Just like in the world of sales, the follow up advice out there can be a little conflicting. You don't want to annoy the interviewer, but you also don't want to be forgotten, right? So whether you're applying for a job or following up with a prospect, it can be a little confusing on whether or not you should follow up.


Regardless of what advice you read, it's proven that a follow up is important. According to a recentAccountemps调查,在采访候选人后,有24%的人力资源管理人员收到后续电子邮件,但是80%的招聘经理在审查候选人时发现这些感谢信很有帮助。




1. Don't listen to boring and repetitive advice online

If you search "Follow up email after interview" in Google, you'll come across incredibly boring email templates, such as this one:


  • 这太无聊了。
  • 同样的事情可以写信给任何其他采访者.
  • 未提及面试期间发生的任何个人联系或对话主题。
  • 传达对公司缺乏兴趣。bob全站app
  • 没有为面试官提供附加价值。

如果我以后续的方式发送了此消息,那么我最好根本没有发送。我需要证明我应该得到这项工作。那是theperson this team needed.

2. Write a customized, detailed thank-you email based on your interview conversations


I knew I wanted my post-interview follow up email to convey these elements:

  1. 背景和个性:I started jotting down notes after the interview to ensure that I could include some personal connection or common interest that would help肛门记住我在数百甚至数千名候选人中的池中。
  2. 决心:I tried focusing on these main themes to demonstrate how badly I wanted the job:
    • 对我脱颖而出的团队的具体特征
    • 最吸引我的职位的要素
    • 我与公司分享的价值观bob全站app
    • For example, I emphasized the “草率,节奏快”团队是一个方面,特别是的性质excited me about this role.
  3. 价值:I recapped why I would be an asset to the team and the company. Instead of talking in generalities, I cited具体的我将如何通过从过去的经验中汲取贡献,提供与我所研究的各种内容,项目和演讲的链接,在采访中谈到的一些示例。
  4. Hustle:Finally, I needed to hustle. This brings me to the final step.



I demonstrated I wasn't just qualified for the position, but I was qualified for the culture. A few years ago, HubSpot published a SlideShare on their “文化法规。


(Click to enlarge.)cambrias_culture_code-1.png“title=

A few hours after sending this email, I saw (usingHubSpot销售) Anum opened my emails and clicked my links.

I had two more interviews scheduled the following week.I was hired that Thursday evening.







For example, if you're sending a thank-you email to the recruiter who contacted you, you could include something like this:


Then, if you're sending a follow-up thank you email to the hiring manager, you could include more details from your conversation:

“Thanks for taking the time to chat with me about the position today! It was great to learn more about your strategy and approach to [Details], and I completely agree with your philosophy on [Details]. I believe my experience [Details] could bring a lot to the role and the team -- here's my recent [Blog post, white paper, talk] on the subject if you'd like to read more about it. I'm excited about learning more from your team's VP in our conversation next week, which I appreciate you setting up."





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              <p class=Originally published Jan 15, 2019 5:03:00 PM, updated January 31 2022


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