
I imagined it would go something like this: I'd open a clean, nearly ready-for-publication Google Doc, skim it for the occasional missing comma or broken link, and be done with the whole editorial process before I had time to finish my coffee.

As any editor is well-aware, this couldn't have been further from the truth.

In reality, I'd argue editing takes up about 30% of my work week — and, while it requires different skills than content creation, it's anything but easy.

If you're new to the editing process, don't worry. There are plenty of strategies you can employ to ensure you're editing efficiently — which could mean anything from giving thoughtful feedback to a new writer upfront so your job is easier down the road, to keeping key websites handy to check a writer's math or embed an infographic into a post.


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How to Be a Better Editor


Don't try to get your editing done in a meeting, or when you're around chatty coworkers. Multitasking like that can make us far less effective at our work and increase mistakes and stress. And when you're editing, you're trying to抓住those mistakes — so you want to be extra diligent.



In fact, a study by the Draugiem Group found that the employees with thehighest productivity spent 52 minutes working,然后休息17分钟。休息是确保在编辑别人作品时始终处于最佳状态的关键。


您可能会很想挖掘碎片的肉,然后开始精心编辑它。但是,作为一名编辑,将内容放入语境before you dive into the details.

First, take a quick skim of the working title, the layout, and the main ideas covered in the piece. Think to yourself:这个主题是否与我们的内容策略保持一致?我们的读者和买家角色会关心它吗?



Even if Google doesn't consider it duplicate content, competing for keyword ranking against another post from your own blog will hurt your SEO strategy. The questions to ask yourself here are:我们过去是否全面介绍了这个主题?它会添加任何新有趣吗?

如果两个答案都是肯定的,您可能会考虑更新和重新发布原始草稿。我们在Hubspot上做了很多事情 - 例如,如果读者在“ Instagram主题标签”上提供完整的草稿,但我知道我们已经在Instagram营销上有很多,我将看一下旧的Instagram作品,并考虑他们是否应得完整的重写,或者我是否可以将作者的一些部分添加到作品的末尾,然后链接回作者的网站。


在阅读整个文章之前,切勿开始研究详细的编辑。从整体上进行反思很重要,以便您可以确定可以使内容和想法更强大的地方。似乎我们在这里增加了时间,但是请相信我,这会为您节省一个lotof time and pain in the long run.



HubSpot内容总监Corey Wainwright说:“有时候,作者在准备好进行编辑之前就发送了一篇文章。”“学会识别这些实例可以节省大量时间,因为否则您开始重写该作品,这对你们中的任何一个都无济于事。”


如果作品需要大量的编辑帮助,那么作者的写作可能不适合您的出版物 - 您将通过直接告诉撰稿人来节省很多时间。

此外,以前是HubSpot营销博客编辑的Carly STEC告诉我:“开发了多个编辑阶段。Rather than trying to solve everything at once when you’re editing, look for something specific each time you read through it. For example, you might read through it once looking for spelling errors and then read through it again to catch any brand style guide violations."

4. Check for places where the author can fill in the blanks.


  • Are there any structural inconsistencies in the piece? For example, if they included an image in every section of the piece except for one or two, you might ask them to find an image for those sections for consistency.
  • Are there any points that need more, better, or any evidence?Statistics and data can elevate the quality of your content并使读者更有趣。
  • Are any sources missing citations? (这是一个很大的。)

As you read, take notes on these points in an email draft to the author. Once you're done, make sure you clean up the notes so they're comprehensible, and send them along before you edit any further.


Aja Frost, former editor of HubSpot's Sales Blog, urges editors to remember the importance of positive feedback, as well.

She says, "Try to call out the strong aspects of the post — not just what needs to improve. Comments like 'This is great,' 'Love how you explained this,' 'Excellent transition,' etc. take just a second to write, but have a大的impact."

"Positive feedback balances out your constructive comments, makes the writer feel excited about starting their second draft, and ensures they'll keep doing the things you appreciated."

积极的反馈可以确保您的作家不会被他们收到的所有建设性反馈所燃烧,尤其是在他们的写作生涯开始时。此外,它可以帮助您指出您的内容likeabout their writing and what you hope to see more of in the future.


6. Bookmark helpful websites for quick referencing.


  • 您公司的样bob全站app式指南:何时要仔细检查如何拼写或提及某物。
  • Percent change calculator:用于检查数学。
  • Your favorite keyword tools: For identifying top keywords for the content so you can use them in the title, headers, and relevant anchor text.
  • 嵌入代码生成器:用于为任何原始图形或信息图表创建嵌入式代码。(学习如何使用here。)
  • Click-to-tweet:用于在博客文章中添加点击点链接到可推文引号。(学习怎样here。)

For more ideas, read this blog post for theultimate list of websites every blogger应该添加书签。



For example, you might notice that we add borders around many of our images on the blog. To add these borders, I need to add a specific snippet of code into the source code of the blog posts I write and edit.

To make this process easy, I created a Google Doc with all relevant code snippets and then bookmarked it. When it comes time to add them to the source code of my blog post, I simply pull up the Doc and plug in the snippets as need.

((Download our free guide to HTML hereto learn some simple and useful HTML coding hacks.)

8. Read the piece out loud.

大声朗读不仅仅是good for memory retention— it's also a great way to find errors in a piece of writing. You're more likely to find clumsy sentences and other things spell check won't necessarily catch if you hear those errors out loud.

Best-selling author David Sedaris uses this verbal approach to fine-tune his writing.根据Fast Company,,,,Sedaris tests his works-in-progress by reading it aloud to live audiences because it helps him notice imperfections in the text.







To do a "Find and Replace," hit Control + F on a PC (or Command + F on a Mac), type in your problem word or phrase and click "Find," and let your browser take you to the word or phrase. Then, look through each instance of that word or phrase and swap it out with the right thing when needed.

如果您要为新作家编辑,请记下您在整个Google Doc中写作中注意到的一致错误,这样她就可以在写作时向其介绍并学习如何为自己解决这些错误。

I used my own "Caroline's Editing Doc" as a new writer to scan my writing for consistent issues before sending along to my editor, to ensure she wasn't always editing for the same mistakes.

10. "Find and Replace" HTML snippets to quickly clean up a post's formatting.

You can use the same principle when you're cleaning up the formatting of a piece of writing for a blog post or other piece of online content. Skip the time-consuming manual work and find specific pieces of code using "Find and Replace."

For example, if you're finding rogue tags or other troublesome code in the source code, you can use "Find and Replace" to replace them with something else or strip them out completely.

Simply hit Control + F on a PC (or Command + F on a Mac), type or paste in the code, and click "Find." Under "Replace," either fill in the code you want to replace it with, or leave it blank to strip out the code completely. When you hit "All," it'll be gone.

11. Do two rounds of edits, and send a follow-up email with the most important edits.

Lindsay Kolowich, who was previously HubSpot's Marketing Blog Manager, told me: "Do at least two rounds of edits: one to zoom in and the other to zoom out. If you're detail-oriented like me, you'll be tempted to line-edit the piece the second you start reading it."

She continues, "I'm not telling you不是这样做,但我鼓励您再次阅读该作品一旦你已经从你的系统can give the (frankly more important) feedback about higher-level details like overall narrative and structure. If you can resist the urge to line-edit on the first read, even better."



她补充说,“它可以是非常有用的为you and the writer if you pull out the most important feedback (usually on structure, narrative, flow, and/or any major red flags) and send it along in an email once you're done editing. Yes, it takes extra time, but it helps both you as an editor reflect on the piece as a whole after line-editing it,andit primes the writer for some of the bigger feedback that will likely take longer to address."

"If you work with the same writers time and time again, these emails serve as a great record of feedback they've gotten in the past and can help you identify patterns and specific areas for improvement."

12. Copy and paste the piece of writing into Microsoft Word to find spelling and grammatical errors.


如果您的写作软件有咒语检查,请使bob电竞官方下载用它。我们还建议将内容粘贴到Microsoft Word(长度渗透)中以进行最终检查。

Just remember to give the document a few extra seconds to process your piece once you've pasted it in there, as Word takes a little longer to "read" your piece and uncover any mistakes. Then, you can go through it and assess any red or green squiggly lines you see.

Alternatively, take a look atThe Hemingway ApporGrammarly对于其他两个有用的咒语检查资源。bob体育苹果系统下载安装

13.知道内容何时good enough.

I know as well as any other editor that letting go of perfectionism is hard. But it turns out that perfectionism, while helpful in certain contexts,可以成为生产力的主要障碍

There will always be something you can do to improve a piece of writing — and it can drive you crazy if you let it. You might think of "done" as spending every possible minute improving, polishing, and refining a piece until it's whittled to perfection.

But what are you sacrificing by making more, minor improvements? And are those sacrifices realistic? Are they worth your time? At some point, you need to ask yourself: When is "good enough" good enough?

Of course, knowing what the threshold for "good enough" is easier said than done. Here'sa helpful formula给你一些指导:

  • The piece successfully solves the problem, addresses the need, or conveys the message intended.
  • It is clearly and distinctly on brand.
  • 工作质量与先前工作水平相一致。
  • It has been thoroughly yet objectively scrutinized by other qualified individuals.
  • 偏好的最终决定已留在创作者的手中。

Make sure that you complete the most important editing and proofreading tasks. Then, once you've refined a piece enough to move on ... just move on.


Carly Stec suggests reading backwards if you're feeling uninspired or you've noticed you often miss typos when editing: "It's easy to gloss over errors when the sentence or phrase feels familiar. To avoid this, read the content backwards to put more focus on each word individually. This approach should help you spot typos you may have missed otherwise."

14. Edit for the way people consume web content.

Karla Cook, who was previously the Editor of HubSpot's Marketing Blog, urges editors to remember the platform on which you're publishing when you're publishing blog posts: namely, web pages.

她说:“编辑人们阅读Web内容的方式:Web副本与打印副本相同 - 作为编辑,您应该求解与副本本身一样多的视觉流程。有足够的段落断路?对于读者可能遇到的问题而言,结构很容易导航吗?”

Additionally, Cook urges, "In a similar vein, you also need to ensure the copy is skim-friendly. If someone was to dive into a random paragraph, could they figure out what was going on based on context?"

“作为一个编辑,你需要澄清的领域ial uncertainty that could arise from jumping into the middle of a piece: e.g., if a paragraph starts with: 'This is the best thing ... ' does the reader know what 'this' is referring to?"

15. Keepthis pre-publish checklisthandy.

Before you hit "publish," it's time to do a final once-over to make sure you've checked all the boxes. While this seems like another extra step, remember that this is an investment of time that'll save you from having to return to the piece later to make edits and adjustments.

But there are a lot of little things to remember before you publish a piece of writing — which is why my colleague Pam Vaughan createdthis online editing and proofreading checklist。使用它来确保检查所有重要的框before您打了出版物,以便当一件写作发货时,它就可以永远发货。

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Originally published May 19, 2020 7:00:00 PM, updated May 20 2020


Writing Skills