It's been several months since Apple's iOS 14 update went into effect and the dust has begun to settle. One of the main questions has been,"How are advertisers handling the mobile tracking changes?"

Earlier this year, we talked about how this change可以影响广告商,但是现在,我们想跟进。有任何新策略进化了吗?广告商正在做什么以吸引目标受众?

在这篇文章中,我们将讨论广告商如何导航iOS 14移动跟踪更改,并为您提供一些有关如何在社交媒体和在线广告中取得成功的提示。

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Wait, what happened with the iOS 14 update?

To summarize, at the beginning of 2021 Apple released a new update that would impact the way that advertisers reach their audience. With the iOS 14 update users needed to opt-in, or give permission, to an app to track their activity outside of the platform.

So, why were advertisers and marketers concerned? Well, a lot of ad campaigns target audiences based on their behavior online. If an app can't track that information, ads will become less personalized, and in turn, could be less effective.


此外,使用此更新,广告客户只能从一个网站域中使用多达八个转换事件。这意味着,如果您运行广告系列并跟踪几种不同的转换类型(例如Lead,Landing Page View,购买),您现在将在任何给定时间限制。

At HubSpot, Rex Gelb, the director of paid acquisition, says, "It's hard to quantify, but from a search perspective, we haven't seen any major impact at HubSpot. With platforms like Google and Bing we are less reliant on cookies and more reliant on people searching for our target keywords."

Now, you might be wondering,"What have advertisers been doing?"Let's discuss it below.

广告客户如何导航iOS 14移动跟踪更改

While the iOS 14 update has made advertisers jump through some more hoops in setting up their ad campaigns (getting domain verification and aggregated event management), the update ultimately hasn't been the death of retargeting or Facebook ads.



1. Diversifying ad spend.


This means companies have shifted some ad spend that was previously allocated to Facebook to other platforms like Google because of the remarketing features and the ability to target users based on search intent.

2. Reporting Facebook success with Google Analytics.

While some money is still being used to advertise on Facebook, there are different ways of reporting.

Companies have begun using UTM parameters on their site's URLs to generate data tracked by Facebook to Google Analytics. This means you can use Google Analytics to track some of the activity on your Facebook ad campaigns.

3. Using owned data for lookalike audiences and retargeting.





Besides these new ways of approaching ad campaigns, some advertisers are investing in other ways to reach audiences on Facebook.

例如,您可以使用消息传递目标在Facebook Messenger上创建铅生成聊天机器人。有一些选择可以重新定位用户在Messenger上与您联系,并与单击您的广告的新潜在客户开始对话。

Additionally, Facebook has another strategy that advertisers have explored: the Facebook lead ads (in-app lead form).


The iOS 14 mobile tracking changes have made Facebook ads less effective, but there are still ways for advertisers to target their audience and generate leads on the platform.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in September 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


state of inbound

最初发布于12月20日,2021年12月7:00 am,更新于2021年12月20日

