最近,我在网上滚动,遇到了一个广告Narcos。While I can easily ignore most banner ads online, this one stood out. It included interesting videos and animation.

This was a prime example of rich media ads. A rich media ad is an excellent, modern ad format for marketers to consider.

实际上,2018年的一项研究发现rich media ads outperform standard banner ads by 267%

With statistics like that, it's time to consider incorporating these ads into your paid media strategy.


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Rich media ads usually take much more time, effort, and capital to create.

Why? Well, a static ad typically includes only three elements: An image, a CTA, copy. Rich media ads, on the other hand, can incorporate various multimedia elements and allow users to interact in multiple ways.

So, why do brands use rich media ads?

Well, rich media ads are engaging and dynamic in a way that other ad types aren't. They usually lead to more interaction, increased conversions, and a higher clickthrough rate.


Rich Media Types

1. Banner Ads

There are two main types of banner ads for rich media: in-banner and expanding.


rich media ad banner example

This banner ad from CB2 is a rich media example that displays various products from the brand’s collections.

In-banner ads stay exactly where they are and can be ignored more easily.

Expanding ads, on the other hand, expand when the user has taken a particular action (usually a click). Pushdown ads, multidirectional, and floating ads are all examples of expanding ads that animate across the page for a few seconds.


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2. Interstitial Ads

An interstitial ad – think pop-ups and modals – is a full-page ad that covers the publisher’s interface. It’s commonly used on mobile apps, during points of transition in the user flow.

Rich media interstitial ad example

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For instance, it might show up on a video game app when you click "Play Again." In some cases, the ad may not show an exit button until a few seconds after it initially appeared.

Using this type of ad is tricky, as Google sets strict guidelines on how it can work to avoid disrupting the user experience.

3. Lightbox

Lightbox ads are interactive ads that expand and use a combination of media (images, video, illustrations) to capture the viewer’s attention.


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From there, users can take multiple actions to interact with the ad. It creates a richer ad-viewing experience and as such, can require a little bit more work to create.

现在,您可能想知道,"How do I go about creating a rich media ad?"Below, let's discuss how you can get started with rich media ads.


If you’ve never created a rich media ad before, it can be helpful to get inspiration from other brands, including your competitors.

What type of rich media ads are they using? Is it mostly video or a combination of text and animation? What does their copy look like?

You should ask yourself, "How is this particular ad experience?" It’s important to note this, as you’ll want to create an experience that will resonate with your audience.

So, as you navigate through websites, pay closer attention to the ads you see. Then, start compiling your favorite ones in a document to help spark ideas for your own.


Now that you have an idea of what you want to create, it’s time to strategize.

What are your goals for this campaign? This will determine which creative assets you create and which type of rich media ad you use. This process will also help you discover the best way to engage your audience.

During this step, take a look back at previous ad campaigns. What are some trends in your highest- and lowest-performing ads? Getting a refresher on past performance is a good starting point for your next campaign.

3. Plan your creative assets.

Once you know more about your strategy, it's time to list the creative assets you'll need to get it done. Whether you’re creating rich media banner, interstitial, or lightbox ads, there are three components to your ad:

  • 视觉效果:动画,视频,图像,插图。
  • Copy
  • Call to action (CTA)

Oh, and don’t forget the assets for your landing page. Creating the ad is one thing, your landing page is where users will convert so it needs to be a priority as well.

With all these elements in mind, start big then go small.

Say you choose video as your rich media type, will it be completed in-house or with an outside agency? Or will you use stock footage? Every scenario requires a different set of steps.

Additionally, you might think about how to make the ad interactive. Will users be able to click through to another slide on your ad? What happens if they click on the ad? It's important to discuss and plan these elements out before you create your ad.

4. Use ad creation tools.


If you don't have a graphic designer on your team, you can use online tools to help you create a rich media ad.

例如,有Google的Rich Media Gallery。On this site, you can create sophisticated rich media ads for free. While there are ready-to-use templates, you can also customize them by using your own creative assets.

However, if you have a graphic designer, you'll want to meet with them at the beginning of your process so they know what you have in mind and can tell you if it's doable.

You may also want to rely on video marketing tools such asIdomooandWistia创建有针对性的广告,达到你想要的澳元ience.


Now that you have created your ad, check that everything will run smoothly once it’s live.

The first step is ensuring that your ad meets the guidelines set by your advertising platform, like Google Ads.


Then, preview your ad to make sure it’s performing as expected. Some platforms allow you to share the preview with collaborators for feedback.

6。Track and measure your success.


You can use rich media ads on social media platforms likeLinkedIn,Facebook, andInstagram。您可以包括烤焦ch engines, likeGoogle AdsandBing Ads

Once you've started to run your ads, don't forget to monitor their performance and make changes as necessary. If you’ve run static display ads in the past, it will be helpful to compare and see which type offers a higher return on investment.

现在,您可能想知道,“这会是什么样?”Let's review some examples of rich media ads in action below.



This is a great example of a rich media ad that catches your attention and invites you to engage.

rich media ad example by Discover




Like many online retailers, Reformation uses retargeting ads to attract web visitors to its website.

In this rich media ad, users can see products from the brand and will be redirected right to the product page after clicking the "Shop It" CTA.

rich media ad example by Reformation




rich media ad example by GEHA

The first thing you notice is the high-quality video and visuals. The use of colors, icons, and hierarchy to highlight key messages is definitely effective.

In addition to being eye-catching, it’s to the point. Brands typically have very few seconds to catch a user’s eye as they navigate a page. With this in mind, make sure every frame in your video serves a purpose.

4.Jessica London


rich media ad example by Jessica London

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It’s a great but simple way to make a static image more dynamic and engaging. Additionally, moving ads are eye-catching in a way that static images aren't.

The takeaway: If you can’t invest in visuals other than images, try having multiple slides in your ad with each slide featuring a different image and text.

5.Lincoln Aviator

rich media ad example by Lincoln Aviator

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When Lincoln decided to create an ad for the new Aviator car, they wanted it to be interactive.




rich media ad example by Netflix

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This is the rich media ad by Netflix that I was talking about before. This ad includes a unique video from the actors and is presented almost like a trailer.

然后,如果您悬停在图像上,观众将看到移动的旋转图像。此外,如果您单击广告,则可以观看Netflix Show的实际预告片。这是一个很棒的媒体广告,其中包括几种吸引观众的媒体格式。

Rich media ads are an amazing way to engage and interact with your audience. In an age where audiences have banner blindness, rich media ads are a great way to get your audience's attention.

The Benefits of Rich Media in Your Advertising Strategy


Here are the top benefits of using rich media:

  • 潜力更高的点击率- 丰富的媒体广告可以更具互动性和引人注目,从而使用户更有可能单击您的广告。如果有效交付,他们还可以提供更好的品牌召回。
  • Versatility in ads– Diversifying your campaign ads is helpful in discovering what your target audience connects with and which ad types convert best.
  • 更好的见解– Because of the multiple layers you can add to your rich media ads, you can gain more insights into your audience. Video watch times, clickthrough rates, pre-interaction engagement rates are all metrics you can use to understand your ad performance.

If you’ve never run a rich media ad, this is your sign. You may find that it outperforms your static ads.

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in __ and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Originally published Jan 27, 2022 11:30:00 AM, updated January 27 2022

