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In relationship selling, you form a deep relationship with your prospect, benefiting both of you in the long term. Instead of selling the product and never contacting them again, you stay in touch and give them personalized recommendations that help them improve the bottom line at their business.

They get to extract value, while you get to exceed quota.

In his bookRelationship Selling, Jim Cathart writes, “Relationship selling is a form of selling, not merely a type of relationship. The purpose of it is to help other people at a profit to you. When you are truly helping, you deserve to be well compensated for your product or service.”

In other words, relationship selling is all about being helpful — with the ultimate goal of providing value and retaining the customer, guaranteeing revenue down the line.

In this post, we’ll cover what relationship selling is, go over a few examples, and share a few top tips for nailing the relationship selling process.

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In relationship selling, rapport-building between the rep and the buyer are emphasized more than the features or price of the offering. To build rapport, sales reps typically practice active listening to successfully uncover prospects’ needs and form a relationship.

HubSpot Research reportsthat a good portion of sales organizations use pre-written sales enablement materials such as email templates (53%) and call scripts (39%). If yours is one of those organizations, it couldn’t be more important to actively listen and tailor your pitch to develop a relationship.

In fact,70%of B2B customers expect in-depth personalization, making it a critically important facet of relationship-building.

Circle graph showing that 70% of customers expect personalization“width=

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If they feel like the experience isn’t personalized, prospects are unlikely to purchase an expensive product. They’ll feel like they’re only part of a transaction and not part of a mutually-beneficial relationship.

That’s why you’ll want to steer clear of transactional selling. It’s often quick and un-personalized, which is why it’s fallen out of favor at most B2B organizations.

Transactional selling works well for low-cost, commoditized products, where it doesn’t make sense for the rep to invest in getting to know their buyers. For example, the clothing and car industries partake in transactional selling.

Relationship selling is better for businesses where there’s a longsales cycle, and prospects need more touch points before making a purchasing decision. Overall, it’s good for high-cost situations and/or customized solutions, but those aren’t the only scenarios where it applies.


You might think of relationship selling as an enterprise B2B strategy, and that’s certainly not wrong. Any rep working a $50,000+ deal is probably using relationship selling techniques — think a salesperson forsales automation softwareor a customized HR app.

But relationship selling also applies to consumer products. How well do you know your tailor? If they’re smart, they’ll develop a personal relationship with you so your loyalty extends beyond their abilities. What about your favorite hotel? Many nice ones keep meticulous track of their guests’ preferences, enabling them to create personalized experiences for anyone who returns.

Here are a few more examples where businesses use relationship selling.

Enterprise SaaS Companies


These companies use aCRMto keep their prospects’ information on hand. That way, sales reps don’t need to recall customer details from memory, and the relationship develops seamlessly week-after-week.

Healthcare Providers


Subscription Services

在B2C空间中,诸如Spotify和Amazon Prime之类的订阅服务使用深层算法个性化来与用户建立关系。即使您不与销售人员交谈,该平台也会检查您的习惯,并为您提供所需的服务,以便您保持订阅。

Another example would be Google. How many of us use Google for the seamless integration between each of its apps and services? The search engine examines your behavior to deliver personalized content and search results across all of its products.

Local Businesses

Local businesses such as hair salons, coffee shops, bakeries, and tailors (as mentioned above) use relationship selling to keep you coming back. For instance, a hairstylist might remember your previous styling preferences and automatically create that style without you needing to tell them. They might also remember your name and details of your life to forge a personal connection.

The relationship selling process may look different depending on the industry, but no matter what, it’s composed of similar steps. Let’s take a look below.

1. Provide value and insight in every email and phone call.

To quickly gain credibility and establish yourself as a trusted advisor, the very first thing you should do is provide value and insight to your prospect. That might mean reaching out with some helpful suggestions, sending them links to relevant content, making a valuable introduction, or anything else that benefits them.


2. Learn about your prospect’s challenges, objectives, and professional goals.

Once you’ve gotten their attention and proved you’re worth their time, dig into their business challenges, objectives, metrics, and qualifying characteristics, along with their personal and professional goals. This information helps you answer two critical questions:

  • 您的产品可以帮助潜在客户吗?
  • Do they have the ability to buy it (authority, budget, appropriate timeline, etc.)?

These two questions cover the basics ofsales qualification. Aside from ensuring the prospect is a good fit, it also helps you understand whether you can actually create a mutually beneficial relationship with them.


3. Give advice that’s tailored to their business objectives.

Combine your new knowledge of the buyer with your subject-matter expertise to deliver your suggestions. For example, you might prescribe a strategy that’ll address one of their corepain points(and happens to align with your product).

Back up your recommendations with examples of customers who have been in similar situations. To give you an idea, you might say,

“客户y是另一家拥有[X Space]数量bob全站app的员工的公司,正面临类似的问题。我建议他们这样做。“


Surfacing and solving your prospect’s blocking points is a necessary part of any sales process. But relationship selling calls for a careful approach. You never want to steamroll your client — that’s guaranteed to turn them against you. Instead, give them ample time to explain themselves. Be patient. And above all, answer honestly.

If they have a genuine reason to be concerned, don’t ignore that. Your truthfulness will be more reassuring than a glib response (and will hold up after they get their hands on the product).

To identify the buyer’s worries, ask questions like:

  • “Is there anything stopping you from buying?"
  • “What are you anxious about?"
  • “What do you wish was different about the product?"

Once they’ve answered, say:

“To make sure we’re on the same page, here’s what I got from that: [Paraphrase their objection]. Is that right? Did I miss anything?"

This proves you’re paying attention and truly care. Then show empathy with something along the lines of,“I hear what you’re saying, and that completely makes sense. Can I ask a few follow-up questions?"


Finally, it’s time to respond. Don’t be combative — you and your prospect are on the same team.

5. Find a win-win solution to the prospect’s objections.

Many salespeople treat the negotiation like a zero-sum game. In other words, if the buyer wins, they lose, and vice versa. This mentality erodes trust and forces your negotiation partner to act selfishly. Plus, if they walk away feeling like you’ve taken advantage of them, your long-term relationship is doomed.

The solution? Act like a win for your prospect is a win for you. Together, you’re trying to find the best possible outcome.

To successfully respond to the prospect’s objections, come prepared with several concessions you’re willing to make (like extra implementation help, better payment terms, the option to call you at any time for help, and so on). Proactively extending these compromises will show your prospect you’re on their side and make them likelier to extend concessions of their own.

6. Keep providing value after the closed-won deal.

不从客户的生命就消失s they sign the contract — unless you want them to assume you’re only interested in their checkbook and not their success.

Look for reasons to reach out every few months or every quarter, such as:

  • 他们感兴趣的电子书,文章,播客或其他资源
  • A company event you’d like to invite them to
  • A LinkedIn Pulse or blog post you’d like to feature them in
  • A follow up to see how they like the product and if they have any questions or concerns
  • A "Congrats!" on a recent company or personal accomplishment
  • “节日快乐”笔记

住在一个雷达加深关系d increases the likelihood they’ll stay a customer. And if they’re a big account, you may want to go even further:

  • Take them out to dinner or a fun outing
  • Schedule a yearly, biannual, or quarterly account review
  • Send them tickets to a local performance
  • Invite them to tour your office
  • Coordinate a meeting between one of their executives and yours


The main principle underpinning relationship selling is simple: Always think about the long-term impact of your actions. Here are several ways you can incorporate relationship selling techniques into your sales process.

1. Be honest with your customers at all times.

Dishonesty is kryptonite to business relationships. Make sure you’re never misleading your customers, either by giving them false information or withholding crucial details. You’ll earn their respect by telling them something isn’t right before they find out for themselves.


Be a continued presence for your clients. Interact with them on social media, send them value-added emails, and pay attention to the details of their personal lives so you can ask about their kids, past-times, goals, etc.


如果您想确保某人的忠诚度,请超越他们的期望。为了给您一个想法,也许您告诉您的联系人,您会为他们的年度行业活动提供门票。而且您做到了 - 但是除了门票外,您还与您知道他们仰望的扬声器安排了一个私人见面会。

4.Follow-through on your commitments.

尽力满足每个到期日和承诺。也许您说您会在星期五之前发送一封电子邮件将它们连接到您的联系人。下午6点而且您知道他们直到周日早上才检查收件箱 - 但这并不意味着您可以等待。每当您保持诺言时,您都会增强您的信任度。

5. Provide exclusive perks.


Relationship Selling is the Better Way to Sell



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