经过漫长的销售电话,杂耍了一百万的前景,并填补了无尽的CRM领域 - 销售人员很容易陷入不良的工作习惯。在表面上,我们的一些最坏行为甚至似乎都没有那么糟糕。通过在雷达下飞行,他们可以对我们的表现造成严重破坏,并在我们意识到这一点之前就成为一种习惯。

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虽然可能会感觉违反直觉,但早鸟确实不是始终在销售中获取蠕虫。It’s tempting to think, "Hey if I can get someone early enough before their day has gotten out of control, or before maybe their assistant is in or before a gatekeeper is in, I have the best chance of landing a live call early and getting some attention from it."

再加上有什么比几个成功的冷电更好的方法来开始新的一天?尽管从理论上讲这听起来很棒,但不幸的是,研究向我们展示了最糟糕的电话prospects is first thing in the morning.

这是为什么呢?虽然你可以获得巨大的可用性in the morning, you won’t have strong engagement. When your buyers are starting their day, they are deeply engaged and focused on what they have to do that day. Since your call is an unsolicited interruption, you are more likely to be greeted by someone who does not want to talk to you.

Simply getting people on the phone isn’t the goal — a successful call that moves your forward in the sales process is the goal. Statistics that have shown that at the一天结束call connection rates and lengths increase, and you are more likely to have an extended conversation toward the end of the day with a stranger than in the beginning with a stranger.

This happens because as the day advances, people start checking tasks off of their list. By the time they get to four or five o’clock in the afternoon, most people are not going to start heavy lifting on a new project, or have an important meeting scheduled. Also, most people’s mood improves towards the end of the day when they’re getting ready to go home.

Though it’s not instinctive, reserving your cold calling and prospecting on the phone to the afternoon hours will net a better result in the week.



While you may have good intentions when it comes to extending extra kindness to the executive assistant, receptionist or initial contact who screens the call, it can come across as disingenuous and overly familiar.



By being honest and upfront, you have a better likelihood of establishing a good connection.



Being prepared is a hallmark of an effective sales professional. However, your meeting prep should be done to help you learn what you don’t know, not to showcase how much homework you did.

Avoid trying to show the prospect how much work you did. Bringing up where your prospect went to college based on their LinkedIn profile will not dazzle them with your research abilities. In fact, it could backfire on you.

The issue with that approach is that it infers that the prospect is even thinking about you prior to this conversation which they're not. They're not thinking about how much homework you did on them or how impressive you are. They are trying to determine if you are offering a solution to their problem.


So if you are prepping to get stronger for upcoming events, hats off to you. If you are prepping to showcase credibility, you are missing the mark. It’s not credibility that connects people with sales reps, it’s curiosity. Use your time speaking with prospects to learn more about them, and express genuine concern and curiosity for their situation so you can position yourself to help them.

4. Coming across as over-eager in your communications.

认真和热情是儿童极具吸引力的性格特征 - 不一定在销售人员中。

You can use character traits such as eagerness, excitement and high energy when you focus on building your pipeline and your KPIs. However, I do not recommend bringing this level of unbridled, happy, sugary earnestness to sales calls.


5. Acting like a know-it-all.


When you are faced with a tough question such as a manager asking about the validity of your forecast, the customer asking about the use of your product, or when the prospect asks how you got their name, it’s better to say you don’t know than it is to make up something.

Curiosity is more attractive than credibility. The strongest answer to virtually every pipeline review, or tough question is to say, "I don’t know, but let me find out" if you find yourself stumped.


Don’t waste too much time making plans, charting your course, and telling others how you’re going to improve. Improve. And then tell people how you did it.




