提供次要CTA。这里的重点是,利用主要和次要CTA使您可以优先考虑和平衡目标,潜在客户生成或其他方面。


二级CTA几乎可以促进主要CTA可以促进任何内容 - 电子书下载,网络研讨会注册,跟随或共享社交媒体,活动注册,博客订阅,咨询请求,审判,优惠券以及列表继续。关于次级CTA的重要事项是,您为次级CTA选择的报价应在很大程度上取决于上下文。当您选择次要CTA的要约或决定其外观,感觉或定位时,这里是一些上下文考虑因素。


Like we just we talked about, your decision about what to use as your secondary CTA will largely depend on what your individual goals are, so it's important to determine what those are first and foremost. This may also vary based on the goals of your primary CTA, where your secondary CTA is getting placed, and what the goals of that particular channel are. For example, it might make sense to promote your annual conference as a primary CTA on your website's homepage, with secondary CTAs supporting lead generation. But the same might not hold true for your email marketing messages, whose main goal may belead generation

2) Don't Compete With Your Primary CTA -- Complement It

请记住:您的主要CTA应该鼓励您希望人们采取的最期望的动作。考虑到这一点,您希望您的次要CTA补充该主要的CTA,而不是与之竞争。因此,请确保您的次要CTA - 从副本到design,尺寸,放置 - 永远不会以任何方式压倒您的主要CTA。对于您的听众来说,应该立即显而易见您所需的行动是他们所期望的。否则,您可能会因主要CTA转换而失去次要转换的转换,并且您不想要它。


我们简要地谈论这个,但磨破th mentioning again. Always keep the person's stage in the sales cycle in mind during your secondary CTA selection. If your primary CTA is encouraging them to take the next step and move further down the sales funnel, it may be wise to use your secondary CTA to promote something a little bit less commitment-inducing and more in-line with their current position in the funnel in your secondary CTA.


4) Take the Visitor's Interests Into Consideration

Similarly, the person's interests can also play a big role in your choice of secondary CTAs. For instance, let's say you're a plumber, and you're sending an email to a segment of your leads who have already downloaded your introductory ebook on plumbing basics. Now let's say the primary CTA of this email is for a free call with one of your plumbing experts -- which would advance your leads to the next stage in your sales cycle. For your secondary CTA, you might choose to send them your intermediate ebook with some more detailed plumbing tips, knowing that they're interested in plumbing but may not be ready to talk to one of your experts. Maybe they're really confident in their ability to de-clog that sink drain themselves, and just aren't ready to admit that they need the help of professional ;-)

智能CTA技术can help here, too, enabling you to display CTAs targeted at different interests by segmenting your CTAs based on page visit history, past downloads, etc.


但是您只是告诉我:“品种是生活的香料!”Sure ... but there's a fine line between giving people choices, and overwhelming them with a million different options. While people like to have some level of control, they also crave direction. There's nothing worse than landing on a web page and being bombarded with a million different CTAs. It makes people freak out and think,我要去哪?你想让我做什么?In general, try to stick to just one primary and one secondary CTA -- and in certain situations, it might also make sense to sprinkle the page or the email with some subtle things like social sharing/follow buttons. Just don't be all in your face about those if you're also promoting a primary and secondary CTA, too. Just use some good ol' fashioned good judgment.


除社交共享按钮外,我们绝对建议不要使用次级CTA的唯一位置是您的着陆页。如果有人到达您的一个着陆页之一,他们已经通过单击某种类型的CTA来表达对该登录页面的兴趣 - 无论是博客文章,网页还是电子邮件中的CTA,在社交媒体或搜索结果中共享的帖子。您要做的最后一件事是通过将它们引导到其他地方来分散他们的注意力。仅着陆页上的次要CTA为转换过程创建摩擦, so stick to the primary CTA of that landing page -- which is to fill out the form!

Examples of Secondary CTAs in Action






  1. 主要CTA:主要CTA正在促进此电子邮件发送的主要目的 - 鼓励收件人下载我们的电子书,“无聊”行业中的16家创建了非凡的内容
  2. 次级CTA:The secondary CTA is in the P.S. of this email, promoting an入站营销评估,这是一个更高的承诺,可以进一步通过渠道获得领先优势。结果,收件人可以重新进行主要报价,或者选择在销售周期中迈出下一步。双赢!
  3. 社交分享按钮:虽然这些在技术上也可以被视为次要CTA,但我们通常建议使用次要CTA选项,这些按钮很微妙,不会与主要或次级CTA竞争或脱离。

In Blog Posts



  1. 主要CTA:Because we know that the majority of the traffic we get on this blog is new traffic, our primary CTA on this post, which is about blogging and content creation, is for a very top-of-the-funnel educational offer: atemplate to create your own blog editorial calendar
  2. 次级CTA:Because growing the reach of our blog is one of our goals, the secondary CTA promotes订阅我们的博客


与营销中的任何事情一样,了解哪个次要CTA在每个渠道中最适合您的最佳方法是test them! So put on your lab coat and safety goggles, and get experimenting!


Originally published Apr 4, 2013 2:00:00 PM, updated September 08 2020

