自tiktok以来于2017年推出, marketers have been trying to wrap their minds around the odd-ball video platform. Now, many are realizing that the key to brand awareness might involve sponsoringinfluencer content在应用程序上。

Why does this strategy make sense? There are a few great reasons why influencer marketing can be beneficial on a new or niche app like TikTok.

First of all, rather than spending weeks or months analyzing the app and its audiences to determine what content will be interesting, you can work with an influencer who has a decent following, videos with high engagements, and a visible track record of reaching the TikTok audience.

Download Our Guide to Influencer Marketing Essentials


If you don't have the funds to pay an influencer,co-marketingand creating TikTok content with a user or brand that has a greater following than yours will help your audiences learn about the person or brand you're co-marketing with, while their audience can learn more about you.


尽管有影响力的营销和赞助内容似乎是一个好主意,但您仍然不确定在寻找和识别与人或公司合作时的从哪里开始 - 尤其是在Tiktok等新平台上。

虽然您显然想查看用户的追随者号码,总喜欢以及在单个视频上的评论和类似的计数,但您还应该查看他们的内容,以查看它是否有趣,质量优质,符合您的品牌,而且 - 最重要的是 - 吸引注意力。您可能还想查看有影响力的帐户发布的任何过去赞助的广告系列,以了解它们如何在产品,品牌或赞助的人中创造性地工作。

一旦您开始与Tiktok Creators合作或共同营销,您可能还希望将一些独特的Tiktok视频创意带到桌面上,这将吸引用户的受众,同时适当地突出您的品牌。

To help you identify great ideas for sponsored content and what you should be looking for in a TikTok influencer, I've compiled a list of eight sponsored TikTok videos that you can learn from.

8 Sponsored TiKTok Campaigns


One of thebiggest influencer campaigns on TikTokso far has been Mucinex, which recently worked with a handful of creators to promote its product in the time between Halloween and flu season.

In the various videos, influencers wake up looking like goofy zombies. Then, they grab Mucinex. After that, the videos cut to the influencers looking fabulous and dressed for the club. The idea is that Mucinex can help you recover in time for a weekend party, even if you feel like death.

In one example of the Mucinex videos, OurFire, an account with over 2.4 million followers that follows two siblings, shows the sister and brother de-zombifying themselves before a party.



2. Target和Vera Bradley

In a recent back-to-school themed TikTok video, influencer维多利亚·巴赫莱特(Victoria Bachlet)presents a montage of video clips that show her visiting目标,购买维拉·布拉德利(Vera Bradley)的自我护理产品,并在准备新年上学时在家中使用它们。

该视频旨在传播品牌知名度Target和Vera Bradley X场地自我护理产品集合。

Bachlet, who has 2.9 million TikTok followers, often uses her TikTok as a vlog where she gives viewers a look into her daily life. She often posts about romance, parties, self-care, and many other topics that teen or young-adult women can relate to.

Because Target markets itself to a variety of age groups and is a business that a lot of young people enjoy shopping at, this influencer choice and video aligns well with their audience. While viewers might be able to relate to a back-to-school Target trip, they might also be interested to find out about the new Vera Bradley products being sold there.


The strategy of showing a customer or influencer's shopping experience could also work for smaller businesses on TikTok or other video-friendly social media platforms.

For example, you could have an influencer or frequent customer in your area or industry film themselves using your products or walking around in your physical store. This type of video will highlight all the great products you have to offer while showing audiences that relatable people like themselves shop for your products. Then you could adapt and edit this video content for TikTok or other platforms, like Instagram or YouTube.

3. Too Faced

传播意识面对的新该死的女孩睫毛膏, the cosmetics brand sponsored a video from top TikTok user克里斯汀·汉查(Kristen Hancher)。在视频中,Hancher,一位vlogger,多于2300万Tiktok关注者,唱歌到相机中,没有眼妆。然后,当她在镜头前闪烁睫毛膏瓶时,视频将她的唱歌脸色过于遮盖。

Although TikTok videos are often too short for full how-to's and tutorials, Hancher and TooFaced have leveraged the same effect by showing a musical before-and-after video instead. This is a great example of how brands can creatively embrace short-form videos on this platform.

该视频还迅速引起了观众的注意,这在像Tiktok这样的应用程序上绝对至关重要。swipe to another video in your feedif certain content doesn't immediately interest you.

Aside from TikTok, Internet users and most social platforms are also getting越来越快的节奏。因此,能够创建简短的视频,以迅速突出产品的价值主张可能对您的未来营销策略非常有益和至关重要。


4. Blinger and Wicked Cool Toys

In a recent sponsored video, TikTok influencerJasmine Gonzalez把她弟弟的鞋子,装饰用她邪恶的酷玩具的布林套件,and gives them back to her excitedly happy brother.

如何促进珠宝是另一个例子brand and TikTok creator have found a short-form alternative to a how-to video or tutorial. Instead of showing the process of decorating the shoes, Gonzalez's video shows a before-and-after of the shoes, as well as the pure candid joy of her little brother as he gets the shoes back.

Gonzalez's TikTok video is both fun and pleasant, which makes Blinger and the idea of shoe decoration pretty memorable. Similarly to a more traditional commercial, the video also demonstrates how every-day people, such as Gonzelez's brother, might enjoy items that are decorated with the kit.


最近跑来跑去,一款智能手机游戏,要求您的角色在不遇到任何障碍的情况下整个圈子运行,利用游戏影响者,Candice867, for sponsored content. In the TikTok video, Candice simply records her screen and her voice as she plays the game:

上面看到的视频游戏内容对这个特定影响者的频道并不自然。实际上,all of her TikTok posts只是她玩手机游戏的视频。

尽管Candice的面向视频游戏的关注者可能会看到该视频,但这也是一件很棒的赞助内容,因为它完全显示了潜在的用户游戏的样子和游戏方式。如果游戏看起来很有趣,观众可能会很快去那里App Store并找到它。

Like the other videos on this list, the content attempts to gain attention by simply showing how its product works as quickly as possible.


6. Just Dance 2019

在另一个面向视频游戏的帖子中,一个有影响力的人叫Jelina发布了赞助商duet videowith a character fromJust Dance 2019。During the duet, the influencer follows the same dance steps as the character on the right of the video.

For those who are familiar with Just Dance games, each edition of the game allows you to follow the dance steps of cartoon characters to the sounds of popular music. The games can also record you dancing next to the characters dancing so you can see how close your steps were to their own.

With TikTok's Duet feature, which allows you to see two videos back-to-back,Jelina,有影响力的人几乎模仿了玩Just Dance游戏时可以获得的播放体验。



To promote its smoothies and milkshakes,弗雷尔sponsored a funny video from theHaueterflamily,一个遵循每日家庭的Tiktok帐户。



If you can't do a how-to or mini-tutorial on TikTok or another short-form video app, you could take a note from Freal by sponsoring a funny, yet relatable, skit about your product. While this content doesn't prove that Freal is better than other products, it still makes the food brand stick in the viewer's mind well after they've watched the content.

8. Red Bull

在Tiktok用户的最新视频中Keeoh, the smaller-scale influencer with nearly five thousand followers makes viewers think he's going to perform a magic trick with Red Bull. He taps a Red Bull can with a spoon, opens it and pours the drink into a travel mug. Then, he flips the mug upside down to reveal that there's no Red Bull inside it.

Just as you think that the drink's disappeared, Keeoh's friend pops up from behind the table with his shirt covered in Red Bull. It then becomes humorously obvious that the influencer was actually pouring the drink into his mouth and not the mug.

This Red Bull magic trick video is simple, pretty funny, and doesn't seem like it was hard to make. Still, because of its humor, it's pretty memorable. Although the content doesn't show you why Red Bull is a great product, you still might remember the brand due to the entertainment factor,


Lastly, this is also a great example of how you can leverage a smaller scale influencer to create somewhat affordable content. While the video is short, memorable, and spreads awareness of Red Bull to the influencer's audience, it doesn't look like it was a high-budget piece of content for the company or the influencer.

What makes a successful TikTok influencer campaign?


  • Look for influencers who have a strong sense of what great content is on their platform:您还应该查看影响者的视频评论,例如计数,以及追随者,以查看他们是否建立了追随者。
  • 可能有类似受众的兽医影响者:This might make their endorsements of you feel more natural and less like an ad. A great example of this is how Run Around sponsored content from a mobile gamer with a high TikTok following.
  • 集思广益的想法与影响者的内容以及您品牌的目标很好地吻合:如果影响者没有任何想法,请迅速吸引快节奏的社交媒体受众的注意力,并简单地解释您的产品为什么对他们很重要。

仍在尝试将整个Tiktok的事情包裹着您的思想吗?我们有很多博客文章可以帮助您赶上the app's short history,learn how to use the app,从成功的品牌帐户中获得灵感, 和find the stats you need

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最初发布于2020年1月13日7:00:00 AM,2020年1月16日更新

