
2019年,72%的显示广告反应迅速(more than double what they found just two years previous).

Additionally, the ways people search are changing. Google found that15% of search queries每天都是他们从未见过的新搜索。

这就是为什么从2022年6月30日,响应烤焦ch ads will be the only search ad type that can be created or edited in Google standard search campaigns. The goal is that this change will help simplify the way you create search ads and make it easier to drive performance.

To prepare for this upcoming change, let's discuss what responsive search ads are and the best practices for creating them.

Free Guide, Template & Planner: How to Use Google Ads for Business

The goal is to show a different combination of titles and descriptions for different users depending on their unique queries and search history. Google will alternate between the titles and descriptions, showing 32,760 different versions of the ad. Then, the search engine will find the most effective title and description combination and use it the most often.

Responsive search ads are a simple and strategic way to create an effective PPC marketing strategy. You can boost your engagement and reach more potential customers with the most effective version of your ad.


尽管它们相似,但响应式搜索广告和动态搜索广告are different. Again, responsive search ads are when you create multiple versions of your title and description, and Google will alternate between them.

On the other hand, dynamic search ads are when Google itself issues a headline for an ad -- one you didn't write -- depending on the content and search query.


Now, you might be wondering what the benefits of responsive search ads are -- let's review below.


响应式搜索广告的主要好处之一是个性化。自从90%的美国消费者find marketing personalization very or somewhat appealing, it's important to make your ads as personalized as possible.


This means that with responsive search ads, you'll benefit from a more personalized ad experience.

2. Optimized search ads depending on the device type.




3. Simple A/B testing.

As discussed, with responsive search ads, Google will use thousands of variations of your search engine ads. This means that Google will automatically be testing the different versions of your ad, so you don't have to micro-analyze CTR or impressions anymore.

Interestingly, according to Google, responsive search ads have also resulted in6% more clicks and 5% higher CTR。此广告类型将节省您的时间,因为Google将为您进行测试,并推动更高的结果。

4. Compete in more auctions and reach more customers.

With more headlines and descriptions, your ads will compete in more auctions, match more queries, and ultimately reach more customers. Increasing your reach while also increasing your results is one of the main benefits of using responsive search ads.

So, now we know that responsive search ads are here to stay and can help change your PPC strategy. But, how can you write the best responsive search ads to guarantee results? Let's look at some best practices below to help you get started.


自从one of the main benefits of responsive search ads is the variation in writing 15 headlines and four descriptions, it's important to make those titles and descriptions unique.




Additionally, you should experiment with different types of descriptions. These can include descriptions that have special offers, discount codes, savings, or product benefits and features.

3. Entice users with different offers in your descriptions.

Using offers and discounts is a great strategy for responsive search ads. You can test which special offers or discounts work the best by using several different ones in your descriptions. Depending on which performs better, Google will begin showing that description more than the other versions.

4. Have concise and straightforward CTAs.


Short and concise CTAs tend to perform better on PPC ads in general, so it's important to continue using those types of CTAs for your responsive search ads.

5. Include keywords, product features, and benefits, where you can.

To drive results with responsive search ads, it's important to include keywords in your headlines, and add product features or benefits to your descriptions. This will help you match several different queries, increase your reach, and ultimately drive more results from your responsive search ads.

6. Use existing content from high-performing ads.



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Originally published Dec 15, 2021 7:00:00 AM, updated December 15 2021

